- Truncated differential cryptanalysis
cryptography , truncated differential cryptanalysis is a generalization ofdifferential cryptanalysis , an attack againstblock cipher s.Lars Knudsen developed the technique in 1994. Whereas ordinary differential cryptanalysis analyzes the full difference between two texts, the truncated variant considers differences that are only partially determined. It has been applied toSAFER , IDEA, Skipjack, E2,Twofish , Camellia,CRYPTON , and even thestream cipher Salsa20 .References
* cite conference
author =Lars Knudsen
title = Truncated and Higher Order Differentials
booktitle = 2nd International Workshop onFast Software Encryption (FSE 1994)
pages = pp.196–211
publisher =Springer-Verlag
date = 1994
location =Leuven
url = http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/knudsen95truncated.html
format =PDF /PostScript
accessdate = 2007-02-14
* cite conference
author = Lars Knudsen, Thomas Berson
title = Truncated Differentials of SAFER
booktitle = 3rd International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption (FSE 1996)
pages = pp.15–26
publisher = Springer-Verlag
date = 1996
location =Cambridge
url = http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/knudsen96truncated.html
format = PDF/PostScript
accessdate = 2007-02-27
* cite conference
author =Johan Borst , Lars R. Knudsen,Vincent Rijmen
title = Two Attacks on Reduced IDEA
booktitle = Advances in Cryptology -EUROCRYPT '97
pages = pp.1–13
publisher =Springer-Verlag
date = May 1997
location =Konstanz
url = http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~rijmen/downloadable/rijmen/idea.ps.gz
format =gzip ped PostScript
accessdate = 2007-03-08
* cite conference
author = Lars Knudsen, M.J.B. Robshaw,David Wagner
title = Truncated Differentials and Skipjack
booktitle = Advances in Cryptology -CRYPTO '99
pages = pp.165–180
publisher = Springer-Verlag
date = 1999
location =Santa Barbara, California
url = http://www.windowsecurity.com/uplarticle/4/skipjack-crypto99.ps
format = PostScript
accessdate = 2007-02-27
* cite conference
author = M. Matsui, T. Tokita
title = Cryptanalysis of a Reduced Version of the Block Cipher E2
booktitle = 6th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption (FSE 1999)
pages = pp.71–80
publisher = Springer-Verlag
date = 1999
location =Rome
url = http://maths.utime.cn:81/Crypt1998-2003/bibs/1636/16360071.htm
format = PDF
accessdate = 2007-02-27
* cite paper
author = Shiho Moriai, Yiqun Lisa Yin
title = Cryptanalysis of Twofish (II)
date = 2000
url = http://www.schneier.com/twofish-analysis-shiho.pdf
format = PDF
accessdate = 2007-02-27
* cite web
author = Paul Crowley
title = Truncated differential cryptanalysis of five rounds of Salsa20
date = 2006
url = http://www.ciphergoth.org/crypto/salsa20
accessdate = 2007-02-27
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