Maria Matios

Maria Matios
Maria Matios

Maria Matios (Ukr.: Марія Матіос) – Ukrainian writer. Winner of the “Book of the Year 2004” and of the Taras Shevchenko National Award in 2005 (for her novel Sweet Darusia). Author of 12 volumes of poetry and prose. The most widely known are: Sweet Darusia (2003, 2004, 2005), Nation (2002, 2003) and The Short Life (2001).

She is the author of the Banquet at Maria Matios', the first cookery book in contemporary Ukrainian literature and the controversial Boulevard Novel. Her interests include psychology, ethnography, gardening and floriculture.

Her prose works have been translated into Russian, Polish and English (...Hardly Ever Otherwise).

Maria Matios bases her books on the unique experiences of her family, whose roots go back as far as 1790. She was born in the village of Roztoky in the Bukovyna region. Presently she resides in Kiev.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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