Liste der Biografien/Gi — Biografien: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … Deutsch Wikipedia
Journal of Biological Chemistry — Infobox Journal editor = Herbert Tabor discipline = Biochemistry, molecular biology abbreviation = J Biol Chem , JBC website = publisher = American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology country = USA history = 1905 to … Wikipedia
Journal of Biological Chemistry — (J. Biol. Chem., JBC) País Estados Unidos Categoría Bioquímica, Biología molecular Año de fundación 1905 Desarrol … Wikipedia Español
Otto Struve — Not to be confused with his grandfather Otto Wilhelm von Struve (1819–1905) Otto Struve Born August 12, 1897(1897 08 12) Kharkiv, Russian Empire Died … Wikipedia
United States Senate elections in Delaware — A table showing the results of general elections for U.S. Senators from Delaware, beginning in 1916 when the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, providing for the popular election of for U.S. Senators went into effect. Before 1914,… … Wikipedia
Paston Letters — The Paston Letters are a collection of letters and papers from England, consisting of the correspondence of members of the gentry Paston family, and others connected with them, between the years 1422 and 1509, and also including some state papers … Wikipedia
University of Virginia — The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia Established 1819 Type Public Flagship Endowment … Wikipedia
Horses in the Middle Ages — This 15th century depiction of Charlemagne and Pope Adrian I shows a well bred medieval horse … Wikipedia
Primary Sources — ♦ Bruce, John, ed. Historie of the Arrivall of Edward IV in England and the Final Recouerye of His Kingdomes from Henry VI. In Three Chronicles of the Reign of Edward IV. Introduction by Keith Dockray. Stroud, Gloucestershire, UK: Alan Sutton… … Encyclopedia of the Wars of the Roses
Liste Hundertjähriger — Diese Liste enthält Persönlichkeiten, die ihr hundertstes Lebensjahr vollenden konnten. Nicht enthalten sind Altersrekordhalter, deren Bekanntheit ausschließlich auf ihrem hohen Alter beruht. Hundertjährige Persönlichkeiten von heute Personen,… … Deutsch Wikipedia