- Pterygoplichthys pardalis
image_width = 250px
name = "Pterygoplichthys pardalis"
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Actinopterygii
ordo =Siluriformes
familia =Loricariidae
genus = "Liposarcus "
species = "P. pardalis"
binomial = "Pterygoplichthys pardalis"
binomial_authority = (Castelnau,1855 )Pterygoplichthys pardalis is a
tropical fish known as aPlecostomus belonging to the Armored Catfish family (Loricariidae ). Some synonyms for this species are "Hypostomus pardalis", "Liposarcus pardalis", "Liposarcus varius", and "Liposarcus jeanesianus". It is one of a number of species commonly referred to as theCommon Pleco byaquarist s. It will grow to a maximum length of 15.75inch es (40 centimeters). "Pterygoplichthys pardalis" is sometimes confused with the "Hypostomus plecostomus" (another armored catfish known as the "Common Plecostomus"). The two species can be distinguished by their number of dorsal rays. "P. pardalis" has 11-13, while the "H. plecostomus" has only 5-8 dorsal rays.Natively, "P. pardalis" originates in
South America in the Amazon River Basin in atropical climate and prefer water with a 7.0 - 7.5pH , a water hardness of 10.0 - 20.0dGH , and a temperature range of 73.4 - 82.4 °F (23.0 - 28.0 °C). Although normally a bottom-dwelling fish, they have the ability to breath air from surface of the water during dry periods and those in which dissolved oxygen is too low. As an aquarium fish they are hardy and suited for beginners. Peaceful and well suited for most "community" tank environments, they are mainly herbivorous but will feed on a wide range of fish food offered to them. They are often known for their cleaning ability and will indeed eat algae off tank walls. However, the fish themselves often excrete relatively large quantities of waste. They are mildly territorial towards other large Plecostomus.There is also an albino color variation of this species, usually referred to as an "Albino Plecostomus". [http://tropicalfishgallery.com/species-gallery/catfish/albino_pleco.html]
ee also
List of freshwater aquarium fish species References
*ITIS | ID = 680353 | taxon = "Pterygoplichthys pardalis" | year = 2007 | date = 07 Mar
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