- Terra Terra
Infobox Album
Name = Terra Terra -The Aqurarius Era
Type = studio
Longtype = 2nd part of The Accacha Chronicles
Artist =Nicholas Lens
Released =1999 and2005
Recorded =
Genre =Contemporary classical
Length = 71:18
Label =Sony BMG
Producer =Nicholas Lens
Reviews =
Last album =
This album =
Next album =Terra Terra -The Aquarius Era is a musical work by
Nicholas Lens . It is the second part of the operatic trilogyThe Accacha Chronicles .
The work follows on the successful first partFlamma Flamma .
In 12 sections, the score combines orchestra, chorus and six operatic voices that contrast with the eerie tonalities of two female "nasal-natural" singers .Cover, Creations and Adaptations
*The cover of "Terra Terra" (above right) shows a vague image of Lens' daughter Clara-Lane as
foetus .*Terra Terra - The Aquarius
Era premiered live on 30 October1999 at the MusikhalleHamburg inGermany .*The newly published score of Terra Terra (rewritten by Lens in
2005 as second part ofThe Accacha Chronicles ), did not premiere yet.*A video film entitled "
Anima Superba" (track 12 of "Terra Terra") was directed by Isabelle Desprechins and produced byTabaran Company .
The film was shot around theGanges river inIndia showing originalfootage of death and birthrituals .Credits
Second part of the operatic
trilogy byNicholas Lens The Accacha Chronicles Music,
Libretto and Concept:Nicholas Lens
Published bySchott Music InternationalMainz /New York
Studio version released bySony BMG International (1999 and2005 ) (BMG Classics 74321 697182 andSony BMG 82876 66239 2)Introduction
(according to the booklet)
earth dies."
"The old earth dies."
"Now it’s waiting for the water man."The watergod Aquarius seems to be in a good mood. He cycles quietly around in a pedal boat. The pedal boat is actually a gigantic royal hydrocycle on top of a huge waterspout. He is on his way to Earth with his wife Maramnan and his divine retinue, the
dragonflies Lecka & Pecka and theepicene s Ismail, Stoycé and Luna-Serena.
Everyone is pedaling. With some exaggeration, and if it weren't for thewaterspout , it might have been a familytableau at the Flemish coast on a Sunday afternoon.
As Earth becomes closer, Aquarius wonders how the human mortals will react to his visit. Could it possibly affect them emotionally? The divine company hears the mighty watergod muttering all manner of things to himself. It has to be said: no prophet expected the inescapable water treatment for the world so soon, although the signs were crystal clear: there was the swiftly rising water worldwide while thehydrophobic power ofCypher was fading.
Aquarius smiles. His time has come. He stops pedaling and says: “As we all know, we, the gods couldn’t care less about time. However, to kill some time, I was thinking of having some entertainment.”
His listeners, this heavenly raggle-taggle crew of gods, spontaneously nod in agreement. And Aquarius continues: “How will the mortals interpret the era of the waterrenaissance ? Do they realize that it is not without reluctance that I, Aquarius, will wash over them, those scaly mortals, those fossilized, filthy fishes?!?”
The watergod is perspiring as a result of his own excitement. Maybe his sweat, negligently dropping in theGalaxy , will cause a couple of new Milky Ways.
“Yes, okay, that’s fine,” murmur the listening gods, “but what about the promised entertainment?”
Aquarius calms down and whispers confidentially: “Imagine that we're a bunch of ordinary people going through this water change, and fantasize about it. Put yourself in their shoes and feel free to use and to imitate all possible sensations and feelings that humans daily experience: intense joy, deep sadness, self-pity, jealousy, fear etc... In other words: Let’s have some fun!”
Almost everyone thinks it’s a great idea.
Only the naughty Stoycé suppresses a yawn, again. But isn’t he secretly happy as a sandboy as long as something happens?
Thedragonflies Lecka & Pecka argue about the latestfashion on Earth and what to wear.Cypher doesn’t feel comfortable with all this water stuff. He may appear shortly but will leave as soon as he can.
Does The AquariusEra frightenCypher ?
The lovely Luna-Serena dreams of getting back into the emotions of a female human being like she did in Flamma Flamma. Not surprisingly a quick decision is made.
The princely Ismail looks really dismayed! It was his turn to play a girl! Later on the boyish epicene is only too pleased to remain an androgyne, what he is and always will be.
The graceful Maramnan -who still cherishes the gods as if they were her own children- resolves to join them in this challenging but innocent pastime.And Aquarius? Once again Aquarius is amused to see how his suggestion gains a lot of support and giggles quietly. A little tear of happiness escapes from his canthus and drops down on the fast approaching Earth.
Aquarius doesn’t realize that the tear liquid of from restrained joy provokes a worldflood the likes of which mortals have never seen before.
Definitely, beyond all doubt, this must be Terra Terra, The AquariusEra .Track listing
1 Mors O Suavissima Rerum
2 Molitur Memoria
3 Milliens Millenae
4 Moritur Terra
5 Terra Aquarius
6 Eia! Eia! Fetus in Vulva
9 Pupulus
10 Infans Dolore
11 Pupulam O Puram
12Anima Superba
13Deus MeusExternal links
* Official website [http://www.nicholaslens.com/ Nicholas Lens' Website]
* Time magazine [http://www.time.com/time/international/1995/951009/sightings.html]
* Schott Music International [http://www.schott-music.com/autoren/KomponistenAZ/show,3527.html]
* Internet Movie Data Base [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0502203/]
* Biff, New York [http://www.wbff.org/films/detail.asp?fid=607]
* Compact Discoveries [http://www.compactdiscoveries.com/CompactDiscoveriesArticles/Flamma.html]
* Sonymusic [http://www.sonymusic.com/artists/NicholasLens/flamma1.htm]
* Sony BMG [http://sonybmg.de/artists2.php?iA=4&artist=187779]
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