Tabetha Wells

Tabetha Wells

Tabetha Wells is a Canadian comedic and dramatic actor and writer.

Tabetha Wells is a member of three time Canadian Comedy Award winning improv troupe Slap Happy [] [] [] . She has also toured across Canada as a cast member of The Second City National Touring Company. As a writer, she has written for several shows on YTV, as well as the internet comedy site McSweeney's

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*imdb|id=1552622|name=Tabetha Wells
* [ bio at Slap Happy Improvisational Theatre Company]
* [ 'The Aristocrats as I Think Bob Newhart Would Have Performed It' on]

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  • Canadian Comedy Awards — The Canadian Comedy Awards is an annual awards ceremony celebrating notable English speaking Canadian comedians for achievements in Live, Radio, Film, Television and Internet media over the previous year. The awards began in 2000, and are usually …   Wikipedia

  • Slap Happy Improv — Slap Happy is a Canadian improv troupe located in Toronto, Ontario. Members include Kerry Griffin, Sandy Jobin Bevans, Dave Pearce and Tabetha Wells. The group has won three Canadian Comedy Awards for Best Improv Troupe, in 2002… …   Wikipedia

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