- Ambassador College
Ambassador College was a four-year,
liberal arts college established in 1947 in Pasadena,California by radio evangelistHerbert W. Armstrong , leader of what was then theRadio Church of God , later renamed theWorldwide Church of God . The college was approved by the State of California to grant degrees, but was only regionally accredited at the time.In 1960 a second campus was opened at
Bricket Wood ,Hertfordshire ,England , and in 1964 a third campus was opened in Big Sandy,Texas . Ambassador operated for 50 years and had become regionally accredited by theSouthern Association of Colleges and Schools .Brief history
The history of Ambassador College was tied to the development of the Radio/Worldwide Church of God. The name "Radio Church of God" was initially selected, in the 1930s, because Herbert Armstrong started the church as a radio program in
Eugene, Oregon . The ministry grew to include publishing, and local congregations were formed, first in the United States and then gradually in other countries -- hence, the eventual name change to "Worldwide Church of God."After Armstrong moved his operations to California, he founded Ambassador College in 1947. The college began acquiring lavish mansions on
Orange Grove Blvd. in Pasadena, culminating in the acquisition of theHulett C. Merritt mansion , formerly belonging to an oil baron, in the late 1950's. This mansion, with a sunken Italian garden, a rosewood-paneled room, and a basement swimming pool, became known as Ambassador Hall, the centerpiece of campus until the Auditorium was built. The college was designed to prepare youth for life and service in the church. In the earliest days of Ambassador, male students frequently graduated into the ministry of the church. By the 1970s, that occurred less frequently. As the church grew in membership, in the 1960's and 1970's, a smaller and smaller proportion of applicants could be accepted, some applicants having to wait years for acceptance.The motto of the college was "Recapturing True Values". Although most students of the college were associated with the church, it was not a strict requirement. Nonetheless, the students and faculty were primarily those with church affiliation.
Throughout most of its history, Ambassador operated under state approval or its international equivalent. Regional accreditation was not sought, primarily because it required that the college have a functioning board that was separate and distinct from the church's administration. [ [http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/Missing.html "The Missing Dimension in Ambassador College -- Accreditation", "Ambassador Report"] , Issue 2, 1977] Armstrong resisted this requirement, apparently concerned that such a separation would result in the truth of God, as he believed and taught it to be, being watered down at an Ambassador that would become increasingly secular. He held this opinion despite the fact that numerous accredited colleges and universities around the country were operated by the
Catholic Church ,The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and other Christian denominations, without those organizations being required to alter church teachings.The final phase of Ambassador began in the late 1970s and was characterized by constant uncertainty and indecision. The Ambassador campus at Bricket Wood, Hertfordshire, England, was closed in 1974, as operating funds were deemed necessary for other functions of the Worldwide Church of God. For similar reasons, the Texas campus was shuttered in 1977, and all students who wished to were offered the opportunity to transfer to the original campus in Pasadena, California. In the interim the decision had been made by church leadership to pursue regional accreditation in California. However, in 1978 President
Garner Ted Armstrong , son of college founder Herbert Armstrong, announced that everything would be moving back to the Texas campus, [ [http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/AR4.html "Ambassador Report"] , Issue 4, June, 1978] with the California facility becoming a graduate school. Within months, however, the younger Armstrong was ousted from all positions in the church and college due to an unrelated scandal, [ [http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/AR5.html "Ambassador Report"] , Issue 5, August , 1978] and Herbert Armstrong, recovered from a heart attack, announced that Ambassador was closing its doors altogether.That stance was softened just as quickly, however, and the decision was made to continue operating Ambassador as a scaled-down academic institution more in line with a
bible college . That began in August 1978. Eventually, Ambassador returned to full four-year status, operating with state approval but not regional accreditation.In 1981, Herbert Armstrong decided to reopen the Texas campus, [ [http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/AR15.html "Big Sandy to Reopen", "Ambassador Report"] , Issue 15, March, 1981] which was still owned by the church. In 1985 he decided to close that campus again. [ [http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/AR34.html John Trechak, "Herbert Armstrong's Sinking Ship, "Ambassador Report"] , Issue 34, January, 1986] In January 1986 Armstrong died, and his successor as church leader,
Joseph W. Tkach , decided to keep the Texas campus open. [ [http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/AR36.html "The WCG Moves On", "Ambassador Report"] , Issue 36, August, 1986]The roller coaster of closings and openings was possible only because Ambassador was not regionally accredited. State approval to grant degrees (a requirement in most states, including California and Texas) is all that had been sought by the institution.
However, the dynamic of higher education in the United States soon began to have an effect on independent, unaccredited colleges like Ambassador. For many years, regional accreditation was not required for colleges to open in various states -- only state approval was needed. By the late 1980s, however, many states began to require that a college, after having operated for a certain number of years, would have to move from state approval to regional accreditation, or be closed. Ambassador was at a crossroads, in that it either had to seek regional accreditation, or reduce to a bible college offering diplomas rather than recognized degrees, or close its doors for good.
The board of regents of Ambassador, still comprising members of the Worldwide Church of God, decided to merge all operations at one location and seek regional accreditation. The decision was made to separate the college from the church's base of operations in California, and move all college operations to the Big Sandy, Texas, campus. The California college closed permanently in 1990. [http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/AR44.html] Students on the Pasadena campus and many faculty members who were pursuing advanced degrees were transferred to the Big Sandy campus, which was in the midst of a construction boom to accommodate the influx of new personnel and to support the regional accreditation efforts.Ambassador College at Big Sandy, Texas, began the process of applying for regional accreditation from the
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools . Accreditation was granted in 1994. [ [http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/AR56.html "Ambassador Finally Accredited", "Ambassador Report"] , Issue 56, October, 1994] That same year the college underwent a name change to "Ambassador University." This new period of transformation was short-lived, however. For decades Ambassador did not have an endowment fund separate from the church. School officials had begun the process of establishing the first dedicated operating endowment in Ambassador's history, but there was not sufficient time to build the endowment. Doctrinal controversy within the Worldwide Church of God led to numerous splits and church spinoffs, and the resulting decrease in membership and contributions to the church led to a rapid decline in the annual financial subsidy the church had historically provided to the university. In December 1996 the university'sboard of regents voted to close the institution once and for all. [ [http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/AR64.html "Ambassador University Closing", "Ambassador Report" ] , Issue 64, February, 1997] In May 1997, with the university having just concluded its 50th anniversary year, Ambassador closed its doors.Pasadena Campus (1947-1990)
Aside from being the identified sponsor of "
The World Tomorrow " radio broadcast for a time (although the costs for the broadcast were paid by the church), the college in Pasadena became locally well known for itsAmbassador Auditorium worship andconcert venue , which for 20 years was host to many renowned artists from classical music tojazz . The concert series closed in 1995. The auditorium was largely unused for a decade until a portion of the Ambassador campus was sold to interdenominational Maranatha High School and a smaller portion, including the [http://www.maranatha-hs.org/NewCampus/PressRelease.html auditorium] to [http://www.harvestrockchurch.org Harvest Rock Church] .In September 2006, the Pasadena City Council approved the redevelopment of the remaining Ambassador campus space into the "Westgate Pasadena" complex, a large mixed-use development consisting of 820 condos and apartments as well as and convert|22000|sqft|m2|-2 of commercial space. [http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-pasadena26sep26,0,7454070,full.story?coll=la-home-headlines] . In June 2008, a large portion of the project was foreclosed and several other related projects were canceled.David Pierson, [http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-pasadena11-2008jun11,0,5072696.story Ambassador campus development in Pasadena foreclosed] , "Los Angeles Times", June 11, 2008, Accessed June 11, 2008.]
Bricket Wood, UK Campus (1964-1974)
The Bricket Wood campus operated for ten years on the former estate of Sir David Yule several miles north of London. There are a variety of speculations as to why Bricket Wood closed. In Europe, this "denomination" is seen as a capitalist sect. While funding was given as a primary reason, others speculate that it was due to a fallout among the Worldwide Church of God ministry in the United Kingdom. Leading administrators on the campus included
Ernest L. Martin ,Roderick C. Meredith , Ronald L. Dart, and Raymond F. McNair.The Bricket Wood campus was sold shortly after its sale. The athletic facilities are open for public use and the campus proper is used as a corporate training center.
Big Sandy, TX Campus (1964-1977, 1981-1997)
The history of the Big Sandy campus can be divided into six periods: 1) it's use by the Radio Church of God as a festival center for the
Feast of Tabernacles , local church congregation site, and Imperial Schools campus (1952-1964), 2) the initial period that the campus was open as a four year college, 1964-1977, 3) the period in which the college was closed but continued to be used as a church meeting site, 1977-1981, 4) reopened as a two year junior college, 1981-1989, 5) four year consolidated campus, 1989-1997, 6) following the closure in 1997, remained vacant until the sale to the International Alert Academy, 1997-present.The Big Sandy campus opened in the fall of 1964. Since the early 1950s, the campus had been used as a location for the annual
Feast of Tabernacles . The campus closed in the fall of 1977, with students and faculty transferred to the Pasadena campus.During the period from 1977 to 1981, the campus was used as a feast site and was used by the local congregation of the Worldwide Church of God. After several near sales of the property, the decision was made to reopen in the fall of 1981.
When the campus reopened, it initially served as a two year junior college, with students having the opportunity to apply to transfer to Pasadena after two years. In the fall of 1989, the campus returned to a four year format.
In the fall of 1990, students and staff from Pasadena were transferred, as plans were underway to seek accreditation. Numerous buildings were constructed almost overnight, including five dormatories, an administration building, a music building and lecture hall, and an office building. Accrediation was achieved in the summer of 1994. However, doctrinal division began to occur a year later in December 1995, ultimately leading to the closure of the campus in 1997.
The campus is now the site of the International Alert Academy
(Air Land Emergency Resource Team) , and was used to accommodate refugees fromHurricane Katrina in the fall of 2005. The campus golf course, renamed Embassy Hills Golf Course, is now opened to the public.AICF - Ambassador International Cultural Foundation
Ambassador College also sponsored
archaeological excavation s inIsrael . Together with a relatedAmbassador International Cultural Foundation it sponsored both the Ambassador Auditorium concert series and many appearances by Herbert Armstrong in the company of world statesmen and women. The two organizations also jointly sponsored educational projects in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Jordan.Successor Institutions
Several Ambassador graduates and former administrators have led efforts to replicate the school in other settings.
When Ambassador closed in 1997, the Worldwide Church of God established the Ambassador Center at Azuza Pacific University. This later gave way to the online Ambassador College of Christian Ministry, which is headed by Ambassador's last president, Russell K. Duke.
Former WCG minister established Imperial College in Edmond, Oklahoma, based a great deal on the Ambassador model. To avoid confusion with Imperial College of London, the school is now Herbert W. Armstrong. One of the campus landmarks is a rock considered to have been used by Herbert W. Armstrong as a "prayer rock" when he lived in Oregon.
The United Church of God established the Ambassador Bible Center at its Ohio headquarters. The program is not accredited, but provides leadership for the Church's future.
Garner Ted Armstrong, president of Ambassador from 1975 to 1978, established Imperial Academy in Tyler, Texas. However, student enrollment was quite small and the program is now defunct.
Roderick C. Meredith established the online Living University in the fall of 2007. The university is based at the Living Church of God's headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina. The chief executive officer is Dr. Michael P. Germano, former vice president of academic affairs at Ambassador.
Prophecies of Dystopic "Old World, New World" Transitions Told: The World Tomorrow radio broadcasts to the United Kingdom: 1965-1967; Eric Gilder and Mervyn Hagger. p.205-222. Univers Enciclopedic, Bucharest. ISBN 978973637159-2. - with particular reference to Ambassador College at Bricket Wood in England.
External links
* [http://www.ambassadoruniversity.com/ Alumni Community Site for Past Students]
* [http://www.herbert-w-armstrong.org/indexAC.html Ambassador Envoy yearbooks]
* [http://www.ambassador.edu/ Information on Transcripts from Ambassador University]
* [http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~jalano/pano/p_amb_091300/ Spherical Panoramas: Ambassador College Campus, Pasadena, California]
* [http://www.ambassadorcampus.info/auditorium.html Ambassador Auditorium]
* [http://www.ambassadorauditorium.info/lowercampussale2.htm Sale of Ambassador Auditorium]
* [http://www.harvestrockchurch.org/ Harvest Rock Church] Purchasers of Ambassador Auditorium and part of the campus
* [ Harvest Rock Church Photo Gallery] Shows part of the old Ambassador College Campus
* [http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/index.htm Ambassador Report, a publication critical of Herbert Armstrong]
* [http://www.americanaexchange.com/NewAE/aemonthly/article.asp?f=1&page=1&id=416 Auction of Ambassador College Library]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.