- Haplogroup IJ (Y-DNA)
Infobox haplogroup
name =IJ
origin-date =
origin-place =Middle East
ancestor =F
descendants =I, J
mutations =M429, P123, P124, P125, P126, P127, P129, P130, S2, S22Inhuman genetics , Haplogroup IJ is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup.Haplogroup IJ is a descendant branch of the greater Haplogroup F.Origin
It is notable that no example of a Haplogroup IJ* Y-chromosome has been found among any modern human population; the existence of the Haplogroup IJ node has been inferred from the fact that certain mutations are shared in common among all Y-chromosomes belonging to the descendant haplogroups I and J. The lack of any examples of Haplogroup IJ* belonging to neither Haplogroup I nor Haplogroup J complicates any attempt to deduce the geographical location where Haplogroup IJ first appeared; however, the fact that both Haplogroup I and Haplogroup J are found among modern populations of the
Caucasus ,Anatolia , andSouthwest Asia tends to support the hypothesis that Haplogroup IJ derived from Haplogroup F in the vicinity ofWest Asia or theMiddle East and subsequently spread throughout Western Eurasia.The TMRCA (time to most recent common ancestor) for the IJ
clade , expressed in ky (confidence interval), is 38.5 (30.5-46.2) [Tatiana M. Karafet "et al", [http://www.genome.org/cgi/content/abstract/gr.7172008v1 New binary polymorphisms reshape and increase resolution of the human Y chromosomal haplogroup tree] , "Genome Research ", doi|10.1101/gr.7172008 (2008)] .ubclades
*IJ (M429, P123, P124, P125, P126, P127, P129, P130, S2, S22) "per ISOGG 2008"
**I (M170, P19, M258, P38, P212, U179) "Haplogroup I notation updated to ISOGG 2008"
*** I1 (M253, M307, M450/S109, P30, P40, S62, S63, S64, S65, S66, S107, S108, S110, S111) (formerly I1a) "Typical of populations ofScandinavia andNorthwest Europe , with a moderate distribution throughoutEastern Europe "
****I1a (M21) (formerly I1a2)
****I1b (M227) (formerly I1a1) "Appears to be limited to a marginally low frequency of approximately 1% among Slavic andUralic peoples ofEastern Europe ; also detected in a single Lebanese man"
*****I1b1 (M72) (formerly I1a1a)
****I1c (P109)
****I1d (P259)
*** I2 (M438/P215/S31) (formerly I1b)
****I2a (P37.2) (formerly I1b1) "Typical of the South Slavic peoples of theBalkans , especially the populations of Bosnia andCroatia ; also found with high haplotype diversity values, but lower overall frequency, among the West Slavic populations ofSlovakia and theCzech Republic ; a node of elevated frequency inMoldavia correlates with that observed for Haplogroup I2a (but not for Haplogroup I1)"
*****I2a1 (M423)
******I2a1a (P41.2/M359.2) (formerly I1b1a) "Typical of the population of the so-called "archaic zone" ofSardinia ; also found at low frequencies among populations of Southwest Europe, particularly in Castile,Béarn , and the Basque Country"
*****I2a2 (M26) (formerly I1b1b)
******I2a2a (M161) (formerly I1b1b1)
****I2b (M436/P214/S33, P216/S30, P217/S23, P218/S32) (formerly I1b2)
*****I2b1 (M223, P219/S24, P220/S119, P221/S120, P222/U250/S118, P223/S117) (formerly I1b2a - old I1c) "Occurs at a moderate frequency among populations of Northwest Europe, with a peak frequency in the region ofLower Saxony in centralGermany ; minor offshoots appear inMoldavia andRussia (especially around Vladimir, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, and the Republic of Mordovia)"
******I2b1a (M284) (formerly I1b2a1) "Generally limited to a low frequency inGreat Britain "
******I2b1b (M379) (formerly I1b2a2)
******I2b1c (P78) (formerly I1b2a3)
******I2b1d (P95) (formerly I1b2a4)
**J (12f2.1, M304, S6, S34, S35)
***J1 (M267) "Typical of populations ofDagestan ,Mesopotamia , theLevant ,Arabia , and Semitic-speaking populations ofNorth Africa andEast Africa , with a moderate distribution throughoutSouthwest Asia "
****J1a (M62)
****J1b (M365)
****J1c (M367, M368)
****J1d (M369)
****J1e (M390)
***J2 (M172) "Typical of populations ofSouthern Europe ,Turkey , northernIraq ,Iran , and theCaucasus , with a moderate distribution throughoutSouthwest Asia ,Central Asia ,South Asia , andNorth Africa "
****J2a (M410)
*****J2a1 (DYS413≤18)
*****J2a2 (M340)
****J2b (M12, M314, M221)
*****J2b1 (M102) "Mainly found in the Balkans, Greece, and Italy (possibly from Ancient Greeks)"References
ee also
*Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups
*Y-DNA haplogroups by ethnic groups
*Haplogroup I (Y-DNA)
*Haplogroup I1 (Y-DNA)
*Haplogroup I2 (Y-DNA)
*Haplogroup J (Y-DNA)
*Haplogroup J2 (Y-DNA)
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