Inverse Symbolic Calculator

Inverse Symbolic Calculator

The Inverse Symbolic Calculator is a Canadian Online Number Checker, which has been established July 18 1995 by Simon Plouffe in the Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics (Burnaby, Canada). You type in a number and a fitting mathematical formula is shown. It can be reached though the Weblink. The ISC contains 54 millions mathematical constants. Plouffe's Inverter (opened in 1998) contains 214 millions.


* John Conway, Richard K. Guy: "Zahlenzauber" (The Book of Numbers), End of Chapter 1 about Numbers in languages. Birkhäuser, 1997, ISBN 3-7643-5244-2.

External links

* [ Inverse Symbolic Calculator]
* [ Inverse Symbolic Calculator v2]
* [ Plouffe Inverter]

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