

Infobox Ort in Deutschland
Art = Stadt
image_photo =
Wappen = Wappen Lindenfels.pnglat_deg = 49 |lat_min = 41 | lat_sec = 0
lon_deg = 8 |lon_min = 47 | lon_sec = 0
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Hessen
Regierungsbezirk = Darmstadt
Landkreis = Bergstraße
Höhe = 220-575
Fläche = 21.09
Einwohner = 5220
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 64678
PLZ-alt = 6145
Vorwahl = 06255
Kfz = HP
Gemeindeschlüssel = 06 4 31 015
Gliederung = 7
Straße = Burgstraße 39
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Oliver G. Hoeppner
Partei = CDU

Lindenfels is a town in the Bergstraße district in Hesse, Germany.



The climatic spa, also known as the “Pearl of the Odenwald”, lies in the Odenwald in southern Hesse and is nestled in a mountain landscape with a great deal of woodland.

Neighbouring communities

Lindenfels borders in the north on the communities of Modautal and Fischbachtal (both in Darmstadt-Dieburg), in the northeast on the community of Fränkisch-Crumbach, in the east on the community of Reichelsheim (both in the Odenwaldkreis), in the south on the community of Fürth, and in the west on the community of Lautertal.

Constituent communities

Lindenfels has outlying centres named Eulsbach, Glattbach, Kolmbach, Schlierbach, Seidenbuch, Winkel and Winterkasten] .


In 1123, Lindenfels had its first documentary mention as a holding of the Lorsch Abbey. After that, the town belonged for nearly 600 years to Electoral Palatinate. In 1336, Emperor Ludwig IV granted Lindenfels town and market rights. In 1802, after Electoral Palatinate’s downfall, Lindenfels passed to the Grand Duchy of Hesse and was from 1821 to 1832 seat of the "Landratsbezirk" of Lindenfels. Later, from 1852 to 1874, it was the seat of the Lindenfels district.

After the Second World War had ended in 1945, Lindenfels belonged to the American Zone of Occupation. The US military administration built a displaced persons camp to house displaced Jews. The camp was dissolved in 1948.

The designation "heilklimatischer Kurort" (“climatic spa”) was granted Lindenfels in 1969.


Community council

The municipal election held on 26 March 2006 yielded the following results:


Oliver Hoeppner (LWG/CDU) has been Lindenfels’s mayor since 2001. In 2007 he was reëlected.

Town partnerships

*flagicon|France Moëlan-sur-Mer, Finistère, France since 1968
*flagicon|Poland Pawłowiczki, Opole Voivodeship, Poland since 1998

Regular events

Among the most important yearly events held in town are:
*the traditional "Burg- und Trachtenfest" (“Castle and Costume Festival”) on the first weekend in August, with fireworks, parade and folk festival at the castle;
*the "Mittelalterliche Spektakulum" (“Mediaeval Spectacle”) in May, with knightly games;
*"Brauchtumstage" (“Custom Days”) in October, at which old Odenwald customs and arts and crafts are presented.


*In the middle of town stand the Lindenfels castle ruins, which today serve as a popular outing destination. There is also a view into the distance over the Weschnitz valley.
*The "Bismarck-Warte" – one of many Bismarck memorial towers – is found on the Litzelröder Höhe (heights), 452 m above sea level. It was built in 1906 and 1907 by the "Verschönerungs- und Verkehrsverein" (“Beautification and Transport Club”) and "Odenwaldklub Lindenfels". The tower is 12.3 m tall and freely open to the public. In 1997 and 1998, the tower was thoroughly restored. Up a stairway inside, one can reach the visitable platform which affords an enjoyable view worthy of seeing of the valleys around Lindenfels.
*Further sights worthy of seeing are the house "Baur de Betaz", the inner and outer "Fürther Tor" (gate) and various timber-frame houses and Baroque buildings, which line the pedestrian precinct towards the castle (among these are the Town Hall and the Catholic church).
*Near Lindenfels on the Krehberg (mountain) at position coord|49|41|03|N|08|43|50|E is found a 122 m-tall transmission tower run by Deutsche Telekom AG for VHF and microwave relay. The said tower consists of a freestanding steel-lattice base upon which a guyed transmission mast is mounted.

Famous people

Sons and daughters of the town

* Thomas Heinze (b. 30 March 1964), actor
* Timo Glock (b. 18 March 1982), Formula One racer
* Sebastian Kneißl (b. 13 January 1983), German footballer



* [ Town’s official webpage] de icon
* [ Lindenfels displaced persons camp] de icon
* de icon

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