List of Russian battleships

List of Russian battleships

This is a list of Russian battleships of the period 1864-1948:
BF = Baltic Fleet, BSF = Black Sea Fleet, BU = broken up

Early coastal defence ironclads

(except gunboats)
All of them were reclassified to "bronenosets beregovoi oborony" ("coastal defence battleships") in 1892.

"Pervenetz" class Floating Batteries (3 units)

*"Pervenetz" (1863 BF, Blackwall) - Decommissioned 1905
*"Ne Tron’ Menia" (1864 BF) - Hulked 1895, decommissioned 1905
*"Kreml" (1865 BF) - Hulked 1905, BU 1959

"Uragan" class Monitors (10 units)

Were rearmed by rifled guns in 1873.
*"Uragan" (1864 BF) - Laid up and ecommissioned 1900
*"Bronenosets" (1864 BF) - Hulked as coal barge and decommissioned 1900
*"Veschun" (1864 BF) - Hulked as coal barge and decommissioned 1900
*"Edinorog" (1864 BF) - Laid up 1900, hulked as mine depot 1909, BU 1950s
*"Koldun" (1864 BF) - Hulked as coal barge and decommissioned 1900
*"Lava" (1864 BF) - Laid up 1900, hulked as hospital barge 1911, BU 1920s
*"Latnik" (1864 BF) - Hulked as coal barge and decommissioned 1900
*"Perun" (1864 BF) - Laid up 1900, sank 1921, BU 1925
*"Strelets" (1864 BF) - Lain up 1900, hulked as floating workshop late 1910s, hull is remained to present day
*"Tifon" (1864 BF) - Laid up 1900, hulked as mine depot 1909, BU 1920s
*"Smerch" monitor (1864 BF) (2 turrets) - Wrecked, refloated and repaired 1865, rearmed by rifled guns 1867, laid up 1904, hulked as mine depot 1909, BU 1950s

"Rusalka" class Armoured turret boats (2 units)

Both were rearmed by rifled guns in 1871–1873.
*"Rusalka" (1867 BF) - Lost at Gulf of Finland 1893 (177 men perished), found by divers 2003
*"Charodeyka" (1867 BF) - Decommissioned 1904

"Admiral Lazarev" calss Armoured Turret Frigates (4 units)

*"Admiral Lazarev" (1867 BF) - BU 1911
*"Admiral Spiridov" (1868 BF) - Decommissioned 1907
*"Admiral Chichagov" (1868 BF) - Decommissioned 1909
*"Admiral Greig" (1868 BF) - Decommissioned 1909

"Novgorod" class "popovkas" (2 units)

Original round-hull type of ship.
*"Novgorod" (1873 BSF) - Laid up 1903, BU 1911-12
*"Vice-Admiral Popov" (1873 BSF) - Laid up 1903, BU 1911-12

Early seagoing ironclads

"Sevastopol’" (1864) class Armoured Frigates (2 units)

*"Sevastopol’" (1864 BF) - Decommissioned 1886
*"Petropavlovsk" (1865 BF) - Decommissioned 1892
*"Kniaz’ Pozharskii" (1867 BF) (Armoured Frigate) - Reclassified to 1st rank cruiser 1892, to training vessel 1906, hulked 1909, decommissioned 1911


Classified as "bronenosnyi korabl" (battleship/ironclad) since 1873 up to 1892, "eskadrennyi bronenosets" (squadron battleship) until 1907, except coastal defence battleships, and "lineinyi korabl’" (battleship-of-the line) since 1907.
*"Petr Velikii" (ex-"Kreiser" - renamed on slip) (1872 BF) - Converted to Training Vessel 1906, hulked 1921, BU 1959

"Ekaterina II" class (4 units)

*"Ekaterina II" (1886 BSF) - Decommissioned 1906, sunk as target 1914
*"Chesma" (1886 BSF) - Decommissioned 1907, sunk as target 1912
*"Sinop" (1887 BSF) - Destroyed by British troops at Sevastopol 1919, BU c. 1930
*"Georgii Pobedonosets" (1892 BSF) - Captured by White Army 1919, interned by France at Bizerte, returned to Soviet Russia in 1924 and sold for BU

"Imperator Aleksandr II" class (2 units)

*"Imperator Aleksandr II" (1887 BF) - Artillery Training Ship 1914, renamed "Zaria Svobody" 1917, BU 1922
*"Imperator Nikolai I" (1889 BF) - Captured by Japan at the Battle of Tsushima (1905) and commissioned as Artillery Training Ship "Iki", sunk as target 1915
*"Gangut" (1890 BF) - Wrecked 1897
*"Dvenadsat’ Apostolov" (1890 BSF) - Hulked as floating barracks 1907, BU 1931-1932
*"Navarin" (1891 BF) - Sunk at the Battle of Tsushima, 1905
*"Tri Sviatitelia" (1893 BSF) - Destroyed by British troops at Sevastopol 1919, BU after 1925
*"Sisoi Velikii" (1894 BF) - Sunk at the Battle of Tsushima, 1905

"Admiral Ushakov" class Coastal Defence Battleships (3 units)

*"Admiral Ushakov" (1893 BF) - Sunk at the Battle of Tsushima, 1905
*"Admiral Seniavin" (1894 BF) - Captured by Japan at the Battle of Tsushima (1905), commissioned as Artillery Training Ship "Mishima", hulked 1928, sunk as target 1936
*"General-Admiral Apraksin" (1896 BF) - Captured by Japan at the Battle of Tsushima (1905), commissioned as Artillery Training Ship "Okinoshima", hulked 1929, BU 1939
*"Admiral Butakov" Coastal Defence Battleship - Laid down 1900, non completed and BU after 1903

"Poltava" class (3 units)

*"Poltava" (1894 BF) - Scuttled at Port Arthur 1904, refloated by Japan 1905 and commissioned as Coastal Defence Ship "Tango", purchased by Russia in 1916 and commissioned as Battleship "Chesma", decommissioned 1924
*"Petropavlovsk" (1894 BF) - Mined 1904 at Port Arthur
*"Sevastopol’" (1895 BF) - Scuttled at Port Arthur 1905
*"Rostislav" (1896 BSF) - Destroyed by British troops at Sevastopol 1919, Scuttled 1920

"Peresvet" class (3 units)

Something middle between battleships and armoured cruisers. Officially classified as "squadron battleships".
*"Peresviet" (1898 BF) - Scuttled at Port Arthur 1904, refloated by Japan 1905 and commissioned as Coastal Defence Ship "Sagami", purchased by Russia and commissioned as Cruiser "Peresvet", mined near Suez 1917
*"Osliabia" (1898 BF) - Sunk at the Battle of Tsushima, 1905
*"Pobeda" (1900 BF) - Scuttled at Port Arthur 1904, refloated by Japan 1905 and commissioned as Coastal Defence Ship "Suwo", hulked 1922, BU 1946
*"Kniaz’ Potiomkin-Tavricheskii" (1900 BSF) - Renamed "Panteleimon" 1905, renamed "Potiomkin-Tavricheskii" 1917, "Borets za Svobodu" 1917, destroyed by British troops at Sevastopol 1919, decommissioned for BU 1923
*"Retvizan" (1900 BF, Philadelphia) - Scuttled at Port Arthur 1904, refloated by Japan 1905, renamed "Hizen", sunk as target 1924
*"Tsesarevich" (1901 BF, La Seyne) - Renamed "Grazhdanin" 1917, BU 1924

"Borodino" class (5 units)

*"Borodino" (1901 BF) - Sunk at the Battle of Tsushima, 1905
*"Imperator Aleksandr III" (1901 BF) - Sunk at the Battle of Tsushima, 1905
*"Orel" (1902 BF) - Captured by Japan at the Battle of Tsushima (1905), renamed "Iwami", decommissioned 1922, sunk as target 1924
*"Kniaz’ Suvorov" (1902 BF) - Sunk at the Battle of Tsushima, 1905
*"Slava" (1903 BF) - Scuttled after at the Battle of Moon Sound (1917) to break the Sound


Classified as Battleships-of-the-line since 1907.

"Evstafii" class (2 units)

*"Ioann Zlatoust" (1906 BSF) - Destroyed by British troops at Sevastopol 1919, BU 1923-1925
*"Evstafii" (1906 BSF) - Destroyed by British troops at Sevastopol 1919, BU after 1925

"Andrei Pervozvanny" class (2 units)

*"Andrei Pervozvannyi" (1906 BF) - Laid up 1920, BU 1924-1925
*"Imperator Pavel I" (1907 BF) - Renamed "Respublika" 1917, Laid up 1918, BU after 1925


Battleships-of-the-line ("lineinyi korabl’").

"Sevastopol’" (1911) class (4 units)

*"Sevastopol" (1911 BF) - Renamed "Parizhskaya Kommuna" 1921, transferred to the Black Sea Fleet 1929-30, renamed "Sevastopol’" 1943, Training Battleship 1954, BU 1956-1957
*"Petropavlovsk" (1911 BF) - Renamed "Marat" 1921, damaged in 1941 but repaired and used as floating battery, renamed "Petropavlovsk" 1943, Training Ship 1951, decommissioned 1953
*"Poltava" (1911 BF) - Renamed "Frunze" 1929, burnt 1919 & 1923, decommissioned 1941, BU 1949
*"Gangut" (1911 BF) - Renamed "Oktiabrskaya Revoliutsiya" 1925, Training Battleship 1954, BU 1956-1957

"Imperatritsa Mariya" class (4 units)

*"Imperatritsa Mariya" (1914 BSF) - Sank 1916 by ammunition explosion, refloated 1918, BU 1922
*"Ekaterina II" (1911 BSF) - Renamed "Imperatritsa Ekaterina Velikaya" 1915, renamed "Svobodnaya Rossiya" 1917, scuttled at Novorossiysk to prevent capture 1918
*"Imperator Aleksandr III" (1914 BSF) - Renamed "Volya" 1917, captured by Germany 1918, captured by the United Kingdom 1918, delivered to White Army 1919, renamed "General Alekseev", interned by France at Bizerte, returned to Soviet Russia in 1924 and sold for BU, BU by 1936
*"Imperator Nikolai I" (1916 BSF) - Not completed. Renamed "Demokratiya" 1917, BU after 1927

uper-Dreadnoughts (LK)

Battleships-of-the-line ("lineinyi korabl’ (LK)").

Project 23 ("Sovetsky Soyuz" class) (4 units) (none launched)

*"Sovetsky Soyuz" - Decommissioned 1941, BU 1948-49
*"Sovetskaya Ukraina" - Decommissioned 1941, BU 1946
*"Sovetskaya Byelorussia" - Decommissioned 1941, BU 1945-46
*"Sovetskaya Rossiya" - Decommissioned 1941,BU 1940s
*"Arkhangel’sk" (1915; ex-British "HMS Royal Sovereign", transferred 1944 Northern Fleet in account of reparations from Italy) - Returned 1949 (instead of "Giulio Cesare"), BU after 1949
*"Novorossiysk" (1911; ex-Italian "Giulio Cesare") - Taken according to reparations from Italy, transferred 1948 (BSF), Exploded by non cleared up reason 1955
*K-1000 battleship - an entirely fictitious type of ship used in misinformation supplied to the West


*Moiseev S. P. Spisok korabley russkogo parovogo i bronenosnogo flota (s 1861 po 1917 god). - Voyenizdat, Moskva, 1948. (List of the Ships of Russian Steam and Armoured Navy (from 1861 to 1917)).
*Boyevye korabli russkogo flota 8.1914-10.1918 gody: Spravochnik / Ed. by Yu. V. Apalkov. - INTEK, St. Peterburg, 1996. (Warships of the Russian Navy in August 1914 – October 1918).
*Burov V. N. Otechestvennoye voyennoye korablestroyenoye v tretyem stoletii svoyei istorii. - Sudostroyeniye, St. Peterburg, 1995. (Native Naval Shipbuilding in 3rd century of its history [i. e. in XX c.] )
*Berezhnoi S. S. Trofei i reparatsii VMF SSSR. - Sakhapoligraphizdat, Yakutsk, 1994. (Trophies and Reparations of the USSR Navy)
* [ Maritimequest Russian battleship index]

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