Modus vivendi

Modus vivendi

Modus vivendi is a Latin phrase signifying an agreement between those whose opinions differ, such that they agree to disagree.

Modus means mode, way. Vivendi means of living. Together, way of living, implies an accommodation between disputing parties to allow life to go on. It usually describes informal and temporary arrangements in political affairs. For example, where two sides reach a modus vivendi regarding disputed territories, despite political, historical or cultural incompatibilities, an accommodation of their respective differences is established for the sake of contingency. This sense of the term has been used as a keystone in the political philosophy of John Gray.

Diplomatically, a modus vivendi is an instrument for establishing an international accord of a temporary or provisional nature, intended to be replaced by a more substantial and thorough agreement, such as a treaty. It is usually fashioned informally, and so never requires legislative ratification. Typically armistices and instruments of surrender are modi vivendi.

Use in Taiwanese diplomatic strategy

Modus vivendi is a key component to Republic of China (Taiwan) president Ma Ying-jeou's diplomatic strategy for revived cross-Strait relations and international recognition.[1]


  1. ^ Ma Ying-jeou: KMT foreign policy paper Section IV (rsdetsch) [1]

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  • modus vivendi — ● modus vivendi nom masculin invariable (latin modus vivendi, manière de vivre) Accord permettant à deux parties en litige de s accommoder d une situation en réservant la solution du litige. Accommodement, arrangement dans une relation, une… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Modus Vivendi — est une expression latine qui signifie littéralement manière de vivre. On peut le définir comme un accord permettant à deux parties en litige de s accommoder d une situation, c est à dire de trouver un compromis. Dans le domaine des relations… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • modus vivendi — (n.) 1879, Latin, lit. way of living or getting along (see MODUS (Cf. modus)). Modus vivendi is any temporary compromise that enables parties to carry on pending settlement of a dispute that would otherwise paralyse their activities. [Fowler] …   Etymology dictionary

  • modus\ vivendi — [ mɔdysvivɛ̃di ] n. m. inv. • 1869; mots lat. « manière de vivre » ♦ Accommodement, transaction mettant d accord deux parties en litige. Trouver un modus vivendi …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • modus vivendi — ► NOUN (pl. modi vivendi) 1) a way of living. 2) an arrangement allowing conflicting parties to coexist peacefully. ORIGIN Latin …   English terms dictionary

  • Modus vivendi — Mo dus vi*ven di [L.] Mode, or manner, of living; hence, a temporary arrangement of affairs until disputed matters can be settled. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Modus vivendi — est une expression latine qui signifie littéralement manière de vivre. On peut le définir comme un accord permettant à deux parties en litige de s accommoder d une situation, c est à dire de trouver un compromis. Dans le domaine des relations… …   Wikipédia en Français

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