Executive Schedule

Executive Schedule

The Executive Schedule (usc|5|5311|5318) contains the pay rates for executive positions in the United States Government classified above the Senior Executive Service. The incumbents of positions listed under the Executive Schedule are typically Presidential appointees, most of whom must also be confirmed by the United States Senate. The code also categorically lists those positions in accordance to the levels of those rates.

The Executive Schedule has a high degree of relevance to the rates of pay for the General Schedule, Senior Executive Service, Senior Level, Foreign Service, and other Federal civilian pay systems, as well as the pay of uniformed military personnel, because the various Federal laws establishing those pay systems normally tie the maximum amount payable to various levels of the Executive Schedule.

"Note: All external departmental or biographical links are current as of March 1, 2007 and may not reflect the current administration's appointment to that position in the future."

Calculation of pay rate

UnitedStatesCode|5|5318 denotes that starting at the beginning of the first pay period for any position under the Executive Schedule, the amount of pay will be adjusted and rounded to the nearest multiple of US $100. If this amount is found to midway between multiples of US $100, then it will be rounded to the next highest multiple of US $100.

Presidential authority to place positions at levels IV and V

UnitedStatesCode|5|5317 allows the President at any time to appoint not more than 34 individuals to pay rates Level IV and V, provided that they are viewed as a necessary change to organization, management responsibility, or workload within a specific agency. However, Senate consent is required and the pay rate takes effect only upon a new appointment to that position. All actions taken during this process are to be published in the Federal Register, except when it is deemed that such publication would stand in conflict to national security. The President may not take action under this section with respect to a position, the pay for which is fixed at a specific rate by this subchapter, or by statute enacted after 14 August 1964.

The following positions are granted Level IV pay status of the Executive Schedule:

*Counselor to the Secretary, Department of the Treasury
* [http://www.dol.gov/ILAB/leadership.htm Deputy Under Secretary for International Labor Affairs] , Department of Labor
*Administrator, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration, United States Department of Health and Human Services
*Executive Secretary of the National Security Council
*Administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Department of Justice
*Comptroller of the Department of Defense [now Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)]
*Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
* [http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/welcovc/bio.htm Director, Office for Victims of Crime] , Department of Justice
*Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Department of Justice
* [http://www.nih.gov/about/director/index.htm Director of the National Institutes of Health]
*Members, Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (5)
*Commissioner on Aging [now Assistant Secretary for Aging ] , Department of Health and Human Services

The following positions are granted Level V pay status:

*Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, Department of Defense
*Executive Assistant and Counselor to the Secretary of Labor, Department of Labor
*Deputy Under Secretary for Education, Department of Education
* [http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/ana//about/aboutthecommissioner.html Commissioner, Administration for Native Americans]

Level I

UnitedStatesCode|5|5312 lists the positions that receive the amount of pay determined by Chapter 11 of Title 2. For calendar year 2008, the annual rate of pay for Level I is $191,300. They are as follows:

* United States Secretary of State
* United States Secretary of the Treasury
* United States Secretary of Defense
* United States Attorney General
* United States Secretary of the Interior
* United States Secretary of Agriculture
* United States Secretary of Commerce
* United States Secretary of Labor
* United States Secretary of Health and Human Services
* United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
* United States Secretary of Transportation
* United States Trade Representative
* United States Secretary of Energy
* United States Secretary of Education
* United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs
* United States Secretary of Homeland Security
* Director of the Office of Management and Budget
* [http://www.ssa.gov/pressoffice/factsheets/astrue.htm Commissioner of Social Security] , Social Security Administration
* Director of National Drug Control Policy
* Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
* Director of National Intelligence

Level II

UnitedStatesCode|5|5313 lists the positions that receive the amount of pay determined by Chapter 11 of Title 2. For calendar year 2008, the annual rate of pay for Level II is $172,200. They are as follows:

*Deputy Secretary of Defense
*Deputy Secretary of State
*Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources
*Administrator, Agency for International Development
*Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
*Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs
* [http://www.whitehouse.gov/government/m_jackson-bio.html Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security]
*Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
* [http://www.dot.gov/bios/cino.htm Deputy Secretary of Transportation]
*Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
*Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers
* [http://www.ostp.gov/html/bio_marburger.html Director of the Office of Science and Technology]
*Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
*Secretary of the Air Force
*Secretary of the Army
*Secretary of the Navy
*Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration
* [http://www.nsf.gov/news/speeches/bement/bement_bio.jsp Director of the National Science Foundation]
*Deputy Attorney General
* [http://www.whitehouse.gov/government/c-sell-bio.html Deputy Secretary of Energy]
* [http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?parentnav=ABOUT_USDA&navid=DEP_SEC_USDA_INCUMB&navtype=RT Deputy Secretary of Agriculture]
* [http://www.opm.gov/About_opm/ExecutiveTeam/LindaSpringer.asp Director of the Office of Personnel Management]
*Administrator, Federal Highway Administration
*Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
*Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
* [http://www.dol.gov/_sec/aboutosec/bio-stevenlaw.htm Deputy Secretary of Labor]
* [http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/organization/office.html#ddomb Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget]
*Independent Members, Thrift Depositor Protection Oversight Board
* [http://www.hhs.gov/about/bios/deputysecretary.html Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services]
*Deputy Secretary of the Interior
*Deputy Secretary of Education [http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ods/index.html?src=oc]
*Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
*Deputy Director for Management, Office of Management and Budget
* [http://www.ofheo.gov/Director.asp Director of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight] , Department of Housing and Urban Development
*Deputy Commissioner of Social Security, Social Security Administration
*Administrator of the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
* [http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/about/comp_deputy_dir.html Deputy Director of National Drug Control Policy]
*Members, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
*The Under Secretary of Transportation for Security
* [http://www.dot.gov/bios/shane.htm Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy]
* [http://www.mca.gov/about/execprofiles/jdanilovich.php Chief Executive Officer, Millennium Challenge Corporation]
*Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence
* [http://www.nctc.gov/about_us/director_bio.html Director of the National Counterterrorism Center]
* [http://www.dni.gov/aboutODNI/organization/NCPC.htm Director of the National Counter Proliferation Center]

Level III

UnitedStatesCode|5|5314 lists the positions that receive the amount of pay determined by Chapter 11 of Title 2. For calendar year 2008, the annual rate of pay for Level III is $158,500. They are as follows:

*Solicitor General of the United States
*Under Secretary of Commerce, [https://www.esa.doc.gov/under_secretary.cfm Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs] , [http://www.bis.doc.gov/about/index.htm Under Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration] , and Under Secretary of Commerce for Travel and Tourism
*Under Secretaries of State (6).
*Under Secretaries of the Treasury (3).
*Administrator of General Services
*Administrator, Small Business Administration
*Deputy Administrator, Agency for International Development
* [http://www.mspb.gov/boardmembers.html Chairman, Merit Systems Protection Board]
*Chairman, Federal Communications Commission
*Chairman, Board of Directors, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
*Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
*Chairman, Federal Trade Commission
*Chairman, Surface Transportation Board
*Chairman, National Labor Relations Board
*Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission
*Chairman, National Mediation Board
*Chairman, Railroad Retirement Board
*Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission
*Comptroller of the Currency
*Commissioner of Internal Revenue
*Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
*Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
*Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
*Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
* [http://www.nasa.gov/about/highlights/dale_bio.html Deputy Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration]
*Deputy Directors of Central Intelligence (2)
*Director of the Office of Emergency Planning
* [http://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=learn.whatispc.management.dir Director of the Peace Corps]
*Deputy Director, National Science Foundation
*President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States [http://www.exim.gov/about/leadership/board.cfm]
*Members, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
*Members, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
*Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice
*Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
*Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
*Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration
*Chairman, National Transportation Safety Board
*Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, the incumbent of which also serves as Chairman of the National Council on the Arts
*Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities
*Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
* [http://www.fta.dot.gov/about/offices/about_FTA_144.html Federal Transit Administrator]
*President, Overseas Private Investment Corporation
*Chairman, Postal Rate Commission
*Chairman, [http://www.oshrc.gov/ Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission]
*Governor of the Farm Credit Administration
*Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
*Chairman, Consumer Product Safety Commission
* [http://www.energy.gov/organization/leadership.htm Under Secretaries of Energy] (2)
*Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
* [http://www.ustr.gov/Who_We_Are/Bios/Section_Index.html Deputy United States Trade Representatives] (3).
* [http://www.ustr.gov/Who_We_Are/Bios/Section_Index.html Chief Agricultural Negotiator]
*Chairman, United States International Trade Commission
* [http://www.noaa.gov/leadership.html Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere] , the incumbent of which also serves as [http://www.noaa.gov/leadership.html Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]
* [http://www.usdoj.gov/aag/ Associate Attorney General]
*Chairman, Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
*Chairman, National Credit Union Administration Board
*Deputy Director of the Office of Personnel Management
* [http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB/.cmd/ad/.ar/sa.retrievecontent/.c/6_2_1UH/.ce/7_2_5JM/.p/5_2_4TQ/.d/0/_th/J_2_9D/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?PC_7_2_5JM_contentid=usda_bios.xml#7_2_5JM Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services]
* [http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB/.cmd/ad/.ar/sa.retrievecontent/.c/6_2_1UH/.ce/7_2_5JM/.p/5_2_4TQ/.d/0/_th/J_2_9D/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?PC_7_2_5JM_contentid=usda_bios.xml#7_2_5JM Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services]
* [http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB/.cmd/ad/.ar/sa.retrievecontent/.c/6_2_1UH/.ce/7_2_5JM/.p/5_2_4TQ/.d/0/_th/J_2_9D/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?PC_7_2_5JM_contentid=usda_bios.xml#7_2_5JM Under Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and Environment]
* [http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB/.cmd/ad/.ar/sa.retrievecontent/.c/6_2_1UH/.ce/7_2_5JM/.p/5_2_4TQ/.d/0/_th/J_2_9D/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?PC_7_2_5JM_contentid=usda_bios.xml#7_2_5JM Under Secretary of Agriculture for Research, Education, and Economics]
* [http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB/.cmd/ad/.ar/sa.retrievecontent/.c/6_2_1UH/.ce/7_2_5JM/.p/5_2_4TQ/.d/0/_th/J_2_9D/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?PC_7_2_5JM_contentid=usda_bios.xml#7_2_5JM Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food Safety]
* [http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB/.cmd/ad/.ar/sa.retrievecontent/.c/6_2_1UH/.ce/7_2_5JM/.p/5_2_4TQ/.d/0/_th/J_2_9D/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?PC_7_2_5JM_contentid=usda_bios.xml#7_2_5JM Under Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Regulatory Programs]
*Director, Institute for Scientific and Technological Cooperation
*Under Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development
*Administrator, Maritime Administration
*Executive Director Property Review Board
* [http://www.epa.gov/adminweb/deputy.htm Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency]
*Archivist of the United States
*Executive Director, Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
* [http://www.acq.osd.mil/nav/index.html Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology]
* [http://www.acq.osd.mil/log/lmr/bio.htm Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness]
* [http://www.tda.gov/USTDA/About_USTDA/directorswelcome.htm Director, Trade and Development Agency]
* [http://www.technology.gov/UnderSec.htm Under Secretary of Commerce for Technology]
* [http://www1.va.gov/opa/bios/index.asp Under Secretary for Health] , Department of Veterans Affairs
* [http://www1.va.gov/opa/bios/index.asp Under Secretary for Benefits] , Department of Veterans Affairs
*Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs, Department of Veterans Affairs
*Under Secretaries, Department of Homeland Security
* [http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=052647a55773d010VgnVCM10000048f3d6a1RCRD&vgnextchannel=c0fbab0a43b5d010VgnVCM10000048f3d6a1RCRD Director of the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services]
*Director of the Office of Government Ethics
* [http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/procurement/index_bios.html Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy]
*Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget
*Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision
* [http://www.fhfb.gov/Default.aspx?Page=2 Chairperson of the Federal Housing Finance Board]
*Executive Secretary, National Space Council
*Controller, Office of Federal Financial Management, Office of Management and Budget
*Administrator, Research and Innovative Technology Administration
* [http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/about/comp_deputy_dir.html Deputy Director for Demand Reduction] , Office of National Drug Control Policy
* [http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/about/comp_deputy_dir.html Deputy Director for Supply Reduction] , Office of National Drug Control Policy
* [http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/about/comp_deputy_dir.html Deputy Director for State and Local Affairs] , Office of National Drug Control Policy
*Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
* [http://www.copyright.gov/about.html Register of Copyrights]
*Commissioner of Customs, Department of Homeland Security
* [http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ous/index.html?src=oc Under Secretary of Education] (!1)
*Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
*Administrator of the Office of Electronic Government
* [http://www.phmsa.dot.gov/about/keyofficials.html Administrator, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration]
*Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Department of Justice [ The position of Administrator of the DEA was placed in Level III of the Executive Schedule under the provisions of Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1973, dated 28 March 1973.]

Level IV

UnitedStatesCode|5|5315 lists the positions that receive the amount of pay determined by Chapter 11 of Title 2. For calendar year 2008, the annual rate of pay for Level IV is $149,000. They are as follows:
* [http://www.gsa.gov/Portal/gsa/ep/contentView.do?programId=8951&channelId=-14501&ooid=18177&contentId=8384&pageTypeId=8199&contentType=GSA_BASIC&programPage=%2Fep%2Fprogram%2FgsaBasic.jsp&P=XAE Deputy Administrator of General Services]
*Associate Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* [http://www.usaid.gov/about_usaid/usaidorg.html Assistant Administrators, Agency for International Development]
*Regional Assistant Administrators, Agency for International Development (4)
* [http://www.af.mil/library/afchain.asp Under Secretary of the Air Force]
* [http://www.army.mil/leaders/leaders/usa/ Under Secretary of the Army]
* [http://www.navy.mil/navydata/bios/navybio.asp?bioID=10 Under Secretary of the Navy]
*Assistant Secretaries of Agriculture (3)
*Assistant Secretaries of Commerce (11)
*Assistant Secretaries of Defense (9)
*Assistant Secretaries of the Air Force (4)
*Assistant Secretaries of the Army (5)
*Assistant Secretaries of the Navy(4)
*Assistant Secretaries of Health and Human Services (6)
*Assistant Secretaries of the Interior (6)
*Assistant Attorneys General (10)
*Assistant Secretaries of Labor (10), one of whom shall be the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Veterans' Employment and Training
*Assistant Secretaries of State (24) and 4 other United States Department of State officials to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the United States Senate
*Assistant Secretaries of the Treasury (8)
*Members, United States International Trade Commission (5)
*Assistant Secretaries of Education (10)
*General Counsel, Department of Education
*Inspector General, Department of Education
*Director of Civil Defense, Department of the Army
*Deputy Director of the Office of Emergency Planning
*Deputy Director of the Office of Science and Technology
*Deputy Director of the Peace Corps
*Assistant Directors of the Office of Management and Budget (3)
*General Counsel of the Department of Agriculture
*General Counsel of the Department of Commerce
*General Counsel of the Department of Defense
*General Counsel of the Department of Health and Human Services
*Solicitor of the Department of the Interior
*Solicitor of the Department of Labor
*General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board
*General Counsel of the Department of the Treasury
*First Vice President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States [http://www.exim.gov/about/leadership/board.cfm]
*Members, Council of Economic Advisers
*Members, Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States [http://www.exim.gov/about/leadership/board.cfm]
*Members, Federal Communications Commission
*Member, Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
*Directors, Federal Housing Finance Board
*Members, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
*Members, Federal Trade Commission
*Members, Surface Transportation Board
*Members, National Labor Relations Board
*Members, Securities and Exchange Commission
*Members, Merit Systems Protection Board
*Members, Federal Maritime Commission
*Members, National Mediation Board
*Members, Railroad Retirement Board
*Director of Selective Service
*Associate Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice
*Members, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (4)
*Director, Community Relations Service
*Members, National Transportation Safety Board
*General Counsel, Department of Transportation
*Deputy Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration
*Assistant Secretaries of Transportation (4)
*Deputy Federal Highway Administrator
*Administrator of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
*Assistant Secretary for Science, Smithsonian Institution
*Assistant Secretary for History and Art, Smithsonian Institution
*Deputy Administrator of the Small Business Administration
*Assistant Secretaries of Housing and Urban Development (8)
*General Counsel of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
*Commissioner of Interama
*Federal Insurance Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency
*Executive Vice President, Overseas Private Investment Corporation
*Members, National Credit Union Administration Board (2)
*Members, Postal Rate Commission (4)
*Members, Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
*Deputy Under Secretaries of the Treasury (or Assistant Secretaries of the Treasury) (2)
*Members, Consumer Product Safety Commission (4)
*Members, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
*Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
*Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
*Director of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
*Executive Director for Operations, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
*President, Government National Mortgage Association, Department of Housing and Urban Development
*Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, the incumbent of which also serves as Deputy Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
*Director, Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice
*Assistant Secretaries of Energy (6)
*General Counsel of the Department of Energy
*Administrator, Economic Regulatory Administration, Department of Energy
*Administrator, Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy
*Inspector General, Department of Energy
*Director, Office of Science, Department of Energy
*Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health
*Members, Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
*President, National Consumer Cooperative Bank
*Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services
*Inspector General, Department of Agriculture
*Special Counsel of the Merit Systems Protection Board
*Inspector General, Department of Housing and Urban Development
*Chairman, Federal Labor Relations Authority
*Inspector General, Department of Labor
*Inspector General, Department of Transportation
*Inspector General, Department of Veterans Affairs
*Assistant Secretaries, Department of Homeland Security
*General Counsel, Department of Homeland Security
*Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Department of Homeland Security
*Chief Financial Officer, Department of Homeland Security
*Chief Information Officer, Department of Homeland Security
*Inspector General, Department of Homeland Security
*Deputy Director, Institute for Scientific and Technological Cooperation
*Director of the National Institute of Justice
*Director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics
*Chief Counsel for Advocacy, Small Business Administration
*Inspector General, Department of Defense
*Assistant Administrator for Toxic Substances, United States Environmental Protection Agency
*Assistant Administrator, Office of Solid Waste, United States Environmental Protection Agency
*Assistant Administrators, United States Environmental Protection Agency(8)
*Director of Operational Test and Evaluation, Department of Defense
*Special Representatives of the President for arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament matters, Department of State
*Director, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Commerce
*Inspector General, Department of State
*Director of Defense Research and Engineering
*Ambassadors at Large
*Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Director General of the United States and Foreign Commercial Service
*Inspector General, Department of Commerce
*Inspector General, Department of the Interior
*Inspector General, Department of Justice
*Inspector General, Department of the Treasury
*Inspector General, Agency for International Development
*Inspector General, United States Environmental Protection Agency
*Inspector General, Export-Import Bank
*Inspector General, Federal Emergency Management Agency
*Inspector General, General Services Administration
*Inspector General, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
*Inspector General, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
*Inspector General, Office of Personnel Management
*Inspector General, Railroad Retirement Board
*Inspector General, Small Business Administration
*Inspector General, Tennessee Valley Authority
*Inspector General, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
*Assistant Secretaries, Department of Veterans Affairs (7)
*General Counsel, Department of Veterans Affairs
*Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Department of Health and Human Services
*Chairman, Board of Veterans' Appeals
*Administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
*Director, United States Marshals Service
*Inspector General, Resolution Trust Corporation
*Chairman, United States Parole Commission
*Director, Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce
*Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services
*Chief Financial Officer, Department of Agriculture
*Chief Financial Officer, Department of Commerce
*Chief Financial Officer, Department of Education
*Chief Financial Officer, Department of Energy
*Chief Financial Officer, Department of Health and Human Services
*Chief Financial Officer, Department of Housing and Urban Development
*Chief Financial Officer, Department of the Interior
*Chief Financial Officer, Department of Justice
*Chief Financial Officer, Department of Labor
*Chief Financial Officer, Department of State
*Chief Financial Officer, Department of Transportation
*Chief Financial Officer, Department of the Treasury
*Chief Financial Officer, Department of Veterans Affairs
*Chief Financial Officer, United States Environmental Protection Agency
*Chief Financial Officer, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
*Commissioner, Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation
*Inspector General, Central Intelligence Agency
*Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
*Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
*General Counsel of the Department of the Army
*General Counsel of the Department of the Navy
*General Counsel of the Department of the Air Force
*Liaison for Community and Junior Colleges, Department of Education
*Director of the Office of Educational Technology
*Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau
*Inspector General, Social Security Administration
*The Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor
*Administrator, Rural Utilities Service, Department of Agriculture
*Chief Information Officer, Department of Agriculture
*Chief Information Officer, Department of Commerce
*Chief Information Officer, Department of Defense (unless the official designated as the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Defense is an official listed under section 5312, 5313, or 5314 of this title)
*Chief Information Officer, Department of Education
*Chief Information Officer, Department of Energy
*Chief Information Officer, Department of Health and Human Services
*Chief Information Officer, Department of Housing and Urban Development
*Chief Information Officer, Department of the Interior
*Chief Information Officer, Department of Justice
*Chief Information Officer, Department of Labor
*Chief Information Officer, Department of State
*Chief Information Officer, Department of Transportation
*Chief Information Officer, Department of the Treasury
*Chief Information Officer, Department of Veterans Affairs
*Chief Information Officer, United States Environmental Protection Agency
*Chief Information Officer, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
*Chief Information Officer, Agency for International Development
*Chief Information Officer, Federal Emergency Management Agency
*Chief Information Officer, General Services Administration
*Chief Information Officer, National Science Foundation
*Chief Information Officer, Nuclear Regulatory Agency
*Chief Information Officer, Office of Personnel Management
*Chief Information Officer, Small Business Administration
*Inspector General, United States Postal Service
*General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency
*Principal Deputy Administrator, National Nuclear Security Administration
*Additional Deputy Administrators of the National Nuclear Security Administration (3), but if the Deputy Administrator for Naval Reactors is an officer of the Navy on active duty, (2)
*Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Deputy Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
*General Counsel of the Office of the National Intelligence Director

Level V

UnitedStatesCode|5|5316 lists the positions that receive the amount of pay determined by Chapter 11 of Title 2. For calendar year 2008, the annual rate of pay for Level V is $139,600. They are as follows:

*Administrator, Bonneville Power Administration, Department of Energy
*Administrator of the National Capital Transportation Agency
*Associate Administrators of the Small Business Administration (4)
*Associate Administrators, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (7)
*Associate Deputy Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
*Deputy Associate Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
*Archivist of the United States
*Assistant Attorney General for Administration
*Assistant and Science Adviser to the Secretary of the Interior
*Chairman, Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States, Department of Justice
*Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs, Department of Defense
*Chairman of the Renegotiation Board
*Chairman of the Subversive Activities Control Board
*Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury
*Commissioner, Federal Supply Service, General Services Administration
*Director, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
*Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior
*Commissioners, Indian Claims Commission (5)
*Commissioner, Public Buildings Service, General Services Administration
*Commissioner of Reclamation, Department of the Interior
*Commissioner of Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Health and Human Services
*Commissioner of Welfare, Department of Health and Human Services
*Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Defense
*Director, Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior
*Director, Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
*Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Department of the Treasury
*Deputy General Counsel, Department of Defense
*Associate Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
*Associate Director for Volunteers, Peace Corps
*Associate Director for Program Development and Operations, Peace Corps
*Assistants to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice (2)
*Assistant Directors, Office of Emergency Planning (3)
*Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
*General Counsel of the Agency for International Development
*General Counsel of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
*General Counsel of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
*Manpower Administrator, Department of Labor
*Members, Renegotiation Board
*Members, Subversive Activities Control Board
*Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense for Research and Engineering, Department of Defense (4)
*Assistant Administrator of General Services
*Director, United States Travel Service, Department of Commerce
*Administrator, Wage and Hour and Public Contracts Division, Department of Labor
*Assistant Director (Program Planning, Analysis and Research), Office of Economic Opportunity
*Deputy Director, National Security Agency
*Director, Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior
*Director, National Park Service, Department of the Interior
*National Export Expansion Coordinator, Department of Commerce
*Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
*Staff Director, Commission on Civil Rights
*Assistant Secretary for Administration, Department of Transportation
*Director, United States National Museum, Smithsonian Institution
*Director, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Smithsonian Institution
*Administrator of the Environmental Science Services Administration
*Associate Directors of the Office of Personnel Management (5)
*Assistant Federal Highway Administrator
*Deputy Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
*Deputy Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
*Assistant Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrator
*Director, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD), Department of Justice [ The BNDD was abolished and its functions transferred to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), effective 1 July 1973, under the provisions of Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1973, dated 28 March 1973.]
*Vice Presidents, Overseas Private Investment Corporation (3)
*Deputy Administrator, Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation
*General Counsel of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
*Executive Director, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
*Additional Officers, Department of Energy (14)
*Additional officers, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (5)
*Assistant Administrator for Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
*Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
*Assistant Administrators, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (3)
*General Counsel, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
*Members, Federal Labor Relations Authority (2) and its General Counsel
*Additional officers, Institute for Scientific and Technological Cooperation (2)
*Additional officers, Office of Management and Budget (6)
*Associate Deputy Secretary, Department of Transportation
*Chief Scientist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
*Director, Indian Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services
*Commissioners, United States Parole Commission (8)
*Commissioner, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families
*Deputy Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Department of Justice [ The position of Deputy Administrator of the DEA was placed in Level V of the Executive Schedule under the provisions of Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1973, dated 28 March 1973.]

Policy Reformation

A bill currently under consideration in Congress, the "Executive Branch Reform Act", H.R. 984, would apply sweeping new requirements to officials on levels I through V of the Executive Schedule, among others, including new requirements that they report any "significant contact" received from any "private party," "in which such private party seeks to influence official action by any officer or employee of the executive branch of the United States," and new restrictions on "revolving door" practices.


External links

* [http://uscode.house.gov/uscode-cgi/fastweb.exe?getdoc+uscview+t05t08+457+0++()%20%20AN 5 USC SUBCHAPTER II - Executive Schedule Pay Rates] at the Office of the Law Revision Counsel, U.S. House of Representatives Web Site
* [http://uscode.house.gov/uscode-cgi/fastweb.exe?getdoc+uscview+t05t08+1361+0++%281973%29%20%20AND%20%28%285%29%20ADJ%20USC%29%3ACITE%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20 Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1973 - Appendix to Title 5, U.S. Code]
* [http://www.opm.gov/oca/08tables/pdf/ex.pdf Executive Schedule for Calendar Year 2008 - from OPM.gov]

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