- Piner Creek
name = Piner Creek
native_name =
other_name =
category =stream
etymology =
nickname =
image_caption = Piner Creek immediately above the confluence withSanta Rosa Creek .
country =United States
state =California
region = Sonoma County
district =
municipality =
parent =
tributary_right =
tributary_left =
city =Santa Rosa, California
landmark =
river =
source =Fountaingrove Lake
source_location =Santa Rosa, California
source_region = | source_country =
source_elevation_imperial = 495
source_elevation_note = Gnis|1799345|Fountaingrove Lake]
source_lat_d = 38 | source_lat_m = 29 | source_lat_s = 12 | source_lat_NS = N
source_long_d = 122 | source_long_m = 43 | source_long_s = 10 | source_long_EW = W
source_coordinates_note =
source1 =
source1_location = | source1_region = | source1_country =
source1_elevation_imperial =
source1_lat_d = | source1_lat_m = | source1_lat_s = | source1_lat_NS =
source1_long_d = | source1_long_m = | source1_long_s = | source1_long_EW =
source_confluence =
source_confluence_location = | source_confluence_region = | source_confluence_country =
source_confluence_elevation_imperial =
source_confluence_lat_d = | source_confluence_lat_m = | source_confluence_lat_s = | source_confluence_lat_NS =
source_confluence_long_d = | source_confluence_long_m = | source_confluence_long_s = | source_confluence_long_EW =
mouth =Santa Rosa Creek
mouth_location = west ofSanta Rosa, California
mouth_region = | mouth_country =
mouth_elevation_imperial =
mouth_lat_d = 38 | mouth_lat_m = 26 | mouth_lat_s = 43 | mouth_lat_NS = N
mouth_long_d = 122 | mouth_long_m = 46 | mouth_long_s = 35 | mouth_long_EW = W
mouth_coordinates_note =
length_imperial =
length_note =
length_orientation =
width_imperial = | width_orientation =
depth_imperial =
volume_imperial =
watershed_imperial = 6.3
discharge_location =
discharge_location_note =
discharge_imperial =
discharge_round =
discharge_max_imperial =
discharge_min_imperial =
free = | free_type =
map_caption =
map_background =
map_locator =
map_locator_x =
map_locator_y =
website =
footnotes =Piner Creek is a
stream in northeast Santa Rosa,California ,United States (coord|38|27|40|N|122|45|05|W) which originates as an outlet ofFountaingrove Lake . Piner Creek discharges toSanta Rosa Creek which in turn joins theLaguna de Santa Rosa . [U.S. Geological Survey , "Santa Rosa Quadrangle" (1954, photorevised in 1980)] The upper reaches in thefoothills of theMayacamas Mountains are at elevations of 200 to 300 feet (60 to 90 meters), while the lower and middle reaches are located on theSanta Rosa Plain at elevations of between the 110- and 140-foot (33- and 43-meter) contours; [U.S. Geological Survey, "Aerial photograph stereo pair series (years 1957, 1965, and 1973)"] therefore, these lower reaches have a gradient of about 1:250 toward the southwest. Geologic studies in the lower and middle reaches of Piner Creek indicategroundwater levels ranging from three to 15 feet (one to 5 meters) below the surface. ["Environmental Site Assessment, 3230 and 3240 Coffey Lane, Santa Rosa, California" Earth Metrics Incorporated,October 4 ,1989 ] Prior to extensive urban development of the middle and lower reaches, the landscape earlier bore extensiveagricultural uses includingplum orchard s, which fruit was subsequently processed forprune s.The Piner Creek watershed consists of convert|4048|acre|km2|1|lk=on|abbr=on, approximately three-fourths of which lies within the municipal boundaries of the city of Santa Rosa. [http://ci.santa-rosa.ca.us/pworks/stormwater/Images/2002%20Santa%20Rosa%20Reportfinal.pdf Biological and Physical/Habitat Assessment in the Santa Rosa Watershed (2002)] ] About one-third of the watershed is developed as residential use, and about one-sixth of the land is open space, recreation and
agricultural usage. One of the early survivingarchitectural features of Sonoma County is within the Piner Creek catchment basin: A well preserved "Round Barn", constructed in 1899, a testament to the 19th century pasturage uses within this watershed. [ [http://users.ap.net/~chenae/socohist.html History of Sonoma County, California] ]Hydrology
Piner Creek originates in the lower Mayacmas Mountains at
Fountaingrove Lake . From its outlet at Fountaingrove Lake, Piner Creek flows down a relatively steep gradient, initially over ariprap lined channel, which has been modified in association with some alterations to lower Fountaingrove Lake. Thence Piner Creek flows northerly of anupscale modernoffice park before crossing under Redwood Highway andU.S. Highway 101 . West of the U.S. 101 Freeway, Piner Creek winds through aretail and commercial/industrial area, before crossing under Piner Road near Coffey Lane; in this reach there is a large historic release togroundwater ofsolvent from manufacturing uses stemming back to the 1970s and 1980s.Water quality of Piner Creek is characterized by
pH levels that are mildly basic, with upper reach pH levels about 8.5, declining to lower reach levels at 7.8 just above the discharge to Santa Rosa Creek. ["Water chemistry of the Laguna de Santa Rosa Watershed", Lumina Technologies, Santa Rosa, Ca. (2007)] It is interesting to note that the headwaters soils are typically of pH about 6.9. Water quality of Piner Creek is generally low inturbidity , except for highest flow periods resulting from heavy rains; the water is free fromodor . Springtime water temperatures are typically in the range of 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 18 degreesCelsius ).Piner Creek terminates at its confluence with
Santa Rosa Creek , whichwatercourse discharges to theLaguna de Santa Rosa ; the Laguna de Santa Rosa ultimately forms a confluence with theRussian River , which flows into thePacific Ocean .Geology
As recently as the
Miocene period, twelve million years ago, the entire watershed of Piner Creek was on the floor of thePacific Ocean . After significantvolcanic uplift andtectonic movement, the headwaters region of the Mayacmas Mountains emerged above the ocean. Piner Creek was one of the drainages that began to drain the new landmass, in formation of the eventualSanta Rosa Plain , through which the middle and lower reaches of Piner Creek flow. Occasionalbasalt icoutcrop s are seen in the upper reach of Piner Creek, betraying thevolcanic origin of the Mayacmas Mountains. [ [http://www.sacredsonoma.com/volcanic.html Volcanic Regions: Mayacamas and Sonoma Mountains] ]The upper reach of Piner Creek watershed is characterized by presence of Goulding cobbly
clay loam soil; this soil has slopes of up to 15 percent and is subject to moderate erosive potential."Soil Survey, Sonoma County, California",U.S. Department of Agriculture ,Soil Conservation Service , Government Printing Office, Washington DC, May 1972] The actual soil depth is typically only about {convert|20|in|cm|-1|lk=on and may contain up to 25 percent cobblestones. Historic use of this soil has been forgrazing . As the stream approaches the Santa Rosa Plain immediately east of U.S Highway 101, slopes diminish to a gradient of five to 15 percent and the predominant soil type is Felta verygravel ly loam. This Felta soil is characterized by an upper surface grayish-brown color and texture of a fine, sticky and plastic nature.West of U.S. Highway 101, Piner Creek flows over the Santa Rosa Plain at gradients of less than two percent. Here the predominant soil type is Zamora
silt y clay loam, which has been deposited as analluvial fan as thefloodplain formed."Soil Survey, Sonoma County, California",U.S. Department of Agriculture ,Soil Conservation Service , Government Printing Office, Washington DC, May 1972] The upper soil surface of the Zamora material is grayish-brown hard, firm, sticky and plastic. Permeability is moderately slow and fertility is high for these lower reach soils, which has resulted in historic orchard use and present dayvineyard s.Ecology
habitat evaluation of Piner Creek has been conducted along with a number of other streams within the Laguna de Santa Rosa watershed. Habitat value of Piner Creek was found to be "Fair" compared to higher values scored byMatanzas Creek andBrush Creek and lower values scored byColgan Creek . [http://ci.santa-rosa.ca.us/pworks/stormwater/Images/2002%20Santa%20Rosa%20Reportfinal.pdf Biological and Physical/Habitat Assessment in the Santa Rosa Watershed (2002)] ] Most of the watercourse has been modified to accommodate urban development within Santa Rosa, and some alterations have been conducted to achieve higher levels offlood control . The dominant tree along the banks of Piner Creek is theCoast live oak , "Quercus agrifolia "; within the streambed, a large number ofCattail , "Typha latifolia ", stands are observed. A considerable number of birdspecies are found along the stream banks of Piner Creek.Based upon
benthic macroinvertebrate sampling in Piner Creek, a lowfauna l diversity was found; moreover a declining trend of suchbiodiversity was noted over the period 2000 to 2003. [http://ci.santa-rosa.ca.us/pworks/stormwater/Images/2002%20Santa%20Rosa%20Reportfinal.pdf Biological and Physical/Habitat Assessment in the Santa Rosa Watershed (2002)] ] In comparison with other streams of the Santa Rosa Creek watershed, Piner Creek was assessed to have above averageepifauna l cover, riffle frequency andsilt ation characteristics. The high population level of tubificids in Piner Creek indicate the presence of excessive organic loading, [E.B. Welch and T. Lindell, "Ecological effects ofwastewater ", F P Spoon, London, England(2000)] mostly due to highnitrate andphosphate runoff from urban uses (and possible reduceddissolved oxygen levels).ee also
Flood control
*List of watercourses in the San Francisco Bay Area
*Miwok References
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