Arend Lijphart

Arend Lijphart

Arend d'Angremond Lijphart (born 17 August 1936, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands) is a world renowned political scientist specializing in comparative politics, elections and voting systems, democratic institutions, and ethnicity and politics. He received his PhD in Political Science at Yale University in 1963. He is currently Research Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of California, San Diego. Dutch by birth, he has spent most of his working life in the United States and is an American citizen. He has since regained his Dutch citizenship and is now a dual citizen of both the Netherlands and the United States.

Major works

Lijphart is the leading authority on consociationalism, or the ways in which segmented societies manage to sustain democracy through power-sharing. Lijphart developed this concept in his first major work, "The Politics of Accommodation", a study of the Dutch political system, and further developed his arguments in "Democracy in Plural Societies".

His later work has focused on the broader contrasts between majoritarian and "consensus" democracies. While Lijphart advocated consociationalism primarily for societies deeply divided along ethnic, religious, ideological, or other cleavages, he sees consensus democracy as appropriate for any society. In contrast to majoritarian democracies, consensus democracies have multiparty systems, parliamentarism with oversized (and therefore inclusive) cabinet coalitions, proportional electoral systems, corporatist (hierarchical) interest group structures, federal structures, bicameralism, rigid constitutions protected by judicial review, and independent central banks. These institutions ensure, firstly, that only a broad supermajority can control policy and, secondly, that once a coalition takes power, its ability to infringe on minority rights is limited.

In "Patterns of Democracy" (1999), Lijphart classifies thirty-six democracies using these attributes. He finds consensus democracies to be "kinder, gentler" states, having lower incarceration rates, less use of the death penalty, better care for the environment, more foreign aid work, and more welfare spendingqualities he feels "should appeal to all democrats". [cite book|last=Lijphart|first=Arend|title=Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries|publisher=Yale University Press|location=New Haven, CT|date=1999|pages=293|isbn=0300078935|url=] He also finds that consensus democracies have a less abrasive political culture, more functional business-like proceedings, and a results-oriented ethic.

Lijphart has also made influential contributions to methodological debates within comparative politics, most notably through his 1971 article 'Comparative politics and the comparative method', published in the "American Political Science Review". [cite journal|last=Lijphart|first=Arend|date=1971|title=Comparative politics and the comparative method|journal=American Political Science Review|volume=65|issue=3|pages=682-693|url=]


In 1989, Lijphart was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and from 1995-1996 served as President of the American Political Science Association.cite web|url=|title=Arend Lijphart|publisher=Department of Political Science, University of California at San Diego|accessdate=2008-08-22] He was awarded the prestigious Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science in 1997. [cite web|url=|title=Johan Skytte Prize winners|publisher=Skytte Foundation, Uppsala University|accessdate=2008-08-23]



* "The Trauma of Decolonization: The Dutch & West New Guinea". New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966.
* "The Politics of Accommodation. Pluralism and Democracy in the Netherlands", Berkeley: University of California Press, 1968.
* "Democracy in Plural Societies: A Comparative Exploration". New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977. ISBN 0-300-02494-0.
* "Democracies: Patterns of Majoritarian & Consensus Government in Twenty-one Countries". New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984. ISBN 0-300-03182-3.
* "Power-Sharing in South Africa". Berkeley: Institute of International Studies, University of California, 1985. ISBN 0-87725-524-5.
* Grofman, Bernard, and Lijphart, Arend (eds.). "Electoral Laws & Their Political Consequences". New York: Agathon Press, 1986. ISBN 0-87586-074-5.
* "Electoral Systems and Party Systems: A Study of Twenty-Seven Democracies, 1945-1990". Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. ISBN 0-19-828054-8.
* Lijphart, Arend, and Waisman, Carlos H. (eds.). "Institutional Design in New Democracies". Boulder: Westview, 1996. ISBN 0-8133-2109-3.
* " [ Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms & Performance in Thirty-six Countries] ". New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-300-07893-5
* Grofman, Bernard and Lijphart, Arend (eds.). "The Evolution of Electoral & Party Systems in the Nordic Countries". New York: Agathon Press. ISBN 0-87586-138-5.


External links

* [ Arend Lijphart's home page]
* [,_Arend Summaries of Lijphart's major works]
* [ "Consensus and Consensus Democracy: Cultural, Structural, Functional, and Rational-Choice Explanations"]
* [ "Constitutional Design for Divided Societies"]
* [ "Power - Sharing and Group Autonomy in the 1990s and the 21st Century"]
* [ "Negotiation democracy versus consensus democracy"]
* [ "Democracy in the Twenty-First Century: Can We Be Optimistic?"]
* [ "The Future of Democracy: Reasons for Pessimism, but Also Some Optimism"]
* [ Interview with Arend Lijphart by Theory Talks (May 2008)]

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