Soranus — ▪ Roman god in Roman religion, the underworld deity worshiped on Mount Soracte in southern Etruria. As priests, the hirpi Sorani celebrated a rite in which they marched barefoot over burning coals. Soranus was identified with Dis, the Roman … Universalium
Soranus — The name Soranus may refer to: * Soranus, Greek physician and medical writer * Soranus, a Roman god * Quintus Valerius Soranus, Roman author and tribune, executed for revealing the arcane name of Rome * Quintus Marcius Barea Soranus, Roman… … Wikipedia
List of Roman deities — Ancient Roman religion Marcus Aurelius (head covered) sacrificing at the Temple of Jupiter … Wikipedia
Quintus Valerius Soranus — (b. circa 140–130 B.C.?, [Conrad Cichorius, “Zur Lebensgeschichte des Valerius Soranus,” Hermes 41 (1906), p. 67; American Journal of Philology 28 (1907) 468.] d. 82 B.C.) was a Latin poet, grammarian, and tribune of the people in the Late Roman… … Wikipedia
Neptune (mythology) — Neptune velificans in his triumphal chariot drawn by hippocamps (mid 3rd century AD, Musée archéologique de Sousse) Ancient Roman religion … Wikipedia
Dis Pater — Dis Pater, or Dispater was a Roman god of the underworld, later subsumed by Pluto or Hades. Originally a chthonic god of riches, fertile agricultural land, and underground mineral wealth, he was later commonly equated with the Roman deities Pluto … Wikipedia
Medicine in ancient Rome — Physician of Rome during the Empire. Medicine in ancient Rome combined various techniques using different tools and rituals. Ancient Roman medicine included a number of specializations such as internal medicine,[ … Wikipedia
Midwifery — Midwives redirects here. For the novel by Chris Bohjalian, see Midwives (novel). A midwife measures the height of the mother s fundus at about 26 weeks to determine the probable gestational age of the fetus. Midwifery is a health care profession… … Wikipedia
Childbirth and obstetrics in antiquity — Traditionally obstetrics is defined as the surgical specialty dealing with the care of a woman and her offspring during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, although in Antiquity surgical intervention did not exist. Without the presence of… … Wikipedia
birth control — regulation of the number of children born through the deliberate control or prevention of conception. Cf. family planning (def. 1). [1914, Amer.] * * * Voluntary limiting of human reproduction, using such means as contraception, sexual abstinence … Universalium