- Walter W. Granger
Walter Willis Granger [Granger did not use his middle name or initial. His middle initial is used in the title of this article to distinguish him from others with the same first and last names.] (
November 7 ,1872 -September 6 ,1941 ) was an Americanvertebrate paleontologist who participated in importantfossil explorations in theUnited States ,Egypt ,China andMongolia .Early life and career
Born in
Middletown Springs, Vermont , Granger was the first of five children born to Charles H. Granger, an insurance agent and veteran of theAmerican Civil War , and Ada Haynes Granger. Granger developed an early interest intaxidermy ; and in 1890, at age 17, he obtained a job working as a taxidermist with a friend of his father's at theAmerican Museum of Natural History inNew York City . Working in the field with the museum's expeditions in the American West in 1894 and 1895, Granger became interested in hunting fossils. In 1896, he joined the museum's Department of Vertebrate Paleontology. In 1897, on an expedition toWyoming , he discoveredBone Cabin Quarry near Laramie. Over the next eight years, the site yielded the fossils of 64dinosaur s, including specimens ofstegosaurus ,allosaurus andapatosaurus .News of German and British vertebrate fossil discoveries in Egypt led Granger to embark in 1907 with his superior
Henry Fairfield Osborn on the first American fossil hunt outsideNorth America . The Fayum region of Egypt contained one of the most complete assemblages ofCenozoic animals yet found and yielded a collection of specimens that enhanced the museum's reputation as well as Granger's.Later career
As assistant
curator of the museum's Department of Vertebrate Paleontology, Granger was sufficiently free of administrative duties that for many years he could spend an average of five months a year in the field, mostly in the American West, as well as write two or three important papers each year. In 1921, he went to China and Mongolia as chief paleontologist of the museum's third expedition there. Under the direction ofJohan Gunnar Andersson , Granger helped open and begin excavating the site atZhoukoudian that yielded "Peking Man " ("Homo erectus pekinensis"). The initial discovery of ahominid tooth at Zhoukoudian was made in 1921 by another paleontologist,Otto Zdansky .Granger's work in China also took him to the
Three Gorges area of theYangtze River , but his five expeditions in 1922, 1923, 1925, 1927 and 1928 into theGobi Desert of Mongolia in association with the legendaryRoy Chapman Andrews led to Granger's most famous discoveries, includingvelociraptor ,oviraptor andprotoceratops , dinosaur finds that the public tended to associate with the more famous Andrews.Granger became Curator of Fossil Mammals at the museum in 1927 and also took the post of Curator of Paleontology in the museum's Department of Asiatic Exploration and Research. In 1935, he became president of the prestigious
Explorers Club .Although Granger was one of the foremost paleontologists of his time, he did not receive a formal academic degree until 1932 when
Middlebury College in Vermont awarded him an honorarydoctorate .Personal life
Granger married a cousin, Anna Deane Granger (1874-1952), in 1904. They had no children. Granger died in 1941 of heart failure in
Lusk, Wyoming , while on a field expedition. His ashes were scattered on his mother's grave in Pleasant View Cemetery in his hometown of Middletown Springs, Vermont.Legacy
Granger's career was one of solid accomplishment in the field of collecting and analyzing fossils. Involved with some of the most important dinosaurian and mammalian fossil discoveries of his time, he labored mostly outside the public's eye, respected by his peers as possibly, in the words of his colleague
George Gaylord Simpson , "the greatest collector of fossil vertebrates that ever lived." Following Granger's death, the museum renamed its Asiatic Hall of Fossils the "Walter Granger Memorial Hall."Note
* George Gaylord Simpson, "Walter Granger," in Edward T. James (ed.), "Dictionary of American Biography", Supplement 3, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973, pp. 316-317. ISBN 0684150549
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