Andrew A. Frank

Andrew A. Frank

Dr. Andrew Alfonso Frank is an American professor of mechanical and aeronautical engineering at UC Davis. He is recognized as the father of modern plug-in hybrids,[1][2][3], and coined the now-common term. [4] He has a B.S. degree (1955) from the University of California, Berkeley, a M.S. (1958), from the University of California, Berkeley, an M.S. (1965) from the University of Southern California, and holds a Ph.D. (1968) from the University of Southern California.[5]

Dr. Frank and his teams of students have been experimenting with various advanced vehicle technologies for the last 25 years. His pioneering inventions in plug-in hybrid vehicle technology and transmission systems developed at UC Davis have been licensed to Efficient Drivetrains Inc. (EDI) of Palo Alto in Silicon Valley.[6] In the late nineties General Motors contracted Dr. Frank to convert an EV 1 electric car to plug-in hybrid.[2][3]

Dr. Frank is a member of the CalCars initiative.



Some of the vehicles

  • 2007 - conversion of a 8 ton delivery step van for the US Air Force to a PHEV jointly with a partner company.
  • 2005 - Trinity - 2006 Chevy Equinox, participating in the Challenge X competition. [1]
  • 2002 - Yosemite - 2002 Ford Explorer converted to a battery dominant hybrid electric vehicle.
  • 2000 - Sequoia - 2000 Chevrolet Suburban with a parallel hybrid powertrain.
  • 1998 - Coulomb - hybrid-electric Mercury Sable AIV.
  • 1997 - Joule - 1996 Ford Taurus converted to a hybrid electric vehicle.
  • 1993 - AfterShock - "Ground-up" hybrid electric vehicle.

See also


  1. ^ Mark Clayton (2008-07-19). "Can Plug-In Hybrids Ride to America's Rescue?". ABC News. Retrieved 2009-04-18. 
  2. ^ a b Sperling, Daniel and Deborah Gordon (2009). Two billion cars: driving toward sustainability. Oxford University Press, New York. pp. 199. ISBN 978-0-19-537664-7 
  3. ^ a b Sherry Boschert (2006). Plug-in Hybrids: The Cars that will Recharge America. New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, Canada. pp. 68–78. ISBN 978-0-86571-571-4 . See Chapter 4 
  4. ^ John J. Fialka (2006-01-25). "Coalition Turns On to 'Plug-In Hybrids': Utilities, Localities, DaimlerChrysler Give Traction to Professor's Drive For High Mileage". The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 2011-06-21. 
  5. ^ "UC Davis Faculty: Andrew A. Frank, Ph.D.". University of California, Davis. Retrieved 2009-04-18. 
  6. ^ UC Davis News & Information :: Plug-in Hybrid Technologies Licensed

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