Su Ling

Su Ling

Female adult bio
name = Su Ling
photo =
birth =
location =
hair color= Black
skin color= White
natural bust= Yes
ethnicity= Asian
alias=Sue Ling

Su Ling was an American actress in the 1970s. She played roles in several films, including Russ Meyer's "Up!" and "Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks". All of her cinematic roles were between 1975 and 1976.


Although her influence on cult film was relatively minor, Ling is widely known among fans of erotic cat-fighting for her considerable contributions to adult entertainment. Working with Triumph Studios, Ling gained a fairly loyal fan base, which continues to this day. She is commonly featured in still photos, usually black and white, although colored ones do exist.

Unfortunately, there is not a great deal of information available about Ling's life after she finished her work with Triumph. In fact, much of her life seems shrouded in mystery, and many fans believe that her current whereabouts may never be known.

External links

*imdb name|0512738

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