Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology

Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology
Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology
Established 10 October 1975
Type Public
Chancellor Governor of Uttar Pradesh
Location Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Campus Rural
Affiliations ICAR

Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology is an agricultural university at Faizabad district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is in the small town of Milkipur Constituency known as Kumarganj.


On January 15, 1974 the foundation stone of Narendra Dev University of Agriculture & Technology was led by Hon'ble Primeminister of India late Smt. Indira Gandhi At Mashodha near Faizabad. Shri Laxmi narain Rai, APCS officer of Agriculture Department, government of UP,was deputed as officer on special duty. After a few month, he was succeeded by Dr. A.S. Srivastava he took over in October, 1974. Some speed work was done by his team. A new development took place during 1975 and the government of UP decided to locate the main campus of the university at kumarganj,Faizabad instead of Mashodha. Shri A.D. Pandey, IAS officer (retired) was apponted the first vice chancellor of the university on 10 October 1975. The university started functioning in a borrowed building of Gram Swalabi Vidyalaya Acharya Nagar Naka Faizabad. DR. R.P.Chandola joined as the first Registrar of the university on November 1975. A committee was constituted for the site selection of Academy administrative and residential blocks of the university at Kumarganj. The committee submitted its report on 22 January 1976. On July 10, 1976 the paddy research station located at,Mashodha, Gahghara Ghat and ECF and NDS schemes were transferred to the university by the government and U.P. institute Agril. science Kanpur which formed the nucleus of the research university. Dr.Kirti Singh took over the first Dean of the Agril. faculty on February 12, 1977 which approved creation of 20 departments in the college of agriculture.

The Mahamaya college of Agriculture Engineering and Technology(MCAET) a constituent college of N.D. university of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad was established at Ambedkarnagar by upgrading the department of agriculture of the college of agriculture to cater the needs of development of engineering and Technoloy to suit the condition of the farmers of Eastern Uttar Pradesh characterised by problems of user lands, water looked poorly drained soils scant power supply, small holdings, low purchasing power and poor rural infrastructure. Former Prime Minister of India Smt. Indira Gandhi Laid Foundation stone of NDUAT on 10 October 1975 Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Narendra Nagar (Kumarganj), named after a great national leader, educationist, philosopher and great socialist, Achraya Narendra Deva whose ideals constitute a great national heritage and source of inspiration in the national quest for a progressive economy free from the fear and exploitation.


  • College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry
  • College of Agriculture
  • College of Home Science
  • College of Agriculture Engineering
  • Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Plant Biodiversity and Biotechnology
  • College of Horticulture
  • College of Fisheries
  • College of Forestry
  • College of Agribusiness Management

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