Eltham, New Zealand

Eltham, New Zealand

Infobox Settlement
name = Eltham
population_total = 1983
population_as_of = 2006
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = New Zealand
subdivision_type1= Region
subdivision_name1= Taranaki
subdivision_type2= District
subdivision_name2= South Taranaki District

pushpin_label_position = left
latd = 39
latm = 25
lats = 47
latNS = S
longd = 174
longm = 17
longs = 57
longEW = E

Eltham is a small town in southern Taranaki, New Zealand. It is located 50 km south of the city of New Plymouth, and is to the southeast of the volcanic cone of Mount Taranaki (Egmont). Stratford is 11 km north and Kaponga is 13 km west. 19 km south is the town of Hawera and the coastline. State Highway 3 runs through the town. [cite book|title=Reed New Zealand Atlas|year=2004|id=ISBN 0-7900-0952-8|author=Peter Dowling (editor)|publisher=Reed Books|pages=map 34] [cite book|title=The Geographic Atlas of New Zealand|year=2005|id=ISBN 1-877333-20-4|author=Roger Smith, GeographX|publisher=Robbie Burton|pages=map 97]

The population was 1983 in the 2006 Census, a decrease of 117 from 2001. [cite web|url=http://www.stats.govt.nz/census/2006-census-data/final-counts/tarankai-region.htm|title=Final countscensus night and census usually resident populations, and occupied dwellings - South Taranaki District|publisher=Statistics New Zealand]

Eltham's historical claims to fame are twofold:

:*being the cradle of the Taranaki dairy industry (and the co-operative system in particular), and

:*as being the one place in New Zealand that manufactured rennin (marketed as rennet): essential for the manufacture of cheese. [ See citation |title = The New Zealand Co-operative Rennet Company Limited, Eltham, 50th jubilee, 1916-1966 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = n.p. |year = 1966 ] .

Settlement began in Eltham in the 1870s with blocks of land being taken up mainly to the north of Mountain Road. This land was originally covered with dense forest, and the site of Eltham was cleared by a profusion of sawmilling companies operating in the district. Once grass seed had been sown, the surrounding land was soon found to be ideal for dairy farming. [ See cite web |last1 = Davis |first1 = Brian Newton |last2 = Dollimore |first2 = Edward Stewart |title = 'ELTHAM.' From An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, edited by A. H. McLintock, originally published in 1966. Te Ara - The Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, updated 18-Sep-2007 |url = http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/E/Eltham/Eltham/en |accessdate = 2008-01-05] In 1884, the year Eltham was declared a town district, settlers, mainly from England, arrived there and the town had a thriving population of 25 people. Eltham was declared a borough in 1901, and became part of South Taranaki District with the local body amalgamations of 1989.


The town's main industry is cheese production, with many of Mainland Cheese's specialty range (such as feta and camembert) being produced on site at the Bridge Street factory.

Other cheese products (such as the processed cheese used in McDonald's burgers) are produced on the company's Collingwood Street site. This site was formerly occupied by the Taranaki Co-operative Dairy Company's milk powder plant, and it has since been extensively remodelled in its new incarnation. [ The Taranaki Co-operative Dairy Company was formed in 1965 - with the merger of the Cardiff, Eltham, Normanby, and Stratford dairy co-operatives. The Eltham plant was opened for the 1965-66 season. Some of the records of this company "(from 1950-1983)" are held at the web cite |title = Dairy Records Archive, Massey University Library |url = http://library.massey.ac.nz/aboutus/archives.htm#dairy, and a summary of that holding may be seen atweb cite |title = Taranaki Co-operative Dairy Co. Ltd. (B795) |url = http://www.nram.org.nz/record.php?id=6857&parent=searchresults&match=Phrase&format=Long&sort=title&words=Taranaki+Co-operative
accessdate = 2008-01-10

Cheese has been used as a central symbol of the town, and to reinforce this view, the town's water supply tank was painted to represent a large block of cheese in 2002.

Eltham's other significant industry is the Riverlands (formerly J. C. Hutton's) freezing works, which has a satellite plant in Bulls, in Manawatu. Both plants can process up to 1250 head of cattle daily. These industries bring revenue into this small town, and are also important locally and provincially.

Famous people

The historian/classicist Ronald Syme (1903-1989) [web cite |first = David |last = Bruce |title = 'Ronald Syme: Taranaki's Forgotten Son.' |url = http://www.pukeariki.com/en/stories/arts/syme.htm |accessdate = 2007-12-31 This brief biographical article originally appeared in the Taranaki Daily News on 14 June 2003: in the centennial year of his birth.] architect Amyas Connell (1901-1980), and All Blacks Brian "Jazz" Muller (1942- ) [web cite |first = Lindsay |last = Knight |title = 'Jazz Muller.' |url = http://stats.allblacks.com/Profile.asp?ABID=638 |accessdate = 2007-12-23 ] Bryce Robins (1958- ) [web cite |first = Lindsay |last = Knight |title = 'Bryce Robins.' |url = http://stats.allblacks.com/Profile.asp?ABID=747 |accessdate = 2008-01-12] , and Roger Urbahn (1934-1984) [web cite |first = Bob |last = Luxford |title = 'Roger Urbahn.' |url = http://stats.allblacks.com/Profile.asp?ABID=910 |accessdate = 2008-01-12] are perhaps Eltham's best-known sons. Eltham was also home to "Chau Tseung" [ web cite |last = Roth |first = Herbert Otto |title = 'CHONG, Chew.' From An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, edited by A. H. McLintock, originally published in 1966. Te Ara - The Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, updated 18-Sep-2007 |url = http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/C/ChongChew/ChongChew/en |accessdate = 2007-12-30 Roth notes that the establishment of the Eltham Co-operative Dairy Company in 1892 marked the "beginning of the end" for Chew Chong's pioneering dairy empire: because the co-operative could afford to pay its suppliers better. Also see the co-operative's jubilee history noted under Business History in the "Further Reading"" section."] (or Chew Chong (1827-1844?-1920)), the founder of the factory system of butter manufacture in the late 1880s. [ web cite |last = Ng |first = James |title = 'Chew Chong 1827-1844? - 1920.' Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, updated 22 June 2007. |url = http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/ |accessdate = 2007-12-30 ]

A famous first for Eltham

High Street (which runs through the centre of town - as part of State Highway 3 connecting Stratford, Ngaere, Normanby and Hawera) and Bridge Street (which heads westward towards Kaponga and joins State Highway 45 near Opunake), were the first tar-sealed roads in New Zealand. [ See the books of Henry Andrews: citation |first = Henry J. |last = Andrews |title = The history of Eltham, New Zealand: cradle of the dairy export industry |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = Eltham Borough Council |year = 1959 and Russell Standish: citation |first = Russell |last = Standish |title = Eltham: one hundred years |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = Eltham District Centennial Committee |year = 1984 ] .

cenic attractions

Eltham is also the gateway to Lake Rotokare, a scenic, natural lake surrounded by native bush (to the east of the town), and to the man-made Lake Rotorangi.

Eltham's rivers

The two main watercourses which run through Eltham itself are the Mangawharawhara Stream, and the Waingongoro River.

The Mangawharawhara Stream runs to the east of the Main Trunk railway line, flows under the central business district via a culvert, and on past Eltham School and the Eltham Golf Club to the south of the town.

The Waingongoro River forms a western boundary to the town itself, flowing through the Presbyterian Church campsite (in the town's northwest) and Taumata Park (the town's main camping area and sports ground - in the western part of the town) and winding itself southwestward to meet the Tasman Sea at Ohawe Beach, near Hawera. [ cite web |last = Roth |first = Herbert Otto |title = 'CHONG, Chew.' From An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, edited by A. H. McLintock, originally published in 1966. Te Ara - The Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, updated 18-Sep-2007 |url = http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/C/ChongChew/ChongChew/en |accessdate = 2007-12-30 Roth notes that it was on the banks of this river that Chew Chong set up his "Jubilee" factory in 1887.]

Local administration

Eltham and the surrounding community enjoys a full library and council service (coming under the aegis of the South Taranaki District Council, based in Hawera). The Eltham Library Plus is open 8.30 - 5.30 Monday to Friday.


Eltham School is a coeducational full primary (years 1-8) school with a decile rating of 3 and a roll of 186. [cite web|url=http://www.tki.org.nz/e/schools/display_school_info.php?school_id=2165|title=Te Kete Ipurangi - Eltham School|publisher=Ministry of Education] The school was founded in 1886. [cite book |first = Claude |last = Carncross |title = Eltham Public School, 1886-1961: souvenir booklet, 75th jubilee, Easter 1961 | publisher = Eltham Public School Jubilee Committee / Eltham Argus |year = 1961 ]

For more information

For more information on the history of the town, the Eltham & Districts Historical Society is located on the corner of Bridge and York Street (in the former Westpac building). The society has both historical and current information, including documents and photographs of Eltham and the surrounding area.


External links

* [http://www.eltham.orcon.net.nz Eltham School website]

Further reading

General historical works

:*citation |title = Eltham and district centennial, 1884-1984 |place = New Plymouth, [N.Z.] |publisher = Taranaki Newspapers Ltd. |year = 1984 :*citation |authorlink = Eltham and Districts Historical Society |title = Eltham and districts, then and now, a millennium project |place = Stratford, [N.Z.] |publisher = Eltham and Districts Historical Society |year = 2000 |ISBN = 09-0890436-3 :*citation |title = Eltham centennial supplement |place = Stratford, [N.Z.] |publisher = Stratford Press |year = 1984 :*citation |title = Eltham County |place = Wellington, [N.Z.] |publisher = New Zealand Historic Places Trust |year = 1982 :*citation |title = Eltham heritage inventory |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = South Taranaki District Council |year = 2003 :*citation |title = Eltham, Taranaki, New Zealand |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = Worthington's Book Centre |year = 197? :*citation |title = Historic Eltham: a town of firsts |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = South Taranaki District Council |year = 2002 :*citation |title = Souvenir programme: Eltham jubilee carnival, 13th-19th May 1934 |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = n.p. |year = 1934 :*citation |title = This is Eltham: souvenir programme: jubilee celebrations, March 7th-14th 1959 |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = Publicity Committee of the Eltham Jubilee Executive Committee / Eltham Argus |year = 1959 :*citation |first = Henry J. |last = Andrews |title = The history of Eltham, New Zealand: cradle of the dairy export industry |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = Eltham Borough Council |year = 1959 :*citation |first = J. T. |last = Ellis |title = Views of Eltham, Taranaki, New Zealand, 1923 |place = New Plymouth, [N.Z.] |publisher = J. T. Ellis |year = 1923 :*citation |first = Russell |last = Standish |title = Eltham: one hundred years |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = Eltham District Centennial Committee |year = 1984

Business history

Some of Eltham's banking history is publicly accessible, but "none" of it is held in Taranaki.

*The history of the ANZ bank is held in the ANZ National Bank Ltd. Archives in Wellington. For a summary of the type of records held, see web cite |title = ANZ Bank (New Zealand) Ltd. (X295) |url = http://www.nram.org.nz/record.php?id=5346&parent=searchresults&match=Phrase&format=Long&sort=title&words=Eltham
accessdate = 2008-01-10

*There are duplicate sets of records for the Eltham branch of the Bank of New South Wales (now Westpac). The first is held in the web cite |title = J.C.Beaglehole Room, Victoria University of Wellington Library |url = http://www.vuw.ac.nz/collections/jcbr/index.aspx. A summary of this holding, and of the second one (held at the Westpac Archive, P.O. Box 691, Wellington) can be found at web cite |title = Bank of New South Wales (Y3515) |url = http://www.nram.org.nz/record.php?id=12285&parent=searchresults&match=Phrase&format=Long&sort=title&words=Eltham
accessdate = 2008-01-10

:*citation |title = Eltham Co-operative Dairy Company jubilee, 1892-1942 |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = Eltham Argus |year = 1942

The records of the New Plymouth Sash and Door Factory and Timber Company "(which had a branch in Eltham)" can be found at web cite |title = Puke Ariki |url = http://www.pukeariki.com/en/resources/collections.htm . A summary of this holding may be seen at web cite |title = New Plymouth Sash and Door Factory and Timber Company (C148) |url = http://www.nram.org.nz/record.php?id=7234&parent=searchresults&match=Phrase&format=Long&sort=title&words=Eltham
accessdate = 2008-01-10

:*citation |title = The New Zealand Co-operative Rennet Company Limited, Eltham, 50th jubilee, 1916-1966 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = n.p. |year = 1966

:*citation |first = Don |last = Drabble |title = The life and times of Chew Chong |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = D. A. Drabble |year = 1996 |ISBN = 0-473-04035-2

Those without access to Drabble's book might like to read the following article (which also includes an interview with Don Drabble):- web cite |first = Virginia |last = Winder |title = Chong Plays Leading Role in Dairy Industry |url = http://www.pukeariki.com/en/stories/businessAndIndustry/chewchong.htm and/or look at a map of Chong's various Taranaki business interests: web cite |title = Location of Chong's Taranaki businesses |url = http://www.pukeariki.com/en/stories/farming/chewchongsbusinesses.htm |accessdate = 2008-01-12

:*citation |first = Russell |last = Standish |title = Pioneer traders of Taranaki |place = Tauranga, [N.Z.] |publisher = Russell Standish |year = 2007 |ISBN = 9780473117177

The above-mentioned book by "Standish" is a biography of prominent Eltham businessman and parliamentarian, Charles Anderson (C.A.) Wilkinson. Wilkinson began his commercial career by managing the Eltham store of "Chew Chong". For brief biographical essays, see the following: web cite |first = Bruce |last = Ralston |title = 'Wilkinson, Charles Anderson, 1868-1956.' Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, updated 22-Jun-2007 |url = http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/ |accessdate = 2008-01-10; and web cite |first = Virginia |last = Winder |title = Charles Wilkinson Known as Father of Eltham |url = http://www.pukeariki.com/en/stories/businessAndIndustry/cawilkinson.htm |accessdate = 2008-01-12



:*citation |title = Parish of All Saints' Church |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = Parish of All Saints' Church |year = 1956 :*citation |first = Claude |last = Carncross |title = A short history of the Parish of All Saints: Eltham, N.Z. |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = All Saints' Vestry |year = 1953 :*citation |first = Elizabeth |last = Davies |title = All Saints' Anglican Church centennial, 1996 |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = The Church |year = 1996 |ISBN = 0-908-90423-1


:*citation |first = Alison |last = Crafar |title = History of St. Joseph's Eltham Parish and School |place = Stratford, [N.Z.] |publisher = Stratford Press & Printing Ltd. on behalf of the St. Joseph's Eltham Centenary Committee |year = 1998 |ISBN = 0-908-90430-4


:*citation |first = Alison |last = Robinson |title = Eltham: Methodist Presbyterian: 100 years of witness |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = I. & G. Selby |year = 1990 |ISBN = 0-473-00991-9 :*citation |first = A.K. |last = Surrey |title = A short history of the Methodist Church in Eltham N.Z. |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = Eltham Argus |year = 1964


:*citation |first = R. H. et al. |last = Allen |title = Knox Presbyterian Church, Eltham: 50th jubilee souvenir record, 1901-1951 |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = Session of Knox Church / Eltham Argus |year = 1951 :*citation |first = Alison |last = Robinson |title = Eltham: Methodist Presbyterian: 100 years of witness |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = I.& G. Selby |year = 1990 |ISBN = 0-473-00991-9

"Salvation Army"

:*citation |first1 = A. L. |last1 = McGrath |first2 = Howard |last2 = Wilson |title = The "inside" story: the Mercy Jenkins Salvation Army Boys' Home, Eltham, 28th December 1909 - 26th January 1954 |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = A. L. McGrath |year = 1993 :* citation |first = Alison |last = Robinson |title = The Salvation Army in Stratford and Eltham, 1893-1993: including the Mercy Boys' Home & the Mercy Jenkins Eventide Home |place = Stratford, [N.Z.] |publisher = Salvation Army, Stratford / Eltham Corps |year = 1993
ISBN = 0-473-01940-X

Records of the Salvation Army in Eltham are held at the web cite |title = Salvation Army Territorial Archives and Museum |url = http://www.salvationarmy.org.nz The extent of the archive's holdings may be seen at web cite |title = Salvation Army Territorial Archives (X1102) |url = http://www.nram.org.nz/record.php?id=4431&parent=searchresults&match=Phrase&format=Long&sort=title&words=Eltham
accessdate = 2008-01-10

Clubs and organisations

A collection of records for the League of Mothers is kept at web cite |title = Puke Ariki |url = http://www.pukeariki.com/en/resources/collections.htm A summary of this holding may be seen at web cite |title = League of Mothers Taranaki Province Branches (W216) |url = http://www.nram.org.nz/record.php?id=6670&parent=searchresults&match=Phrase&format=Long&sort=title&words=Eltham
accessdate = 2008-01-10

:*citation |title = Eltham & District Highland Pipe Band 50th jubilee, 1919-1969: souvenir booklet, 15th March 1969 |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = Eltham Argus |year = 1969 :*citation |title = Eltham Horticultural Society golden jubilee, 1921-1971 |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = The Society |year = 1971 :*citation |first = Karen (ed.) |last = Christian |title = The Eltham Town Hall: memories of a community treasure |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = K. Christian |year = 2003 |ISBN = 0-908-90443-6 :*citation |first = Frank |last = Everest |title = "The days of savagery": a history of the Eltham Savage Club, 1945-1994 |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = The Club |year = 1994 :*citation |first = Max S. |last = Mackay |title = One hundred years of service: the story of the first hundred years of the Eltham Volunteer Fire Brigade, 1902-2002 |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = Eltham Volunteer Fire Brigade |year = 2002 |ISBN = 0-908-90441-X :*citation |first = Clive |last = Perry |title = History of St. John's Lodge no. 95: the brethren |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = The Lodge |year = 1992 :*citation |first = Joy (ed.)|last = Urbahn |title = Eltham Rugby Football Club centennial, 1888-1988 |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = The Club |year = 1988


:*citation |author = New Zealand Department of Lands & Survey |title = Map of Hawera, Manaia, Opunake, Stratford, Eltham, Patea, Waverley, (2nd ed.)|place = Wellington, [N.Z.] |publisher = New Zealand Department of Lands & Survey |year = 1981

NOTE: Scale: 1:15 000 - this is a series of eight maps on one page.

:*citation |author = New Zealand Department of Lands & Survey |title = Street map of Hawera, Manaia, Opunake, Stratford, Waverley, Eltham, Patea, (3rd ed.) |place = Wellington, [N.Z.] |publisher = New Zealand Department of Lands & Survey |year = 1984

NOTE: Scale: 1:15 000 - this is a series of eight maps on one page.


A set of records pertaining to the formation of Eltham Kindergarten "(more particularly its Committee, in 1956)" is held by web cite |title = Puke Ariki |url = http://www.pukeariki.com/en/resources/collections.htm in New Plymouth. A summary of this holding may be seen at web cite |title = Eltham Kindergarten (X2992) |url = http://www.nram.org.nz/record.php?id=261&parent=searchresults&match=Phrase&format=Long&sort=title&words=Eltham
accessdate = 2008-01-10

:*citation |first = Claude |last = Carncross |title = Eltham Public School, 1886-1961: souvenir booklet, 75th jubilee, Easter 1961 |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = Eltham Public School Jubilee Committee / Eltham Argus |year = 1961 :*citation |first = Alison |last = Crafar |title = Eltham Public School 100 years |place = Eltham, [N.Z.] |publisher = Eltham Public School Centennial Committee |year = 1986 :*citation |first = Alison |last = Crafar |title = History of St. Joseph's Eltham Parish and School |place = Stratford, [N.Z.] |publisher = Stratford Press & Printing Ltd. on behalf of the St. Joseph's Eltham Centenary Committee |year = 1998 |ISBN = 0-908-90430-4

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