Anne Kaiser

Anne Kaiser

Infobox_State Representative
name = Del. Anne Kaiser

caption =
state_delegate = Maryland
district = 14th
term_start = 2003
term_end = present
birth_date = birth date and age|1968|2|10
birth_place = Washington, DC
residence = Burtonsville, Maryland
death_date =
death_place =
predecessor =
successor =
party = Democrat
religion = Jewish
occupation =
majority =
relations =
spouse =
children =
website = []

Anne R. Kaiser is an American politician from the state of Maryland and is a lifelong resident of Montgomery County, Maryland. She is currently serving her second term as one of three members of the House of Delegates from Maryland's 14th District, which includes parts of Silver Spring, Calverton, Colesville, Cloverly, Fairland, Burtonsville, Spencerville, Olney, Brookeville, Ashton, Sandy Spring, Brinklow, Laytonsville, Sunshine, Goshen, parts of Montgomery Village and Damascus in Montgomery County.


Kaiser was born in Washington, DC on February 10, 1968 and grew up in Rockville, Maryland. She graduated from Rockville High School and then attended the University of Chicago, graduating with a B.A. in Political Science in 1990. She received two Masters Degrees from the University of Michigan in 1995, a Masters in Public Policy and a Masters in Educational Studies.

Career and community involvement

Between college and graduate school, Kaiser worked for Congressman Neal Smith (D-Iowa) as well as for Maryland Delegate Hank Heller. During that time, Kaiser became active in Montgomery County Democratic politics, was a member of the Giant Food Consumer Advisory Board, and coached youth basketball.

After completing graduate school, Kaiser worked as an Economist at the IRS from December 1995 until April 2002. During that time she was a member of the Wheaton Urban District Advisory Committee, the Rockville Branch of the American Association of University Women (serving as Membership VP and Secretary), and continued coaching youth basketball. She served in leadership positions as Chair of the Mid-County CitizensAdvisory Board and Co-Coordinator of Montgomery County Women's Fair. In 1998, she was elected to a 4-year term on the Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee.

House of Delegates

Kaiser was first elected to the Maryland House of Delegates in 2002, and was reelected in 2006. She is a member of the Ways and Means Committee, serving as the chair of the Education Subcommittee. During her second term, she was appointed by Speaker Michael Busch to serve as a Deputy Majority Whip. She is also the House chair of the Joint Committee on Children, Youth and Families; a member of the Joint Committee on Federal Relations; a member of the Joint Committee on Welfare Reform; a member of the Joint Advisory Committee on Legislative Data Systems; and chairs the County Affairs Committee for the Montgomery County Delegation. During six years in the legislature, Kaiser has been the prime sponsor of 21 bills that are now law.

During the 2004 legislative session, Kaiser testified on behalf of H.B. 1284: Medical Decision-Making Act and in her testimony announced that she is a lesbian. In making this announcement, she joined openly gay Maryland legislators Delegate Maggie L. McIntosh and Senator Rich Madaleno. In the 2006 election, the LGBT caucus in the Maryland General Assembly, increased to four with the election of Delegate Heather Mizeur.

While a member of the House of Delegates, Anne maintains her activism in community organizations. She currently serves as a board member on Central Familia and on the Local Interagency Coordinating Council, Infants and Toddlers. She also serves as the legislative liaison for Committee for Montgomery. Anne is also pleased to have been selected by Speaker Michael Busch to be in the inaugural class of the Howard P. Rawlings Leadership Fellowship Program. Previously, Anne was active with the Girls in Information Technology Taskforce, the Carl M. Freeman Foundation and is a graduate of Leadership Montgomery. In 2004, she was elected as a Kerry delegate to the Democratic National Convention.


Delegate Kaiser has been recognized with several awards, including the Out for Equality award from Equality Maryland, a nomination for the Young Woman of Achievement Award from the Womens Information Network, two certificates of appreciation from the Maryland Municipal League, as well as being chosen by "The Daily Record" as one of Maryland's Top 100 Women in 2006. In 2007, she was honored by the Maryland Nurses Association as their Legislator of the Year.

Election results

*2006 Race for Maryland House of Delegates14th Districtcite web| url=| title=House of Delegates Results |publisher=Maryland State Board of Elections Retrieved on July. 21, 2007] ::Voters to choose three::


External links

* [ Legislative homepage]
* [ Campaign website]

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