Juraj Habdelić

Juraj Habdelić

Juraj Habdelić (Staro Čiče, 27 November, 1609 - Zagreb, 27 November, 1678) was a Croatian writer.

He went to gymansium in Zagreb, studied philosphy in Graz and theology in Trnava. He worked as a teacher in Rijeka, Varaždin and Zagreb where he became the rector of Jesuit Collegium and manager of Seminary. During his rectorship gymansium was attended by Pavao Ritter Vitezović who will, in his own way, continue the Habdelić's linguistic work, but on different foundations than those taught by the Jesuit gymnasium.

issues of which the first was "Zrcalo Marijansko" ("Mirror of Saint Mary") published in Graz 1662.

Christian moral is the main theme of Habdelić's literary work, but because a man is prone in violating these strict Christian norms and easily gives himself to sin, this is the main motive of Habdelić's thoughts. His book intended for public uses "Prvi otca našeg Adama greh" ("First sin of our father Adam") had 1200 pages and is a picture of man's fall and his tendency to sin, the book was published by Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. What is especially important is the ability of Habdelić to anlyze through that main theme all parts of society: nobles, citizens, peasants and he doesn't spare the priests either.

) he reveals himself as an upholder of the existing order. He considers the peasant rebellion as inconsistency of common people and their tendency to chaotic behaviour, and the conspiracy as arrogance of grand nobility.

Habdelić wrote in kajkavian dialect and showed himself as an expert in the speech of commoners. At the same time he was opponent of common, profane things in which he also included folk songs, instructing his readers to discard shameful, ungodly and unpure verses and songs.

With his work "Dictionar ili reči slovenske" ("Dictionary or Slavic words") from 1670, he takes prominent, although layman, place in history of Croatian literature and linguistics. Namely, being without any special linguistic knowledge and writing for school papers he wrote Croatian-Latin dictionary. His total work is a mirror of Christian devotion with numerous examples from Jesuit and other religious literature but also a panoramic picture of Croatia in his time.

External links

* [http://www.hrt.hr/arhiv/ndd/11studeni/1127%20Habdelic.html Juraj Habdelić] hr icon

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