Elections in Angola

Elections in Angola

Angola elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five year term by the people. The National Assembly ("Assembleia Nacional") has 220 members, elected for a four year term, 130 members by proportional representation and 90 members in provincial districts. The next elections, initially due for 1997, have been delayed several times, with the most recent dates being between May and August 2008 for legislative elections and the same time period of 2009 for presidential elections [http://allafrica.com/stories/200612210432.html] . Angola is a one party dominant state. Opposition parties against the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola - Party of Labour are allowed, but are widely considered to have no real chance of gaining power.

Last elections

1992 Presidential election

1992 Parliamentary election

ee also

* Electoral calendar
* Electoral system

External links

* [http://psephos.adam-carr.net/countries/a/angola/ Adam Carr's Election Archive]
* [http://africanelections.tripod.com/ao.html African Elections Database]

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