- The Floating Feather
title=The Floating Feather
artist=Melchior d'Hondecoeter
width_inch =56½
museum =Rijksmuseum
city =Amsterdam ,Netherlands "The Floating Feather" is the commonly used name for an oil-on-canvas painting by Dutch artist
Melchior d'Hondecoeter , properly titled "A Pelican and Other Birds Near a Pool". The fine detail of thefeather floating on the pond led to the "official" title being quickly supplanted.The picture was painted around 1680, probably for the hunting lodge of the
Stadholder William III of Orange, which is now the royal palace atSoestdijk , or for Het Loo Palace inApeldoorn .The painting shows a number of
bird s, both common and exotic, gathered around a pool. Hondecoeter was known for his bird studies and in particular for the realistic portrayal of the subjects. Although he experimented with different styles early in his career, after 1660 he favoured compositions similar to that seen in "The Floating Feather": carefully observed subjects set in farmyards, courtyards or country parks with architectural or landscape features enhancing the backgrounds. His paintings were admired by the regents and merchants ofAmsterdam , and by William III, who had works at three of his palaces. Hondecoetor's murals and large paintings were well-suited to both the large country houses and the tastes of the time.Hondecoetor kept his own
poultry yard at his house, but visited the country houses of his patrons where he could study more exotic species. It was said that he had trained arooster to stand still on command, so that he could paint it without interruption. In this picture, alongside thepelican are species of wild fowl anddomesticated duck , among them muscovy,shelduck ,grebe ,red-breasted goose ,widgeon ; and on the far side of the pool are large birds from different continents: acassowary , East African Crowned Crane andflamingo s.Hondecoeter produced a strikingly similar picture, "A Pelican and other exotic birds in a park", in which some elements of the composition are identical: the birds on the water, the group of exotic birds, the pelican, and perhaps most notably, the floating feather; some are similar: the landscape and the muscovy duck which is seen in full; and some are entirely different: in this picture aMoluccan Cockatoo perches in a tree above the pool and different birds are introduced on the far side of the pool to the right. The exact date of this painting is not known, but it is possibly between 1655 and 1660.References
*cite book|title=Rijksmuseum Amsterdam: The Masterpieces|author=Marleen Dominicus-van Soest|publisher=Rijksmuseum Amsterdam|date=2003
*cite web|url=http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/aria/aria_assets/SK-A-175|title=The Floating Feather|date=|publisher=Rijksmuseum Amsterdam|accessmonthday=2 February|accessyear=2007
*cite web|url=http://www.richard-green.com/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=6&tabindex=5&objectid=19207
title=A Pelican and other exotic birds in a park|date=|publisher=Richard Green|accessmonthday=2 February|accessyear=2007
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