List of Aqua Teen Hunger Force minor characters

List of Aqua Teen Hunger Force minor characters

This is a list of minor characters from the cartoon television show "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" who do not appear regularly on the show, or only appear prior to the opening theme.



*Adirondack Aliens: Giant aliens wandering around the Adirondack Mountains. Only their feet and footprints are seen in the show. ("PDA")
*The Amazing Mongrel: The Mongrel is a being from another dimension who presumably performs at a circus. When Carl and Shake get near Frylock's portal, the Mongrel rips all their skin off at once with his womanly hand. ("Carl")
*Amber: A girl Shake meets at a Florida bar who enjoys pork ribs. Runs off crying after Shake insults her large appetite. ("Carl")
*Andrew W.K.: Popular musician hired by Shake to cheer up Frylock during his "Get Well Asshole" party. ("Party All the Time")
*Ass Head: A frat alien pledge who comes to Earth with DP and Skeeter. He lies in the nude either passed out or dead in the gutter throughout most of the episode after chugging beers to get into their fraternity. ("Frat Aliens")
*Assisted Living Dracula: The title character of a movie Shake and Mothmonsterman watch. ("Bus of the Undead")
*Axe Can: Shake made a promotional deal with Axe in the same way he made one with Boost Mobile. The Axe can appeared at the end of the episode and then showed up inserted into the credits. ("Boost Mobile")


*Bart Oates: The former New York Giants center appears as a ghostly cyborg invisible to everyone but Carl. He helps convince Carl to turn his life around but then tells Carl to kill actress Linda Hamilton. Oates turns out to be a poorly built cyborg, with an unemptied waste basket for a torso, apparently serving the robots from the future of the Terminator films. At the end of the episode, Frylock finds a BB pellet in Carl's brain (after dissecting him to find out how he died). We then flash back to Oates convincing Master Shake to shoot Carl with a BB gun. ("Bart Oates")
* A witch doctor from Africa whom Frylock hires to resurrect Master Shake after Shake kills himself in order to infiltrate Meatwad's video game "Video Ouija". Unfortunately he only knows how to resurrect chickens, hence the memorable phrase "arise chicken." He uses a fog machine and also "does birthdays." He is also purported to like the show "Dead Like Me"Fact|date=April 2008. ("Video Ouija")
*Boost Mobile Phone (Michael Render): The Boost Mobile Phone is Shake's Boost Mobile cellular phone. Shake makes a promotional deal with Boost Mobile and the phone enforces the deal. His catch phrase is Boost Mobile's slogan, "Where you at, dog?" He spends most of the episode dancing with Shake to hip-hop music. The other phones that show up later in the episode have retractable blades where their antennae would be. ("Boost Mobile")
*Boxy Brown: See "Meatwad's Dolls"
*Bruno Sardine, Private Inbreastigator: TV show character who tries to get laid out of sympathy by giving himself minor injuries. His success inspires Master Shake to fake getting trapped in a well on the Aqua Teens' lawn to attract girls' sympathies. ("Dirtfoot")
*Birthday Snake: A snake that Master Shake ordered for Meatwad on his birthday. Meatwad attempts to turn it into the bunny he really wanted by stapling pipe cleaner ears to his head. The snake then consumes Meatwad and Shake. Frylock attempts to save them by blowing up the snake, which kills all three, Meatwad, Shake and the snake. ("Super Birthday Snake")
*Burrito Mother (Tina Fey): A nine-layer bean burrito who is revealed to be the mother of the Aqua Teens in the movie. ("Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters")


*Candy: A prostitute Carl tries to pay in pennies. She takes the pennies after the OoGiJ MIQtxxXA bounces off of Carl's head, knocking him unconscious.("Super Computer")
*Carl's Father: Appears in a flashback that the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future shows to Carl, in which he gives a young Carl a small piece of berber carpet from the carpet factory he works at as his Christmas present in 1968; the carpet was also intended to be their dinner. That Christmas, Carl's father had arranged for little Carl (though clearly a minor, he is already suffering from male pattern baldness) to work at a factory. However, little Carl (wearing a respirator) mentions that he does not want to make insulation. Depending on which character's version of the past was correct, Carl either ate carpet and went to work at the factory, or did not because the exchange was interrupted by robots and lasers. Carl remembers eating carpet - "Not so much the lasers and the robots, though." Carl's Father may have also been an amateur porn star.("Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future")
*Carl's Girlfriend: When Carl gets a wig, he manages to lure an old worn-out chain smoking woman back to his place with a six pack. Carl proudly calls her a whore because she doesn't mind the Aqua Teens watching her and Carl. She even asks Carl to invite them in to join them. She runs away from Carl, screaming and laughing hysterically, when the effects of The Clowning take hold. ("The Clowning")
*Carl and Carl Jr.: Two huge floating brains that run a car wash called "The Carl Wash". Carl Wash is actually a scheme to make all their customers become brain slaves by removing their brains. These characters previously appeared in the Space Ghost Coast-to-Coast episode "Chambraigne". (Carl Wash)
*The Chess Dragon: A computer with a dragon layout that cheats at chess. After losing, he kidnaps Ezekial and flies away at the end of the episode while throwing a tantrum. ("Ezekial")
*Chicago: Appear as themselves. Carl sold unlicensed shirts outside the band's concerts (though the shirts said "Chicano" instead of "Chicago"). Years later, he was convinced by Bart Oates to give back the money he made to the band. ("Bart Oates")
*Chicken Bittle: Allegedly one of the original Aqua Teens created by Dr. Weird and was, more or less, a giant chicken nugget. He was supposedly killed in Africa by a lion, but it is revealed that Frylock was actually responsible for his death.
*Cliff: Ignignokt's mentally challenged Mooninite uncle who lives on welfare. Ignignokt mentions that he was in the "Lunar war". Igniknokt and Err scare him by yelling at him, but he is promptly squished by a boulder. They steal his home care bill, and take it to Earth trying to cash it, thinking it's a welfare check. It becomes radioactive because it's overdue and deforms Shake's hands and Err's entire body. ("Remooned")
*Court Appointed Shrub: A shrub lawyer who is assigned to Shake as a public defender, but tries to make Shake plead guilty. He is then fired as Shake's lawyer and replaced by Frylock. Later on in the episode, Shake rips off his arms and pretends to be a tree. ("Revenge of the Trees")
*Crab Lice: Crab Lice living in the pubic hair on Carl's crotch. They were discovered when Carl enlarged his penis, causing the lice to enlarge as well. ("Unremarkable Voyage")


*Dan: From Grim Reaper gutters, he won't leave until he makes a sale. He resembles his company's namesake, except he carries a rain gutter instead of a scythe. When Carl attempted to leave without buying anything from him, he killed him with a touch of his finger. Oddly enough, despite being death personified, he has a comically high-pitched and somewhat monotonous voice. ("Grim Reaper Gutters")
*Darryl: The twin brother of the Easter Bunny ("T-Shirt of the Living Dead")
*Delivery Guy: The Delivery Guy is modeled after Matt Maiellaro, one of the creators of the show, and is seen holding a golden Les Paul electric guitar. He delivers Chinese food to Carl, and then leaves. ("Carl")
*Derick: A boy Robositter describes as "grody".
*Dewey: See "Meatwad's Dolls"
*Donna Bryson: The recipient of a 2:00 am phone call from Carl, Donna is one of his old classmates from the "Class of '81!" and apparently knew how to party. Carl's inquiry pertaining to balloon smuggling prompts Donna to hang up on him. Carl shaved her mother's back once ("Carl")
*Dracula (Don Kennedy): Appears in multiple episodes (most notably Bus of the Undead), in a fictional movie Master Shake watches called "Assisted Living Dracula". These segments are live-action, rather than animated like the rest of the show. The movie is "a little slow, but really good once you get into it", according to Master Shake. The plot follows Dracula in a nursing home, where he raises and lowers his hospital bed, is fed what looks to be baby food, and is pushed around in a wheelchair by the nurse who accidentally kills him by bringing him outside and into the sun. The film is silent, with only a slightly depressing musical score. Later, the Aqua Teens travel to Memphis to visit the alleged grave of Dracula. Throughout the show, Shake distracts people (which always fails) by saying "Well, Dracula called and he said he's coming tonight."
*Dr. Eugene Mirman: He treats Frylock's cancer, but in a daydream of Frylock's, he says they must merge to defeat the evil aliens... and their lasers. ("Party All the Time")
*Drippy: A mutated piece of mold that grew when shake left an enormous mess in the Aqua Teens' kitchen. He turns out to be really nice and extremely polite. Shake hates him because of the way he acts, and the fact that everyone hates him for yelling at Drippy so much. Shake threatens to leave the house, but the Aqua Teens have no problem with this, and Meatwad in effect chases him out. Shake forces himself back in, but has a cold from staying in the rain. Drippy offers him to eat his head,because he's half penicillin. By the end, Drippy dies trying to save Shake from an oncoming truck. ("Ol' Drippy")
*Dusty Gozongas (Scott Thompson): A busty, lusty, and incredibly ignorant dancer/stripper who moonlights as a service repair woman for the city. Carl and Shake both are instantly attracted to her and compete for her attention for the duration of the episode. In the end, she maces them both. She talks into a wrench as if it were a phone, and is eventually abducted by an alien race of Wrenches. ("Dusty Gozongas")


*Easter Bunny: Is summoned by Meatwad while wearing the almighty shirt of Osiris (The T-shirt of the Living Dead), which gives the wearer great powers. He has a twin brother named Darryl. The Easter Bunny was quickly killed by Frylock after provoking him. ("T-Shirt of the Living Dead")
*Education Puppet: The puppet on a TV show Oglethorpe and Emory watch on their stolen cable. When Master Shake clones the television one too many times, the character seems curiously aware of what its viewers are doing and continually sings a song about left and right, which ends with a cryptic "You're gonna die!", followed by a throat slitting gesture and a few disturbing subliminal frames. ("Universal Remonster", "The Cloning")
*Eggzilla: Giant fire-breathing Easter egg with reptile legs who torched Santa Claus. Meatwad created him using the T-Shirt of the Living Dead. Later joined by a female version known as the Eggzilla prom date, also created by Meatwad. They both danced on Carl's house, smashing it. ("T-Shirt of the Living Dead")
*The Enforcer: Carl's original name for the DNA created dog later known as Spaghetti. He looks like a dog with Carl's face and hairy feet for paws. Carl wants him to rape Handbanna, but he instead partners with Handbanana to rape Carl. ("Handbanana")
*Ezekial (also Jesus Ezekial Jesus and "Little Shake"): A small shake, originally assumed to be Master Shake's son, until it was revealed that Shake doesn't have a penis and that Ezekial is 4000 years old. Ezekial defeated (or "slayed," as Shake put it) the Chess Dragon, who eventually kidnapped him. ("Ezekial")


*Foodie Mart Clerk: The guy behind the counter at the Foodie Mart where Err and Ignignokt (and Meatwad) attempt to cash checks and purchase alcohol. He is shot by Err. ("Remooned")


*Gay Prostitute Killer: A bald killer on a movie the Aqua Teens watch who asks Err if this is where he goes to kill gay prostitutes. Upon Err saying "yes," the killer starts to shoot at the line of gay prostitutes with a machine gun. ("Moonajuana")
*Geddy Lee: Lead singer of rock group Rush who is the singer of Shake's birthday song. He is not actually seen; touring commitments prevented Mr. Lee from doing a voice. ("Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary")
*Gee Whiz: Euphemism used by Frylock when Standards & Practices forbade him from saying "Jesus" on the air. Meatwad believed he saw Gee Whiz in the butt of a rifle on a billboard, but it turned out to be an image of Ted Nugent. ("Gee Whiz")
*George Lowe: Appears as himself in a few episodes. Present for the reception following the marriage of Svetlana to Carl and Shake. ("Mail Order Bride") Also appears (not as the DJ) on a Standards & Practices computer video ("Gee Whiz"). And appears as himself after being paid off by Eric and Larry ("Antenna")
*George Washington: Actually a money statue of George Washington, created after Shake and Frylock try to clone too many one dollar bills. Washington attempts to convince the two of their wrongdoings, but is shot by Frylock. ("The Cloning")
*Glenn Danzig: Appears as himself and buys Carl's house for one million dollars after the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future fills the pool with elven blood. ("Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future")
*Gobblox: Leader of a future war of the turkeys against the master chickens. Turkitron was sent into the past to protect his past self from chicken attack. Gobblox was found cooked and missing one leg, which was earlier crammed into Shake's mouth. But nonetheless Turkitron took Gobblox with him, ("The Dressing")
*Gorgotron: A large purple monster from the moon; mortal enemy of the Mooninites, who apparently destroyed their craps, craps being a typo (for "crops") that Err insists is what Ignignokt meant. ("Moon Master")


*Handbanana: A "dog" that was created by Meatwad and Frylock in Carl's pool. They used the "Create your own Dog 1.0" software combined with some of Master Shake's DNA. His appearance is the same as one of Master Shake's hands. After his creation he "mind linked" with Carl so he could talk to him, unknown to the Aqua Teens. During the episode he threatens and rapes Carl several times. The other Aqua Teens think he is crazy until he makes his own dog from hairs on his feet, and orders "Spaghetti" to fight Handbanana. They both proceed to rape him. (Handbanana)
*Hit and Run Victim: An unnamed old man who Carl apparently killed in a hit and run accident that he managed to avoid being arrested for. New York Giants center Bart Oates convinced Carl to go to the man's grave and apologize for what he had done. Apparently, he was crossing the street because he thought Carl had waved him on when Carl actually flipped him off, causing the man to get hit, and hit his face against Carl's fender, getting Carl's paint all over his face.("Bart Oates")
*Homeless Man: A babbling loon of an urban outdoorsman who happens upon the Aqua Teens' house while Shake is showing off his birthday song. He claims to be a tree wizard, who takes care of the trees, and charges $6.48 for his services. He also repeatedly mutters the word Alabama. He also appears in the episode "Gee Whiz" as a rambling bum who commits suicide after Shake asks him if he can fly. As he thinks he's Gee Whiz, he attempts flying from the billboard he stands upon, and falls. He reappears in "Bart Oates" as an inmate in the cell where Shake and Meatwad are being kept. Shake tells him the directions to Carl's house and that he is free to "chill" there, and the man responds by muttering that his pants are stuck to his butt. In the episode Dummy Love, he can be seen in the background when Shake is using his phone call. At some point, he hangs himself. On a DVD commentary, it is mentioned he's based on an actual homeless man who lives around the Williams Street offices area. ("Gee Whiz", "Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary", Dummy Love, and "Bart Oates")
*anchor|Happy Time Harry

Happy Time Harry (David Cross) is a depressed suicidal doll. He was bought by Frylock for Meatwad after Shake destroyed Vanessa and Dewey with a lawnmower, and the doll that Meatwad wanted, Jiggle Billy, turned out to be too expensive. Harry is missing one of his hands and has a knife installed in his wrist in place of the other one. He is a bad influence on Meatwad and almost everyone else he meets, including Jiggle Billy, who he eventually convinces to shoot off his own head. Shake eventually deduces that the last thing a suicidal person would want is to be immortal, and throws Harry off a cliff in a parody of "Highlander". Happy Time Harry's accessories include glittery red dancing shoes, "action bills" and a "Happy-time dialysis machine" which is purchased separately. Harry has a busy schedule and is in trouble with his parole officer. ("Dumber Dolls", "The Last One")


*Intelligent-Helmet (Matt Maiellaro): One of the many bulky and barely-functional peripherals attachable to Shake's eHelmet. Has the intelligence of a four-year-old, but others have much more intelligence. Destroyed itself by sending the eHelmet into Carl's pool, where it shorted out and exploded. Just before it did, however, Carl's eHelmet jumped into the pool with Shake's, and also exploded. ("eDork")
*Indian: A man Shake is talking to on the phone, when Shake asks for a name, he hangs up on him. ("Antenna")


*Javier: Dr. Weird's Janitor. Once attempted to steal Weird's necklace, at which point the good doctor yelled "Put it back!" and fired three tacos out of his mouth into Javier's back.
*Jay Edwards: Appears as himself. ("The")
*Jeffy: See "Meatwad's Dolls".
*Jerry (Jon Glaser): A small, one-eyed, sausage-shaped demon, who lives in a surreal purple netherworld. He wields a huge battle axe and is annoyed at the problems of having a live-in girlfriend. ("Broodwich")
*Jiggle Billy: An expensive ($149) dancing hillbilly doll that was purchased by Frylock in an attempt to distract Meatwad from Happy Time Harry. His main function as a doll once activated is having some bluegrass / country music play as he says "Commence to jigglin'!!". His accessories are a jug of moonshine, a musket,and a pair of night-vision goggles. He used the musket to shoot his head off after Happy Time Harry drove him into a fit of depression, but later re-appeared in "The Last One" aboard the Plutonians ship, he appeared to have recovered from his depression, despite his head still being severed, and jiggled to the suspicion of Oglethorpe who took the dancing as some kind of trick. ("Dumber Dolls", "The Last One").
*Josh: An unseen entity who apparently holds a position of power at Boost Mobile. He constantly called Shake during his tenure as Boost's spokesman, threatening that he would publicly cut off Shake's testicles and hand them to him in front of the New York sales team if he did not meet his expectations. He eventually sent an army of switchblade-wielding Boost Mobile phones to deal with Shake when he called what they wanted him to do "crap". ("Boost Mobile")


*Ken: District Manager of Slurp-a-Lunch. Never visually seen in the show. ("Robositter").


* Large Black Repair Man: A large repairman of African-American descent who Shake calls to repair something he intentionally broke, in order to have Dusty Gozongas come over in an ill-fated plan to have sex with her. The repairman makes an innuendo towards Shake (who is in a thong, with a baseball bat inside, eating strawberries in a sexual manner), asking "Can I have one of them strawberries? ("Dusty Gozongas")
*Linda Hamilton: Carl is instructed by Bart Oates to kill Linda Hamilton in order to allow the machines from the Terminator films to rule the future, even though the movie was out since 1984. Carl visits her house but refuses to go through with it. Linda Hamilton does not visually appear in the episode. ("Bart Oates")
*Linda: Linda is a large body builder that appears in the movie. After Carl comes out of the Insane-o-flex, he gets a date with her that ends with them going to her bed for sex. She is actually Dr. Weird in disguise, who wanted to cut out Carl's giant muscles.


*Magellan: A mutual acquaintance of Master Shake and Romulox. ("PDA")
*Magician: This odd, silent man is the Aqua Teen's first reference in the search to find a mysticist to resurrect Shake. is seen as a viable replacement for the magician, since all he can do are (poorly executed) magic tricks with Meatwad. ("Video Ouija")
*Markula: This is the Aqua Teens landlord. He comes to collect their rent but instead takes them to his birthday party to use them as the games, where they depend on Carl to save them. ("The Landlord")
*Mega Ultra Chicken: "No! Shhh! He is legend!". Also referred to as Ultra Mega Chicken. A giant chicken bigger than the Aqua Teens' house with jet engines coming out of its rear. It was summoned by Frylock using's staff. ("Video Ouija")
*Mr. Sticks (H. Jon Benjamin): An otherworldly associate of Jerry. ("Broodwich")
*The Muffin Man: Appears in a show on the degenerate clone TV. Frylock's character on the show promptly blows him away with his shotgun. ("The Cloning")


*Narrator (Schooly D): Provides narrations on many episodes.
*Nathan Scott Phillips: The name of Meatwad's pet snake in a virtual reality simulation. In a different part of the same simulation, he appeared as a giant green, possibly undead, rabbit, who was about to eat Frylock's brains "while they're still warm... and thinking" before the simulation ended. ("Super Birthday Snake")
*Ned Hastings: The host of the trivia contest that Wayne "The Main Brain" McClain has with the Aqua Teens and Carl. Also calls Frylock to no-show on his condo-warming party. ("Super Trivia", "The")


*Off-Broadway Narrator (Todd Hanson): Narrator of the germ story. ("Hypno-Germ")
*Old Woman: An elderly woman who appears at the end of "Dirtfoot", expressing regret that she has "killed [the Aqua Teens'] dog (Dirtfoot) with [her] swords." Shake is impressed and takes one of the swords in an odd attempt to prove his masculinity; accidentally severing the top half of his body. The woman's top mysteriously falls off (following the porno detective gag at the beginning of the episode), who Frylock prevents Meatwad from seeing, though looking intently himself. ("Dirtfoot")
*Oog: A caveman who finds Frylock's "OoGhiJ MIQtxxXA" computer after it slips through a time warp to the year 300 Million B.C. The computer civilizes and educates Oog, and also enables him to live until the present day. He returns the computer to Frylock and demands video games. ("Super Computer")
*Owner: Owner of the bar the Aqua Teens' try to pick up women at in Panama Beach. He repeatedly flicks on and off the lights and tells them to go as they are the last ones in the bar at closing time. Meatwad later burns the bar down with fireworks. ("Carl")


*Randal: A man genetically merged with a pork chop by Dr. Weird. Weird also claims that Randal was his roommate. Dr. Weird supposedly did this to Randal for not paying his half of the utilities.
*Randy the Astonishing's father: When Randy the Astonishing displayed his true intentconquest of Earth and its womenhe drifted out of the stands to congratulate and join his son. ("Circus")
*Robositter (Sarah Silverman): A robot that Frylock built to babysit Meatwad. Her body is a water heater, and her "breasts" are paint cans. She turns out to be abusive toward Meatwad and would rather dress up like a tramp and go to the mall. Met her untimely demise when Frylock liquefied her with a meat juicer after throwing her money into it and telling her to climb in and get it. His words upon completion of said act ("You're liquefied, bitch!") may be a possible reference to the first Terminator film. The same fate befalls Sheila, a friend built by Robositter. ("Robositter")
*Rudy: A home-security robot created by Frylock, designed to protect the Aqua Teens' home from potential robbers. He is prone to mistakenly killing people who he perceives to be robbing members of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force using a rotary cannon built into his chest. His victims include Stacey, Carl and Master Shake. ("Carl")

*Santa Claus: Appears and is scorched by Meatwad's antics after donning the Egyptian t-shirt. Proclaims himself "Horror Claus" during recovery and has extensive reconstructive surgery, replacing his skin with that of a soccer ball, causing Meatwad to call him "Soccer Claus". ("T-Shirt of the Living Dead")
*Satan: Shows up in Hell after MC Pee Pants dies and descends. He is extremely fond of death metal and grindcore. Satan is actually the lava monster from an episode of "Superfriends". ("MC P. Pants", "Super Sir Loin", and "Little Brittle")
*Scorpions: Large, animatronic scorpions who attempt to provide on-stage banjo accompaniment to Zakk Wylde's performance. Their bodies hold numerous weapons including missiles, laser cannons, and machine guns. ("Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary")
*Seth Green: Appears as himself. ("The Dressing")
*Sex Phone Operator: Answers the sex hotline that Carl calls, only to hang up when the billing starts (and then make the call again in the Aqua Teens' house). ("Carl")
*Sheila: A robot friend built by Robositter. Robositter also claims to have built Sheila's parents and made them get divorced. She also claims that her mother has full custody of Sheila. Sheila claims to have a brother, who said that it was "pathetic" that Frylock worked at the Slurp-a-Lunch fast food chain. ("Robositter")
*Sir Santa of Claus: An ape that appears in flashbacks during a story told by the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future. Santa enslaved Martian elves to make toys. Carl's house was allegedly built on the former site of Santa's workshop, which also served as the burial ground of the Martian elves. Supposedly the only one able to lift the Martian elf curse from Carl's house. However, in order to do that, Carl had to let the ape have sex with him. Mentioned, but has not visually appeared. ("Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future")
*Skeleton Bride: A prize won by Master Shake after he fended off the second-to-last temptation of the Broodwich. She is most likely the corpse of a long-dead woman who was buried in her bridal gown. Shake could have married her instead he declined saying, "Hell no I ain't marrying this bag of bones!" The marriage proposal was technically the last temptation of the Broodwich and for winning Master Shake received free brain surgery, which convinced him to eat what remained of the Broodwich. ("Broodwich")
*Soda Dog Refreshment Squad: A quartet of talking food items (a hot dog, a box of popcorn, a fudgesicle, and a milkshake) who appear in a spoof of the "Let's All Go to the Lobby" song at the beginning of the movie. They appear again at the end of the movie, dismissing the audience, and insulting them somewhat. ("Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters")
*South Bronx Parasite: A parasite that is inside Carl's "South Bronx Parasite Bar" (which he had misread as "Paradise Bar"). After busting out of Carl, the Aqua Teens (minus Shake, who previously sucked out his own innards through his straw with a wet/dry vac) proceed to run away. ("Diet")
*Squirrely: One of Meatwad's inanimate friends. He gets burned badly by Meatwad's static electricity and dies. ("Balloonenstein")
*Stacey: A girl Frylock meets at a Florida bar. When she tries to give Frylock her cellphone number, Rudy blows her up because he thought she was robbing Frylock. Stacey appears to have a broken neck so she has a cast and two broken arms with casts as well. ("Carl")
*Standards & Practices Announcer (George Lowe): Advises the Aqua Teens what they can and cannot say on TV. ("Gee Whiz")
*Svetlana: A Chechnyan mail-order bride/prostitute who does not speak English. Shake and Carl split the cost of her to be brought to the U.S. for marriage (to both of them), but she runs for her life when she meets them. ("Mail Order Bride")


*Taped Tourguide: Leads the Aqua Teens through the museum. ("T-Shirt of the Living Dead")
*Tar Pit Ship Captain: The "captain" of a (fake) tour ship attraction at the Trenton Tar Pits. Sounds just like the Taped Tourguide (they may be the same person). Is a convicted sex offender, and invites tourists to "meet the captain, and feel sexy with him." ("PDA")
*Ted Nugent: Appears to back up his mischaracterization as Gee Whiz. Appears with a bow that fires exploding arrows and a whole badger for a codpiece/loincloth. ("Gee Whiz")
*Tera Patrick: Visits the ATHF's house for no explained reason so they could make Carl come over and buy a gutter from Dan. ("Grim Reaper Gutters")
*Terry: Carl's friend who performs illegal medical procedures with power tools and trades in human organs. He performed cosmetic surgery on Master Shake in a waterfront garage. He also knows Dr. Weird and bought Steve's brain from him. Terry did not visually appear in the series until the episode "Laser Lenses". ("Super Model")
*Thundercleese: A well-armed robot who was a regular character on The Brak Show. He appeared on the Adult Swim New Year's party and it was strongly suggested that Frylock was his creator (this may be a nod to the fact that both characters are voiced by Carey Means).
*Time Lincoln: Time Lincoln is supposedly Abraham Lincoln from the past and appears in the ending credits creating the Aqua Teens and sending them into space. He has not actually appeared on an episode of ATHF himself, but he did appear in the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie. In the movie, he appears in Shake's fake story of their origin. Lincoln appears to act in a manner similar to an immature child, speaking words as "Yo" and "Bro". He is killed by two government agents, thus altering time. *TV: A clone of the ATHF's TV, it proves it is alive by making the Aqua Teen Hunger Force appear in its TV shows and showing Frylock shooting them all in the head with a shotgun, shooting out a large amount of blood through the screen, turning on without a cord, bouncing when Shake hits it with a bat, and bouncing after Shake. ("The Cloning")
*Tyrone: A character in one of Meatwad's favorite computer games, "Clam Digger." According to Meatwad, in the game he calls you up and says, "'I can dig more clams than you, stupid!' Then you have to rush down to the beach, and the object of the game... is to find parking." ("Super Computer")


*Universal Remonster: The Plutonians combinatorially synthesize different kinds of remote controls together with a machine to create a creature with the power to control anything. This is part of their plan to steal cable from the ATHF. However, Shake wastes its energy on levitating objects to entertain himself and terrorize and frighten Meatwad, and its batteries all run out. When informed of this, Oglethorpe claims that the Remonster cannot be killed, only to later realize it can only be killed by stabbing it in the heart with the "Ancient Bone Saber of Zumacalis", but upon rethinking it, it can be killed by poking it with anything semi-sharp. ("Universal Remonster")


*Vampire (Matt Maiellaro): Possibly Dracula. He assists Little Brittle in becoming a vampire, only to join him when he leaves the nursing home, and thus explodes in the sunlight. Travels in a massive flying coffin that spirals through the air. ("Little Brittle")
*Vanessa: See "Meatwad's Dolls"
*Vegetable Man (Don Kennedy): Appears on a live-action television show watched by Master Shake and the Mooninites. He is made of vegetables and hides in the produce section of grocery stores, only to later pop out and frighten women.
*Video Ouija Voice: A video game voice which helps Meatwad to contact dead people, like his sister's baby. ("Video Ouija")
*Vishal (Vishal Roney): Carl calls his insurance company for his swimming pool and speaks to someone who goes by the name of Vishal. ("PDA")


*Walter Melon: The supposed father of the ATHF, he used almost everyone in a plan to establish his gym, The Insane-O-Gym, by building the gym on the house. But his plan was ruined once he found out that they rented the house. ("Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters")
*Worms: Shake tries to become a superhero by putting worms in a radioactive drum. The worms then bust out of the floor later in the episode, but Frylock blows them up. ("Super Hero")
*The Wrenches: Dusty Gozongas is abducted by two talking wrenches onto a wrench-shaped spacecraft, and connive her into dancing around a stripper's pole. The goings-on inside the ship is transmitted to a stadium full of wrenches who cheer on Dusty's dancing. One of the wrenches on the ship has a vocabulary that only seems to consist of "yes!" in a confirming tone. The "yes!" can be heard briefly at the beginning of the episode, as well as during the end credits in place of the usual "skull" credit. ("Dusty Gozongas")
*Willy Nelson: An unenthusiastic spider-like "monster", whose central body resembles an onion, that comes down from the Aqua Teen's attic. He explains to them that he's been living in their attic for quite some time, and casually asks if they have received any of his mail. He makes known the fact that he is not "the" Willy Nelson. Although he believes himself to be extremely terrifying, he actually comes across as quite boring until it is revealed that he kills people for their blood, which he refers to as "juice." Shake puts him through a number of exercises to increase his scariness, which fail completely. His catchphrase is a melodramatic "The Shaving... the Shaving!" accompanied by the sound of an electric razor. ("The Shaving") Willy makes a cameo appearance in Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters when the Aqua Teen's roof is ripped off by the Insane-O-Flex and he peeks out from the attic.


*Zakk Wylde: Assists Master Shake in recording a birthday song demo, and is extremely angered when Shake is unable to pay him back. When Shake devises a scheme to try and pay him back, Zakk is blown up in a crossfire between the angry scorpion robots Shake hired to play banjo. ("Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary")
*Zombies: Silhouettes of zombies that are outside the Aqua Teens' house in the future, and outside a chain link fence, in a clear reference to "Dawn of the Dead." The zombies are being destroyed by lasers mounted on top of the house. The Aqua Teens do not appear to notice them much. ("The Clowning")

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