- St Kilda, South Australia
Infobox Australian Place | type = suburb
name = St Kilda
city =Adelaide
state = sa
caption = St Kilda adventure playground
lga =City of Salisbury
postcode = 5110
est = 1893
pop = 246 (2006) [Census 2006 AUS | id = SSC42626 | name = St Kilda (State Suburb) | quick = on | accessdate = 2008-02-28]
area =
propval =
stategov =Electoral district of Taylor
fedgov =Division of Port Adelaide
near-nw =Barker Inlet
near-n = Buckland Park
near-ne = Waterloo Corner
near-w =Barker Inlet
near-e = Bolivar
near-sw =Barker Inlet
near-s = Bolivar
near-se = Bolivar
dist1 = 22
location1= Adelaide's CBDSt Kilda (coord|34|43|S|138|31|E|region:AU-SA) is a seaside suburb in
Adelaide ,South Australia that is home to an award winning adventureplayground ,tram museum,mangrove forest walk and an abundance of birdlife. St Kilda has only a small number of houses and a 2006 population of 246. There is a single connecting road to the rest of Adelaide which, where the road enters the suburb's residential area, is surrounded by salt crystallisation lagoons used in the manufacture of soda ash.The inhabited section of the suburb occupies less than 100 hectares along the seafront, with the remainder used for salt lagoons and also settlement ponds of nearby Bolivar
sewage treatment works.What was originally a seaside town was named by John Harvey, the founder of nearby Salisbury, as it reminded him of St Kilda in the
Outer Hebrides of Scotland with its similar abundance of birdlife.Gunton E. 1986, p.115] St Kilda is an internationally recognised bird watching area with over 100 species of birds feeding in and around themudflat s, saltLagoon s, mangroves andseagrass beds. [Taylor E. (2003),p.31–32 (100 species referred to here but noted on boardwalk signs as 200 species and elsewhere as 150 species]History
The suburb was originally three low lying
island s that were covered in shell grit and saltbush and surrounded by mangrove and samphire swamps. Fishermen had established huts on the islands by 1865 and by 1873 there were 13 huts and aboathouse recorded when the area was surveyed by Thomas Evans.Taylor E. (2003),p.4–7] By the 1890s people were visiting the islands attracted to the supposed curative properties of the mangrove mud, using the beach for bathing and fishing forcrab s.St Kilda was proclaimed a town on 31 July 1893 with sales of the first allotments made on the same day. In 1886 it became part of the Munno Para West
District Council area, moving to the district of Salisbury on 1 July 1933 along with most of the Munno Para West area. The islands were extensively modified after floods in 1948 and 1957 which cut off St Kilda from the rest of Adelaide. Salisbury council began building up the area, expanding seawalls and reclaiming additional land by dumping of earth spoil.The St Kilda Hotel, built out of
limestone from east of Elizabeth, opened in 1898 with Matthias Lucas as the firstpublican and remains the suburbs only hotel.Taylor E. (2003),p.9–11] A school opened in October 1902, where the tram museum is now sited, admitting students in November of the same year, . The school was closed from 1917 to 1924 and finally closed permanently in 1949 with students moving to Salisbury North Primary School and the building eventually being used at Virginia primary school. [Taylor E. (2003),p.12] In 1924 a post office opened in shell street and, due the suburb of St Kilda inMelbourne having the same name, the post office service requested that the name be changed. Over some local objections the name was changed to "Moilong" (aKaurna word for "Where the tide comes in") but this was reversed after local protests.St Kilda's population has never been large with 50 non-permanent residents counted in the 1901 census, 68 (including 20 permanent) in 1911, 30 total residents in 1933, 80 in 2002 and increasing to 246 by 2006. [Taylor E. (2003), p.34]
Adventure Playground
St Kilda's adventure playground covers 4
hectare s along the seafront and is one of South Australia's best known. The playground has a constructedshipwreck , woodencastle , huge slides, a spiral slide inside a hill, flying foxes and numerous other pieces of play equipment, with South Australian children naming it in 2002 as the best adventure park in the state.Taylor E. (2003),p.27]The park was conceived by the Lions club of Salisbury and funded through club fundraising activities, council matching funding and government employment schemes providing free labour. It was opened by Salisbury
mayor Ron White on 24 October 1982 and has had recent upgrades to the park, including a shaded set of equipment shaped like asubmarine for younger children, and the building of a smallmaze .Boat Club and Marina
St Kilda has an extensive
marina with floating moorings for over 80 boats, two boat ramps and a sheltered channel out into theBarker Inlet , part ofGulf St Vincent . Recently expanded the marina now has hard stands for boats and some slipping facilities.cite web|url=http://cweb.salisbury.sa.gov.au/manifest/servlet/binaries?|title=Spend a day in Salisbury|publisher=Salisbury Council, South Australia|accessdate=2007-01-19]
The boat club, founded as the "St Kilda Boatowners Association Incorporated" in 1964, after permission was gained from the council and landowners to develop St Kilda
tidal creek as the area lacked boat launching facilities. The creek was straightened and deepened repeatedly, originally by hand, and a causeway extended out to sea to protect the channel.Taylor E. (2003),p.21–23] A new clubhouse was opened by MPLynn Arnold in 1980 and the latest boat ramp in 2002 by the mayor of SalisburyTony Zappia .altwater lagoons
Large, constructed saltwater evaporation lagoons surround the only road into the suburb.
Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) began construction of the "Solar Evaporation Lagoons" in 1935 using up to 600 workers to dig out the lagoons by hand and then expanded them mechanically afterWorld War II .Taylor E. (2003),p.15–17] The lagoons stretch in a broken chain from Dry Creek to Port Gawler alongside the Barker Inlet, and are approximately convert|30|km|mi|0 north–south by convert|3|km|mi|0 east–west. The lagoons are filled in spring and salt normally harvested in autumn when it is piped as saturatedbrine solution to Osborne on the Le Fevre peninsula, and used byPenrice Soda Products in the onlysoda ash production facility in Australia. [cite web|url=http://www.penrice.com.au/company.htm |title=Company Overview| publisher=Penrice Soda Holdings Limited| accessdate=2007-01-21] The lagoons proliferate withbird life and have been recognised as a bird sanctuary due to their status as an important breeding and feeding area for species from as far away asAlaska . As of 2006 the Lagoons are operated by Cheetham Salt Limited with 600,000 tonnes of salt used by Penrice in creating soda ash via thesolvay process . [cite web| url=http://www.business-sa.com/magazine/MagazineIssue.aspx?article=189 |title=A taste of the salt making business | accessdate=2007-01-21 |publisher=Business S.A.] [cite web|url =http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/pages/minerals/commodity/salt.htm:sectID=245&tempID=7 |publisher =Department of Primary Industries, South Australia | last=Valentine |first=Jeff|title=Salt|accessdate=2007-01-21]Mangrove trail and interpretative centre
St Kilda is adjacent to the
mangrove forest bordering the Barker Inlet. Late in the 19th Century embankments were constructed through the mangroves in an effort to reclaim land for pasturing. With the construction of the banks of the adjacent saltfields maintenance of the embankments ceased and the mangroves began to reclaim them. One of these embankments is used as the beginning of a boardwalk through the mangroves which forms a 1.7 km loopTaylor E. (2003),p.28–29] through the samphire saltmarsh flats and mangroves reaching the border between the ocean and forest.The boardwalk was constructed in 1984 by the City of Salisbury to encourage appreciation of the mangrove's ecological importance. On 29 April 1995, South Australian Premier
Dean Brown and federal MPChris Schacht opened the award winning "St Kilda Interpretative Centre" at the entrance to the boardwalk which showcases the flora, fauna and processes within the mangrove forest. Since 1997 the mangrove trail has been privately managed, hosting school visits as well as casual visitors. [cite news |title= St Kilda Mangrove Trail|url= http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0,22606,22575736-5014062,00.html |work=The Advertiser |publisher= News Limited|date=13 October 2007 |accessdate=2007-10-26]The boardwalk is within the barker inlet aquatic reserve, where the taking of crabs shellfish and plants is prohibited and pets are not allowed. The mangroves, saltmarsh and adjacent lagoons form a habitat for over 200 bird species [cite web|url=http://members.dodo.com.au/~peteriw/birdingsa/sites-6.htm |title=A birdwatching guide to South Australia|last=Waanders|first =P.I.|accessdate=2007-01-21| year=2004|pages="2.2.3 St Kilda tidal flats and mangroves"] with the mangroves being part of a nursery area for most of the commercial and recreational fish species of the Gulf St Vincent. The 2005 "Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary Act" [cite web| url=http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/sa/consol_act/adsa2005238/ |title= ADELAIDE DOLPHIN SANCTUARY ACT 2005|accessdate=2006-12-26] established a sanctuary for the
Bottlenose dolphin s that live in the inlet and adjacentPort River . The sanctuary's northern extent is the boat channel [cite web|url=http://www.environment.sa.gov.au/coasts/ads/location.html|title = Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary, Location and Maps|publisher=South Australian Department of Environment and Heritage |accessdate = 2006-12-26|year = 2006] and dolphins can sometimes be seen at high tide in the tidal creeks passing under the boardwalk.Tramway museum
Adelaide had an extensive tram system, beginning as horse trams in 1878, moving to electric trams in 1909 and reduced in 1958 to a single tram line which runs from Adelaide's Central Business District to Glenelg.State Transport Authority (1978)] Built on the site of the 1902 school, the Tramway museum showcases trams and
trolleybus es that were either used or built in Adelaide. The museum is operated by the "Australian Electric Transport Museum (SA) Inc", a non-profit volunteer organisation accredited with the History Trust of South Australia and dedicated to preserving and restoring Adelaide’s former transport vehicles. The museum houses over 30 electric trams, horse trams and electric trolley buses many of which are restored and operational. Visitors can ride the electric trams along 2 km of purpose built track that runs between the museum and the adventure playground. [cite web |url=http://www.railpage.org.au/aetmsa/main.html |title=Tramway Museum, St Kilda, South Australia |publisher=Australian Electric Transport Museum (SA) Inc |accessdate=2007-01-19]Work commenced in 1958 with the arrival of donated vehicles, the first of which was an old trolley bus from the
Municipal Tramways Trust , and the museum was opened in 1967 as a static display.Taylor E. (2003),p.18–20] Workshops were built to enable the restoration of the old trams to operating condition and, in 2001 a large additional museum building was completed so as to house the increasing number of donated trams.ICI, then operator of the salt lagoons, donated land for the tramway to run down the side of the main St Kilda road between the museum and the sea with funding obtained from the State Unemployment Relief Scheme. The tramway opened for trials in 1973 and was officially opened in 1974 by Harry Bowey, mayor of Salisbury, and Frank Kneebone, Minister for Lands, to coincide with St Kilda's centenary.The tram used in the opening ceremonies and now housed at the museum was Adelaide's first electric tram which had its trial run on 30 November 1908 and first operated in 1909. The museum's collection continues to expand with Adelaide tram 104 the latest aquistion. After spending 48 years as a shack on the
Yorke Peninsula it will be stored, and possibly restored, at the museum on behalf of the Sydney tramway museum. [cite news |first= Jenny|last= Oldland |title= Tram 104 departs Foul Bay|url= http://kadina.yp-connect.net/~ypct/news/07/01/16/5.html|work= Yorke Peninsula Country Times|date= 2007-01-16|accessdate= 2007-02-06]Flora and fauna
;FloraThe mangroves are uniformly of the type
avicennia marina var resinifera that are found throughout the barker inlet. Samphire ("Tecticornia flabelliformis" and "Tecticornia pergranulata") as well as saltbush is found on the saltflats above high tide level. At the tidal boundary mangroves and samphires compete for space. Nitre bush grows on the highest parts of the seawall and the abundant summer fruits provide a food source for birds.;FaunaSt Kilda is part of a nursery area for many of the commercially important fish and crustaceans in South Australian including
King George whiting , western king prawns and blue swimmer crabs. [cite web |url=http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/byteserve/fisheries/rec_fishing/pdf/barker_inlet_st_kilda.pdf |title=Barker Inlet – St Kilda Aquatic Reserve |publisher=South Australian dept of Primary Industries | accessdate = 2006-12-26|format=PDF] Brown snakes andskink s in dense bushes along the top of the embankments.Each year in late summer thousands of black swans and ducks decend on the area as the inland waterways they inhabit dry up. Waterbirds such as
pelican s,cormorant s, oyster catchers andtern s are common often year round.Egret s,Ibis ,heron s andspoonbill s feed on the seagrass and fairy wrens, chats,fantail s and thornbills feed on insects and plants amongst the samphire. Each Septemberstint s and sandpipers arrive from theNorthern Hemisphere in a spectacular display. With the abundance of birdlife the area attractsbirds of prey with swamp harriers, collared sparrowhawks, black-shouldered kites,kestrel s and little falcons are all seen in the skies over St Kilda.Taylor E. (2003),p.31–32]The salt lagoons, mangroves and samphire wetlands are recognised as important areas for
migratory bird s by their coverage under the China-Australia and Japan-Australia migratory bird agreements. [cite web|url= http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/byteserve/petrol/environmental_reg/documents/sea_gas_pipeline/2_eir_seagas_part2.pdf |title= SEA Gas Project EER/EIR|pages=P.57|publisher=Primary Industries and Resources, South Australia|format=PDF] The agreements are treaties created to for the protection of the birds and their environment.Geography
St Kilda is a flat, low lying suburb mostly less than 2 metres above sea level, dominated by the salt lagoons managed by Cheetham Salt, and the treatment ponds of
SA Water 's nearby Bolivar sewage works. The lagoons, ponds and surrounding land are fenced off and generally closed to the public.;TransportSt Kilda road is the only access road and connects to Port Wakefield road at Waterloo Corner. St Kilda can be driven to from Salisbury in approximately 10 minutes and from Adelaide's CBD in 30 minutes. There are no scheduled
bus services with the nearest public transport theTransadelaide 900 bus route which passes along Port Wakefield road, 2 kilometers outside the suburb's boundary.;WeatherAdelaide has a
Mediterranean climate with St Kilda being slightly hotter and dryer than the Adelaide average. Daytime temperatures can be expected to exceed 40 °C on 4 days of the year but conversely nighttime temperature is expected to drop below 0 °C on 1 day.climate chart|Edinburgh
RAAF base near St Kilda
source=Bureau of Meteorology [cite web|url=http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/averages/tables/cw_023083.shtml |title=Climate Averages for EDINBURGH RAAF|publisher=Australian Bureau of Meteorology| language=5km from St Kilda|accessdate=2007-01-25]Notes
*cite book |last=Gunton|first= Eric|title= Tracing Our Towns, Stories of Same Named Places in South Australia and the United Kingdom|year= 1986|month= November|publisher= Self Published|location= South Australia|isbn= 0-959-20942-5
*cite book |title=The History and Development of ST KILDA South Australia |last = Taylor |first =Edna |isbn=0-646-42219-7|year=2003|publisher=Lions Club of Salisbury|location=Salisbury, South Australia
*cite book|title=Transit in Adelaide : the story of the development of street public transportation in Adelaide from horse trams to the present bus and tram system |year=1978 |author=State Transport Authority|publisher=State Transport Authority (South Australia) |location=Adelaide|isbn =0724352996
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