- James Gilliland
Infobox Person
name = James Gilliland
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birth_date =
birth_place =Southern California
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occupation = Ufologist
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children =James Gilliland, a
Southern California native,cite web| last =Schoenmann| first =Joe| title =Among Believers| publisher =Las Vegas Weekly| date =August 21, 2006| url =http://www.lasvegasweekly.com/2002/03_21/news_coverstory_index.html?Among%20Believers| accessdate =2007-04-23 |archiveurl=http://www.alternet.org/columnists/story/12693/|archivedate=2002-03-25] is an author, teacher,ufologist , spiritual counselor, energetic healer, and the founder of theEnlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ECETI) organization.cite web | last =Gilliland | first =James | authorlink = | coauthors = | title =James Gilliand Bio | work = | publisher =ECETI | date = | url =http://www.eceti.org/bio.htm | format = | doi = | accessdate =2007-02-27] He studied 6 years ofYoga , and has received "The Teaching of the Inner Christ" certificate and the "Rigdzin Norbu" ("Jewel of Pure Awareness") certificate.Biography
Early years
Gilliland was raised in a small desert town spending most of his time in nature. While in high school, he was captain of the water polo team and the swim team.
Gilliland went on to study the construction industry, grocery industry, and real estate industry and was on the board of directors for the chamber of commerce. He owned a California-based commercial real estate company called Pro Realty Management,cite web | last =Moreno | first =Steve | authorlink = | coauthors = | title =JAMES GILLILAND / MT. ADAMS INVESTIGATION | work = | publisher =PSI Applications | date =January 29, 2001 | url =http://www.psiapplications.com/body_gillrep.html | format = | doi = | accessdate =2007-02-27] which developed and managed shopping centers and other multi-million dollar projects.
One day, while body surfing, a couple of waves forced Gilliland into the water, dislocating his shoulder and collapsing his diaphragm. After fighting the waves and making it to the top in order to get air, he noticed that he was incapable of breathing. It was at this point that he says his
near-death experience occurred.After the incident, James said he gave up his material world in order to pursue a spiritual journey. He moved to Santa Cruz,
California , where he lived for six years, opening a meditation center during his time there. In 1986, he moved to Mount Adams, Trout Lake,Washington , opening up his Sattva Sanctuary, a 70 acre mountain retreat dedicated for spiritual healing. He has also been operating the Self Mastery Earth Institute (SMEI) at his sanctuary.cite web | last =Sheaffer| first =Robert | authorlink = | coauthors = | title =Reptoids and Martians Invade Silicon Valley.(Bay Area UFO Expo) | work = | publisher =Skeptical Inquirer | date =January 1, 2001 | url =http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-10544488_ITM | format = | doi = | accessdate =2007-03-05 | archiveurl=http://nbgoku23.googlepages.com/skeptical_inquirer.pdf | archivedate=2007-05-26]Gilliland says his sanctuary is at an opening to a dimensional portal where extraterrestrial ships travel to and from
Earth . His firstclose encounter occurred after eight years of living on his sanctuary; while meditating in his home, he says that he heard a voice in his head originating from a UFO, and after leaving his meditation his sister ran inside informing him that a UFO was hovering over his house. Since then, Gilliland says that he has experienced close encounters withPleiadeans , Andromedans, extraterrestrials from the Orion constellation,Citation | last =Lueder| first =Bret| title =Consciousness and Community in the Orbital | periodical=UFO Magazine| volume=22| issue=6| page =40-49| date =June 2007] and thousands of UFOs around his sanctuary. In one of his close encounters, Gilliland says that he was allowed to go on board one of the UFOs. During another one of his close encounters, Gilliland says he was hit by "three balls of energy" in the chest, after which appeared Melia, an "extremely loving, benevolent and yet down to business" extraterrestrial from the Orion constellation. [cite web | last =Gilliland | first =James | authorlink = | coauthors = | title =Full- Blown Contact a Cosmic Reunion | work = | publisher =ECETI | date = | url =http://www.eceti.org/contact.htm | format = | doi = | accessdate =2007-05-27]Gilliland also says that he has been in communication with
St. Germain , Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel,Jesus , Buddha, Mother Mary,Ramtha , and Cazekiel, his main contact whom Gilliland says is also known asEzekiel .He currently has his own radio show called [http://www.bbsradio.com/bbc/as_you_wish.php As You Wish] .
* ISBN 978-0-96-587131-0 Becoming Gods: A Reunion with Source (paperback, 1998)
* ISBN 978-0-96-587130-3 Becoming Gods 2 (paperback, 1997)Videos
ECETI - [http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=7546455294241236379&q=eceti Easter message] - April 8, 2007
*ECETI - [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4282017190202566695 Spirituality and Frequency Shift Connections] - November 18, 2006
*ECETI - [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4775002345337792355 Enlightened Contact With Extra Terrestrial Intelligence] - October 2006Audio
Radio Shows
* [http://www.bbsradio.com/bbc/as_you_wish.php As You Wish] - every Saturday at 11:00 - 12:00 p.m. (EST)
Radio Interviews
* [http://exopoliticsradio.com/4-28-07.html Exopolitics Radio] - April 28, 2007
* [http://www.paranormalradioshow.com/myjukebox_files/James_Gilliland_1107.mp3 Paranormal Radio Show] - November 19, 2006
* [http://www.vegasradioshow.com/JPSaudio/James%20Gilliland%20Interview%20(07-18-06).wma Jerry Pippin] - July 18, 2006
* [http://www.newsforthesoul.com/ram/gilliland-july2006.ram News for the Soul] - July 5, 2006
* [http://www.jerrypippin.com/audio/James%20Gilliland%20Interview%20(12-01-04).wma Jerry Pippin] - December 2004
* [http://www.newsforthesoul.com/ram/show53.ram News for the Soul] - June 2003
* [http://www.newsforthesoul.com/ram/show39.ram News for the Soul] - March 15, 2003
* [http://www.journeyswithrebecca.com/mp3/w1013gilliland.mp3 Journeys with Rebecca] - October 3References
Further reading
*External links
Official links
* [http://www.eceti.org/ Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ECETI)] - Homepage
* [http://www.eceti.org/cazekiel/ Self Mastery Earth Institute (SMEI)] - Homepage
* [http://www.bbsradio.com/bbc/as_you_wish.php As You Wish] - Online Radio Show Homepage
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