Fatima (name)

Fatima (name)

Infobox Given Name Revised
name = Fatima

gender = Female
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Fatima, or, in a more exact transliteration, Fāţimah (Arabic: فاطمة ), is originally an Arabic name, meaning "She who weans". It is commonly given as a female personal name among Muslims, after Fatima Zahra ("Fatima the gracious"), the daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The surname Mǎ (馬), a common family name for Chinese Muslims, is sometimes said to derive from the name Fatima. The Persian transliteration is Fatemeh. Due to Islamic historical and cultural influence, the name is common amongst Spaniards and Portuguese, as well as their cultural descendants in the Americas.

The town of Fátima in Portugal was named after a Moorish princess. It was the site of a famous Marian apparition in 1917, after which it achieved some popularity as a female personal name among Roman Catholics.

Other people named Fatima include:
*Fatimah bint Amr grandmother of Muhammad
*Fatima bint Asad was Muhammad's aunt, the mother of first Shi’a Imam Ali bin Abu Talib, and the mother-in-law of Muhammad's daughter, Fatima Zahra bint Muhammad.
*Fatima Jinnah sister of Pakistan's first governor-general, Muhammed Ali Jinnah
*Fatima bint Hizam, mother of Abbas ibn Ali and a wife of the first Shia Imam.
*Fatimah bint Husayn, daughter of Husayn bin Ali
*Fatimah bint al-Khattab
*Fatimah bint Musa al-Kazim
*Fatima Bhutto, niece of Benazir Bhutto
*Fatima Houda-Pepin, Muslim-Canadian politician
*Fatima Kuinova, Soviet-Bukharian Jewish singer "Honored Artist of the USSR"
*Fatima Siad, model

ee also

*Our Lady of Fatima
*Fatima The Gracious (book) biography of Fatima Zahra
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3APrefixindex&from=Fatima&namespace=0 Wikipedia pages beginning with "Fatima"]
*Glossary of Islamic terms in Arabic

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