Chilon of Sparta

Chilon of Sparta
Chilon of Sparta

Chilon of Sparta (Χίλων or Χείλων; 6th century BC) was a Lacedaemonian and one of the Seven Sages of Greece.


Early life

Chilon was the son of Damagetus, and lived towards the beginning of the 6th century BC.

Standing and influence

Herodotus[1] speaks of him as contemporary with Hippocrates, the father of Peisistratus, and Diogenes Laertius states that he was an old man in the 52nd Olympiad (572 BC), and that he was elected an ephor in Sparta in the 56th Olympiad (556/5 BC). Alcidamas stated that he was a member of the Spartan assembly.[2] Diogenes Laertius even goes so far as to claim that Chilon was also the first person who introduced the custom of joining the ephors to the kings as their counselors.[3]

Chilon is said to have helped to overthrow the tyranny at Sicyon, which became a Spartan ally. He is also credited with the change in Spartan policy leading to the development of the Peloponnesian League in the sixth century BC.[4]


Diogenes Laertius describes him as a writer of Elegiac poems, and attributes many sayings to him:[3]

  • "Do not speak evil of the dead."
  • "Honor old age."
  • "Prefer punishment to disgraceful gain; for the one is painful but once, but the other for one's whole life."
  • "Do not laugh at a person in misfortune."
  • "If one is strong be also merciful, so that one's neighbors may respect one rather than fear one."
  • "Learn how to regulate one's own house well."
  • "Do not let one's tongue outrun one's sense."
  • "Restrain anger."
  • "Do not dislike divination."
  • "Do not desire what is impossible."
  • "Do not make too much haste on one's road."
  • "Obey the laws."


Another legend claims that he died of joy when his son gained the prize for boxing at the Olympic games, and that his funeral was attended by all the Greeks assembled at the festival.[3]


  1. ^ Herodotus, i. 59
  2. ^ Alcidamas ap. Aristotle, Rhet. ii. 23. 11
  3. ^ a b c Diogenes Laertius, i. 68-73
  4. ^ Hammond, N.G.L. & Scullard, H.H. (Eds.) (1970). The Oxford Classical Dictionary (p.229). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-869117-3.

Further reading

  • Franz Kiechle: Chilon. In: Der Kleine Pauly, Bd. 1 (1964), Sp. 1146.
  • G.L. Huxley. Early Sparta, 1962
  • The Lives and Opinions of the Eminent Philosophers, by Diogenes Laertius
  • Pliny, 7, c. 33.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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