Radical 214

Radical 214

Radical 214 meaning "flute" is the only one of the 214 Kangxi radicals that is composed of 17 strokes.

In the Kangxi Dictionary there are only 21 characters (out of 40,000) to be found under this radical.:Pinyin: yue:Zhuyin: ㄩㄝ:Hiragana: やく yaku:Kanji: 龠 yaku:Hangeul: 피리:Sino-Korean: 약 yak

Characters with Radical 214


*cite book|last= Fazzioli |first= Edoardo |others= calligraphy by Rebecca Hon Ko |title= Chinese calligraphy : from pictograph to ideogram : the history of 214 essential Chinese/Japanese characters |origyear= 1987 |publisher= Abbeville Press |location= New York |isbn= 0896597741
*Leyi Li: “Tracing the Roots of Chinese Characters: 500 Cases”. Beijing 1993, ISBN-13 978-7561902042

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