- Piriform sinus
Infobox Anatomy
Latin = recessus piriformis, sinus piriformis
GraySubject = 244
GrayPage = 1142
Caption = Larynx
Caption2 =
Precursor =
System =
Artery =
Vein =
Nerve =
Lymph =
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DorlandsPre = r_05
DorlandsSuf = 12696766
On either side of thelaryngeal orifice is a recess, termed the piriform sinus (also piriform recess, pyriform sinus, or piriform fossa), which is bounded medially by thearyepiglottic fold , laterally by thethyroid cartilage andhyothyroid membrane .The term "piriform" is also sometimes spelled "pyriform" (as in the diagram on this page.)
Clinical significance
It is a common place where food can be trapped or if injured (eg., by a
fish bone ), can give the sensation of food stuck in the throat.Moreover it is place for lodgement of precarious drugs during smuggling. Accidently ingested foreign material by infants also lodges in piriform fossa and is retrieved from thereExternal links
* - "Pharynx: The Laryngopharynx"
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.