Tolkien research

Tolkien research

:"Tolkien studies redirects here. For the journal, see Tolkien Studies"The works of J. R. R. Tolkien have generated a body of academic research, studying different facets such as

* Tolkien as a writer of fantasy literature
* Tolkien's invented languages

Biography and letters

*The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien

As a writer

* "Master of Middle-Earth: The Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien" Paul Kocher (1977)
* "Splintered Light: Logos And Language In Tolkien's World" Verlyn Flieger (1st Edition 1983, Revised Edition 2002)
* "The Keys of Middle-earth" ed. Stuart D. Lee & Elizabeth Solopova (2005)
* "The Road to Middle-earth" T. A. Shippey (1st Edition 1993, Revised and Expanded Edition 2003)
* "J. R. R. Tolkien: Author of the Century" T. A. Shippey (2000)
* "Tolkien in the Land of Heroes : Discovering the Human Spirit" ed. Anne C. Petty, J. Stein
* "Tolkien's Legendarium: Essays on The History of Middle Earth" ed. Verlyn Flieger and Carl F. Hostetter (2000)
* "Tolkien Studies" ed. Douglas A. Anderson, Michael D. C. Drout and Verlyn Flieger vols. 1-4 (2004-2007)

Invented languages

Tolkien's invented languages, especially Quenya and Sindarin, the languages of Elves, have inspired extensive linguistic research in the form of academic newsletters and journals, such as "Parma Eldalamberon" and Vinyar Tengwar, published by the Elvish Linguistic Fellowship. These publications have published and discussed text fragments, notes, and essays by Tolkien that haven't been published elsewhere.

*1989 "Plotz Quenya Declensions" (written 1966/1967) Beyond Bree newsletter, VT 6, p. 14
*1991 "Koivieneni Sentence" (written ca. 1937) VT 14, p. 5–20, Mythlore 17, p. 23-30.
*1992 "New Tengwar Inscription" (written ca. 1954) VT 21, p. 6
*1992 "Liège Tengwar Inscription" (written 1954) VT 23, p. 16
*1993 "Two Trees Sentence" (written ca. 1937) VT 27, p. 7–42
*1993 "Koivieneni Manuscript" (written ca. 1937) VT 27, p. 7–42
*1993 "Bodleian Declensions" (written ca. 1936) VT 28, p. 9–30
*1994 "The Entu Declension" (written ca. 1924–1929) VT 36, p. 8–29
*1995 "Gnomish Lexicon" (written ca. 1917) PE 11
*1995 "Rúmilian Document" (written 1919) VT 37, p. 15–23
*1998 "Qenya Lexicon" (written ca. 1915) PE 12
*1998 "Osanwe-kenta, Enquiry into the communication of thought" (ed. Hostetter, composed in 1960) VT 39
*1999 "Narqelion" (written 1915/1916) VT 12, p. 16–17, VT 40, p. 5–32

*2000 "Qenya Grammar Fragment" (ca. 1924–1929) Elfling mailing list, digest nr. 34
*2000 "Etymological Notes — Osanwe-kenta" (written 1959–1960) VT 41, p. 5–6
*2000 "From The Shibboleth of Fëanor" (written ca. 1968) VT 41, p. 7–10 (A part of "the Shibboleth of Fëanor" was published in The Peoples of Middle-earth, p. 331–366)
*2000 "Notes on Óre" (written ca. 1968) VT 41, p. 11–19
*2000 "Quenya Dedication" (written 1968) Elfling mailing list, 11 May.
*2000 "Merin Sentence" (written ca. 1937) TT 14, p. 32–35
*2001 "The Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor" (written 1967–1969) VT 42, p. 5–31 (Referred to in Unfinished Tales.)
*2001 "Essay on negation in Quenya" (written ca. 1970) VT 42, p. 33–34
*2001 "Goldogrim Pronominal Prefixes" (written ca. 1917) PE 13 p. 97
*2001 "Early Noldorin Grammar" (written ca. 1920–1925) PE 13, p. 119–132
*2001 "Comparison of Adjectives" (written after 1915) TT 16, p. 23–28
* 2002 Elvish translations of Catholic prayers (ed. Wynne, Smith, Hostetter), composed in the 1950s::*"Ataremma versions" (Quenya "Pater Noster") versions I-VI, VT 43, 4–26, TT 18:*"Aia María" (Quenya "Ave Maria") versions I–IV, VT 43, 26–36, TT 18:*"Litany of Loreto" in Quenya, VT 44, p. 11–20:*"Ortírielyanna" (Quenya "Sub tuum praesidium") VT 4, p. 5–11:*"Alcar i Ataren" (Quenya "Gloria Patri") VT 43, p. 36–38:*"Alcar mi tarmenel na Erun" (Quenya "Gloria in Excelsis Deo") VT 44, p. 31–38:*"Ae Adar Nín" (Sindarin "Pater Noster") VT 44, p. 21–30
*2003 "Early Qenya Fragments", edited Wynne and Gilson, PE 14
*2003 "Early Qenya Grammar", ed. Hostetter and Welden, PE 14
*2003 "The Valmaric Scripts", ed. Smith, PE 14
*2004 " Qente Feanor" and Other Elvish Writings", ed. Smith, Gilson, Wynne, and Welden, PE15
*2006 "Pre-Fëanorian Alphabets", Part 1, ed. Smith, PE16
*2006 "Early Elvish Poetry: "Oilima Markirya, Nieninqe" and "Earendel", ed. Gilson, Welden, and Hostetter, PE16
*2006 "Early Elvish Poetry: "Oilima Markirya, Nieninqe" and "Earendel", ed. Gilson, Welden, and Hostetter, PE16
*2006 "Qenya Declensions", "Qenya Conjugations", "Qenya Word-lists", ed. Gilson, Hostetter, Wynne, PE 16

The "Vinyar Tengwar" and "Parma Eldalamberon" material published at in increasing rate during the early 2000s is from the stock of linguistic material in the possession of the appointed team of editors (some 3000 pages according to them), consisting of photocopies sent them by Christopher Tolkien and notes taken in the Bodleian library around 1992. There is a mailing list called Tolklang which is dedicated to the languages of J. R. R. Tolkien. It was started on November 1, 1990.


* cite book
year = 2006
title =
editor = Drout, Michael D. C.
location = New York City | publisher = Routledge
id = ISBN 0-415969425.

*Tom Shippey, "The Road to Middle-earth" (1982, revised ed. 2003).
*"Tolkien's Legendarium" (2000)
*"" (2005)
*"The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide" (2006)
*"Tolkien Studies"
*Walking Tree Publishers

External links

* [ The home page of the Elvish Linguistic Fellowship] , which publishes the scholarly journals Parma Eldalamberon, Vinyar Tengwar, and Tengwestie, and sponsors the scholarly discussion list, [ Lambengolmor] (discussion list launched 29 May 2002, archives at [ lambengolmor-l] ).
* [ The web shop for Vinyar Tengwar] , which contains a list of the contents of all issues of Vinyar Tengwar published to date.
* [ Tolkien's Linguistic Writings and Drafts] by Ryszard Derdzinski
* [ Tolkien Bibliography book index] which is a comphrensive book index of Tolkien Publications
* [ A List of Tolkien's Unpublished and Slightly Published Manuscripts] by Lisa Star (concentrates on linguistic materials, and is written from a highly subjective viewpoint)
* [ Tolkien Studies] at the Wheaton College, Massachusetts, USA
* [ Proceedings of the J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference 1992] (out of print, although the web page does not make mention of this)
* [ Publications] of the Tolkien Society (UK)
* [ Michael Drout] 's home page in Wheaton College, Massachusetts, USA
* [ Verlyn Flieger] 's home page (associated with the University of Maryland, College Park, USA)
* [ T. A. Shippey] 's home page in Saint Louis University, USA
* [ Omentielva] is a European bi-yearly conference on research into Tolkien's Languages, Sweden
* [ Hither Shore] is the German Tolkien Society's bilingual yearbook on modern fantasy literature, specialising in Tolkien
* [ Tolkienian courses] by The Tolkien Society.

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