

name = "Allocrioceras"
status = fossil
fossil_range =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Cephalopoda
subclassis = Ammonoidea
genus = "Allocrioceras"
genus_authority = Young
subdivision_ranks =
subdivision =

"Allocrioceras" is an extinct genus of cephalopod belonging to the Ammonite subclass.


After its 1907 discovery, the species "A. hazzardi" was erroneously classified as "Crioceras latus" by Udden. A later 1928 revision by Adkins removed it from the species "C. latus" while keeping it as a member of the "Crioceras" genus. In 1963 Young gave the species its final classification in a new genus- "Allocrioceras".

pecies of Allocrioceras

*"A. annulatum"
*"A. hazzardi"


"Allocrioceras" was small compared to some Ammonites. Its shell diameter was only a bit larger than an U.S. quarter. Unlike most Ammonites its shell was partially uncoiled. Ammonites like this, with shell configurations differing from the typical tightly coiled spiral, are called Heteromorphs. It lived approximately 88 million years before present during the Turonian stage Cretaceous Period in what is now Texas. Its fossils can be found in the limestones of Brewster and Terrel counties.

ee also


External links

* [ Cretaceous Fossils page on "A. hazzardi"]

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