- Ascidiacea
fossil_range=fossil range|0|0|earliest=Silurian|text=Recent (but see text)
name = Ascidiacea
image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Halocynthia " sp.
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
subphylum =Urochordata
classis = Ascidiacea
classis_authority = Nielsen, 1995
subdivision_ranks = Orders
subdivision =
**Stolidobranchia Ascidiacea (commonly known as the ascidians or
sea squirt s) is a class in theTunicata subphylum of sac-like marinefilter feeders . Ascidians are characterized by a tough outer "tunic" made of thepolysaccharide tunicin , as compared to othertunicates which are much less robust. They are found all over the world, usually in shallow water with salinities over 2.5% . While members of theThaliacea andLarvacea swim freely likeplankton , sea squirts aresessile animals: they remain firmly attached tosubstratum such as rocks and shells. There are 2,300 species of ascidians and three main types: solitary ascidians, social ascidians that form clumped communities by attaching at their bases, and compound ascidians that consist of many small individuals (each individual is called a ) forming colonies up to several meters in diameter. Sea squirts feed by taking in water through the oral siphon. The water enters the mouth andpharynx , flows through mucus-covered gill slits (also calledpharyngeal stigmata ) into a water chamber called the atrium, then exits through the atrial siphon.Life History
Almost all sea squirts are
hermaphrodite s. Solitary sea squirts release many eggs from their atrial siphons;external fertilization in seawater takes place with the coincidental release ofsperm from other individuals. A fertilized egg spends 12 hours to a few days developing into a free-swimmingtadpole larva , which then takes several more hours/days to settle andmetamorphose into a juvenile. The larva selects and settles on appropriate surfaces using receptors sensitive to light, orientation to gravity, andtactile stimuli. When itsanterior end touches a surface, (small, finger-like nervous projections)secrete anadhesive for attachment. Adhesive secretion prompts an irreversiblemetamorphosis : various organs (such as the larval tail and fins) are lost while others rearrange to their adult positions, thepharynx enlarges, and organs calledampullae grow from the body to permanently attach the animal to the substratum.Sexual maturity can be reached in as little as a few weeks. Most sea squirts live between 1-3 years.Colonial sea squirts reproduce both
asexually andsexually . Sexually produced individuals, those that develop from fertilized eggs, first settle and mature on substratum, then bud asexually to form a colony of many small individuals.Embryonic development takes place within the established colony: eggs are fertilized and brooded in the atrium. Colonies can survive for decades.Fertilization
Sea squirt eggs are surrounded by a fibrous
vitelline coat and a layer of follicle cells that produce sperm-attracting substances. Infertilization , the sperm passes through the follicle cells and binds toglycosides on the vitelline coat. The sperm'smitochondria are left behind as the sperm enters and drives through the coat; this translocation of the mitochondria might provide the necessary force for penetration. The sperm swims through the perivitelline space, finally reaching the eggplasma membrane and entering the egg. This prompts rapid modification of the vitelline coat, through processes such as the egg's release ofglycosidase into the seawater, so no more sperm can bind andpolyspermy is avoided. After fertilization, freecalcium ions are released in the eggcytoplasm in waves, mostly from internal stores. The temporary large increase in calcium concentration prompts thephysiological and structural changes of development.The dramatic rearrangement of egg cytoplasm following fertilization, called ooplasmic segregation, determines the dorsoventral and anteroposterior axes of the embryo. There are at least three types of sea squirt egg
cytoplasm :ectoplasm containingvesicles and fine particles,endoderm containing yolkplatelets , and myoplasm containing pigment granules,mitochondria , andendoplasmic reticulum . In the first phase of ooplasmic segregation, the myoplasmic actin-filament network contracts to rapidly move the peripheral cytoplasm (including the myoplasm) to thevegetal pole , which marks thedorsal side of the embryo. In the second phase, the myoplasm moves to the subequatorial zone and extend into a crescent, which marks the future posterior of the embryo. The ectoplasm with thezygote nucleus ends up at the animal hemisphere while the endoplasm ends up in the vegetal hemisphere.Ecology
The exceptional filtering capability of adult sea squirts causes them to accumulate
pollutants that may betoxic toembryos andlarvae as well as impedeenzyme function in adult tissues. This property has made some species sensitive indicators of pollution.Over the last few hundred years, most of the world's
harbors have been invaded by non-native sea squirts that have clung to ship hulls or to introducedorganisms such asoysters andseaweed . Several factors, including quick attainment of sexual maturity, tolerance of a wide range of environments, and a lack ofpredators , allow sea squirt populations to grow rapidly. Unwanted populations ondocks , ship hulls, and farmedshellfish cause significant economic problems, and sea squirt invasions have disrupted theecosystem of several natural sub-tidal areas by smothering native animal species.Sea squirts are the natural prey of many animals, including
nudibranch s,flatworms ,molluscs , rockcrabs ,starfish , fish, birds, andsea otters . They are also eaten by humans in many parts of the world, includingJapan ,Korea ,Chile , andEurope (where they are sold under the name “sea violet”). As chemical defenses, many sea squirts intake and maintain an extremely high concentration ofvanadium in the blood, have a very lowpH of the tunic due toacid in easily-ruptured bladder cells, and (or) producesecondary metabolites harmful to predators and invaders. Some of these metabolites are toxic to cells and are of potential use inpharmaceuticals .Fossil record
Despite bearing distinctive aragonite spicules, the fossil record of the sea squirts is almost entirely lacking - a dubious Silurian specimen being the only contender. [Where Are All the Fossil Sea Squirts?
# M. E. Brookfield
# Micropaleontology, Vol. 34, No. 3 (1988), pp. 277-283 ]Uses
Various "Ascidiacea" are used as food.
Sea pineapple ("Halocynthia roretzi") is cultivated in Japan ("hoya", "maboya") and Korea ("meongge") and, when eaten raw, has been described by "Lonely Planet " as tasting like "rubber dipped in ammonia". The peculiar flavor is attributed to an unsaturated alcohol calledcynthiaol ."
Microcosmus sabatieri " and several similar species from theMediterranean Sea are eaten in France ("figue de mer", "violet"), Italy ("limone di mare", "uova di mare") and Chile ("piure"), consumed both raw and used as ingredients in seafood stews likebouillabaisse .Model organisms for research
A number of factors make sea squirts good models for studying the fundamental developmental processes of
chordates , such as cell-fate specification. Theembryonic development of sea squirts is simple, rapid, and easily manipulated. Because each embryo contains relatively few cells, complex processes can be studied at the cellular level, while remaining in the context of the whole embryo. The embryo's transparency is ideal forfluorescent imaging and its maternally-derived proteins are naturally pigmented, so celllineages are easily labeled, allowing scientists to visualizeembryogenesis from beginning to end.Sea squirts are also valuable because of their unique
evolutionary position: as an approximation of ancestral chordates, they can provide insight into the link between non-chordatedeuterostomes and chordates, as well as theorigination ofvertebrates . The sequencedgenomes of the related sea squirtsCiona intestinalis andCiona savignyi are small and easily manipulated; comparisons with the genomes of other organisms such asflies ,nematodes ,pufferfish andmammals provides valuable information regarding chordate evolution. A collection of over 480,000 cDNAs have been sequenced and are available to support further analysis ofgene expression , which is expected to provide information about complex developmental processes and regulation of genes in vertebrates. Gene expression in embryos of sea squirts can be conveniently inhibited usingMorpholino oligoscite journal | last = Hamada | first = M |coauthors = Wada S, Kobayashi K, Satoh N | year = 2007 | title = Novel genes involved in Ciona intestinalis embryogenesis: Characterization of gene knockdown embryos | journal = Dev Dyn. | volume = 236 | issue = 7 | pages = 1820–31 | format =Pubmed | doi = 10.1002/dvdy.21181 | unused_data = |http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=17557306 ] .References
Further general references
External links
* [http://ascidiacea.com/ Ascidiacea.com] - Classification and images of many ascidians.
* [http://ascidians.com/ The Dutch Ascidians Homepage]
* [http://www.habitas.org.uk/marinelife/ Encyclopedia of Marine Life of Britain and Ireland]
* [http://zygote.swarthmore.edu/Conklin/Conklin.html/ The Organization and Cell-lineage of the Ascidian Egg]
* [http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=244914&rendertype=figure&id=F1/ A fate map of the ascidian egg]
* [http://www.broad.mit.edu/annotation/ciona/ Ciona savignyi Database]
* [http://crfb.univ-mrs.fr/aniseed/ ANISEED: Ascidian Network for In Situ Expression and Embryological Data]
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