Radio North Sea International

Radio North Sea International

Radio Nordsee International (RNI) also known as Radio North Sea International in English and Radio Noordzee International in Dutch, was a European offshore pirate radio station, run by the Swiss firm Mebo Telecommunications, jointly owned by Swiss engineer, Edwin Bollier, and his business partner, Erwin Meister. RNI broadcast for fewer than five years in the 1970s and, courting both disaster and success, made a modest financial profit. [ [ "Souvenir Book of Radio North Sea International" by Victor Pelli] ]

After RNI ceased broadcasting in 1974, Mebo evolved into a supplier of specialist electronic equipment. In the 1980s, Mebo's links with the Gaddafi regime in Libya would cause Meister and Bollier's firm great difficulties, culminating with their alleged involvement in the December 1988 Lockerbie bombing. [ [ The trouble of a Swiss firm: Meister & Bollier and the Lockerbie crash] ]

Radio Gloria

In 1968 Erwin Meister and Edwin Bollier intended to broadcast as "Radio Gloria" from the former Radio London ship, Galaxy. On 2 July 1968 the German government scuppered their plans by passing a law banning off-shore broadcasting. The "Gloria" project collapsed. Meister and Bollier decided to buy their own vessel and set up a radio station. They renamed their first ship "Mebo", then "Mebo I", and finally "Angela". Fitted with studios and transmitting equipment, "Angela" was found too small for broadcasting but too big for regular use as a tender. However, "Angela" supplied "Mebo II" when off the English coast.

"Mebo II"

Originally "Silvretta", and built in Slikkerveer in the Netherlands in 1948, the 630-tonne vessel was 8.85 metres wide, 3.25 metres deep and 53 metres long. In 1969 Mebo Telecommunications purchased "Silvretta", fitted her out as a floating radio station, and renamed her "Mebo II." Since "Angela" was too big to tender "Mebo II" off The Netherlands coast, RNI used a smaller vessel, called "Trip Tender", the same vessel as Radio London (when she was called "Offshore 1".) The psychedelically-painted "Mebo II" carried a MW transmitter at 105 kilowatts (more than twice the 50 kW TXs used by Radio London and Radio Caroline), though in practice it was operated at 60 kW or less.

One of five RCA-built prototype transmitters, and the only one still in service, it rarely if ever broadcast at full power, and had the highest power rating of any ship-based radio station. "Mebo II" also had SW and FM transmitters, the best fitted of all ship-based radio stations, able simultaneously to broadcast four different streams on four different channels. [ [ Edwin Bollier announces that RNI has achieved a broadcast output of 90,000 Watts] ]

Arguably the most popular of all ship-based radio stations, RNI's staff were trained to standards that still, in recordings, convey a palpable warmth, over 30 years after the station's closure. RNI's theme, "Man of Action," was also popular.

On 23 January 1970, "Mebo II" began broadcasts from the Dutch coast, in English and German. When regular broadcasting began on 11 February 1970 it was more popular in the United Kingdom than the Netherlands. On 23 March 1970 "Mebo II" sailed to the East coast of England, arriving at 09:00 on 24 March 1970 and anchoring in international waters, five miles from Clacton.


The Labour government in Britain began jamming "Mebo II"'s MW signal at 20:30 on 15 April 1970. RNI responded with pro-Conservative party political messages for the general election on 18 June 1970. On 13 May 1970, RNI responded to complaints about interference by changing its MW channel to 1230 kHz (244 metres). This improved reception but was adjacent to the pop music service of BBC Radio One on 1214 kHz (247 metres). Jamming followed five days later, causing interference to BBC Radio as well as RNI, especially in Kent, south-east England.

Radio Caroline International

On 13 June 1970, five days prior to election day, Radio North Sea International changed its name to Radio Caroline International, and launched a propaganda campaign in support of the Conservative party. The name change and political campaign were supported by Radio Caroline's founder Ronan O'Rahilly. Listeners were told that their freedom to listen to the radio station of their choice was under threat and that if the Labour party were returned to power then the station would close: their vote should therefore be Conservative, the only party that supported commercial radio. Ronan O'Rahilly headed the pro-Conservative party campaign on land, including a double-decker bus and posters depicting Harold Wilson as China's Chairman Mao.

They believed Conservative promises to restore Free Radio would mean an end to the jamming. Conservative party policy was to establish local land-based commercial radio in the UK.

At a 'Fight for Free Radio' rally the weekend before the election, Conservative party loudspeaker-vans were being used to urge participants to 'Vote Conservative and fight for free radio'. Although the Conservatives went on to win, there is no evidence that the Caroline and RNI political campaigns made any difference to the result of the UK's 1970 general election.

Reversion to RNI

Two days after the election, the station reverted to its original name and jamming of transmissions continued. On 23 July 1970 "Mebo II" returned to The Netherlands coast.

Paul Harris's book "Broadcasting from the High Seas", published in 1976, ["Broadcasting from the High Seas" (Edinburgh, Paul Harris Publishing, 1976), ISBN 0-904505-07-3] suggests the UK government suspected RNI's shortwave equipment was being used to send coded messages to unfriendly countries, in particular to the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Harris claimed RNI's joint owner, Edwin Bollier, vowed to take revenge on the British government because he felt RNI had been singled out for jamming.

Britain jammed "Mebo II"'s broadcasts with tones, usually an 800 Hz heterodyne supplemented from time-to-time with a pulsed beep (whistle and "pip pip"). Norway's interference with RNI on 6215.0 kHz was explained thus::"this is a transmission from the Norwegian coast station Rogaland Radio operating in single side band mode, upper side band, with a carrier frequency of 6215.0 kHz. The purpose of this transmission is to clear the channel of unauthorized and out of band broadcasting, to improve reception conditions for ships wishing to communicate with coast stations on this frequency or on adjacent maritime channels."

Attempted hijacking

On 12 August 1970, Kees Manders, a nightclub owner involved with Radio Veronica, announced he had become commercial director of RNI. But RNI's managing director, Larry Tremaine, said nothing had been agreed with Manders. Edwin Bollier and Edwin Meister had invited Manders to start a Dutch service from the "Mebo II", and offered him a directorship in RNI, but as soon as Manders leaked the story, Meister and Bollier withdrew the offer. A few weeks later, on Saturday, 29 August 1970, a salvage tug named "Husky" was spotted approaching "Mebo II" at about 13:30. Accompanying the tug was a launch, the "Viking", aboard which were Kees Manders with a woman and a child. In the studio, DJ Andy Archer interrupted his programme to broadcast a series of announcements appealing to listeners to contact RNI's offices and inform them of what appeared to be a threatening situation:

:"Seven minutes now away from two o'clock, and we have to apologize to you for interrupting our normal programme schedule with these urgent messages, but as you can probably appreciate, something rather drastic has happened. Or they're trying to make something happen which we won't stand for. We're refusing to allow anybody this radio ship, and if you've just joined us, perhaps you'd like to be put in the picture, that a tug has come alongside, along with a person by the name of Kees Manders, who apparently is a well known figure in Holland, and he is trying to take the ship away. Our Captain has only allowed him on board, and nobody else, and that will remain that way. We're not going to let anybody else on board the ship, only Mr Manders, to hear what he's got to say, but Radio North Sea International will stay broadcasting until we receive a definite order from our Head office in Zurich. So if anybody is listening in Zurich, or in London, or in our office in The Hague, in Scheveningen, perhaps they would like to do something, perhaps send a boat out, or perhaps try to make contact with us on the short-wave. . . Well, the situation is. . . none of us are sure what's happening at the moment but this certainly isn't an authorized tug. . . we have no tugs. . . the "Mebo" is in no need of a tug because we have perfectly good engines. . . The Captain allowed one of the men on board, but he refused to let any more on board, which is his prerogative. . . and this is the way it's going to stay until we receive details or instructions from our head office. So, once more we'd like to make a call to our head office in Zurich, or if anyone is listening in our London office, on in The Hague, perhaps you could try and get a message out to us on the short-wave link."

Spangles Muldoon reported:

:"It seems they're gonna spray water onto the antenna, which apart from tripping out our transmitter, would give whoever did it a very lethal shock. . .. So by all means, spray the aerial with water, if it makes you feel any better."

Andy Archer:

:". . . and the banging you can hear in the background is that we are taking all security precautions, and locking up the hatches to save anybody from coming down into the studio itself. So once more we must tell you that there's a raid taking place at the moment. . . an unauthorized raid, and we're doing our best to stop everybody coming on board, so all we ask for our friends on the shore. . . to send out help to us. . ."

Manders' demands were refused. He returned to the "Viking" issuing a threat to cut the anchor chain and tow the "Mebo II" back to port. Crewmen on board the "Husky" made ready to use a water cannon on the radio mast, but decided against, presumably having heard the message that in doing so, they would risk electrocution. While Archer and Muldoon continued to broadcast, others on board armed themselves with knives and petrol bombs and prepared to repel boarders. Switchboards in London, The Hague, and Zurich received calls from listeners. Station owner Erwin Meister arrived on the scene on board a fast launch, followed by the "Eurotrip" tender and other craft. "Husky" and "Viking" immediately left, and were never seen again. Later that day "van Ness", a frigate of the Royal Netherlands Navy stood by. As the day drew to a close, managing director of RNI, Larry Tremaine, went on air with this statement:

:"Ladies and gentlemen, I am very sorry for the inconvenience today that you have had, but unfortunately we have had problems out here. And, I'm glad the disk jockeys have done their part in keeping you informed, and that's what RNI plans to do. . . I'm out here right now with the owner of Radio North Sea International, from Mebo AG in Zurich, Switzerland and we hope we don't have too many problems. At the moment, the ships have pulled off. But we are sure, as they have told us, that they are coming back. They had brought a child, and a woman, on one of their ships, to kinda deter us from doing anything to them. Although it is our intention. . . [to defend ourselves] . As the owner of the station has said to the Captain of the trip that brought us out here, only the agent from the shipping company in Holland, myself, and the owner Mr Erwin Meister has come out to the Mebo. Many people wanted to come out to help us. We told them they could not come on our ship, we are not interested in any fights, we are not interested in any deaths at sea. This station is not around to make trouble, this station is around to provide you with musical entertainment. This is the reason that we asked that only the shipping agent, Mr Erwin Meister, and myself, Larry Tremaine, to come out here to the "Mebo II" to see what the problem was. We have contacted our attorneys, our solicitors in Holland, and we are trying to do our utmost to do the best for you. So please stay tuned. Thank you all very much for lighting up the switchboard at the Grand Hotel. We appreciate that very much. Also thank you very much for lighting up the switchboard in Zurich. As I understand, all the lines were flooded, showing your continued support for Radio North Sea International. We are not saying that at this time, that we do not still need help, because at this time they have pulled away. But we are sure that they are coming back. Mr Manders has no right to take this ship. There has never been a contract signed with him. There are no agreements between him and Radio North sea International. This I can assure our listeners implicitly, there is no agreement, and there is no reason for this action whatsoever. We are very sorry for all this trouble, we are very sorry to interrupt music like this. But you can understand our involved situation out here. We will protect the "Mebo II" to the utmost. We will not leave this ship, we are prepared for them although we do not want a fight. We do not want any deaths, or anybody hurt at all. It went so far as to tell them, when they planned to put water on the transmitter, the disk jockeys, just by thinking of the people on the ship, and not thinking of themselves, told them not to put water on the transmitter, because it would kill everybody on the tug boat. This we did not have to do, but we did it because we are a music station. We are not around to injure or endanger any lives whatsoever. So please stay tuned, if you wish to help, we want it. But meanwhile, stay with us."

Radio silence

RNI ceased broadcasting at less than 24 hours' notice at midday on 24 September 1970, in exchange for a payment of one million Dutch Guilders (about £100,000) from Radio Veronica. "Mebo II" remained at anchor in international waters off Scheveningen in the Netherlands.

Back on the air

On Friday, 29 January 1971 "Mebo II" recommenced broadcasts, on 220 metres MW and 48 metres SW, channels the station would use until its forced closure in 1974. The station identified itself on 14 February 1971, with the words,:"this is a test transmission from Radio North Sea International broadcasting on 220 meters medium wave band, that's 1367 kilocycles, and on Channel 44, that's 100 megacycles in the FM band, and short wave at 6205 kilocycles in the European band. We're very very pleased to have you around, may I cordially suggest that you might like to call up your friends on the telephone and let them know that Radio North Sea International is back, 220 on their dial."

Regular English language programming restarted at 14:00 on Sunday, 21 February 1971. Flemish programming began on 6 March 1971.

The 1971 bombing

On Saturday, 15 May 1971 at 22:50 DJ Alan West interrupted his regular English language program to say that there had been an explosion and the ship was on fire::"Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is Radio North Sea International from the "Mebo II" at exactly 52°11' latitude, 40°16' longitude, four miles from the coast of Scheveningen, Holland, one mile from the radio ship Norderney, Veronica. We are having to abandon ship very soon, the bridge and the engine room are on fire, the fire is taking control of the ship. The fire was caused by a bomb thrown on board from a small motor ship, repeat, small motor launch with an outboard motor. We don't know who it belongs to, but it certainly bombed us while it was here. This is the "Mebo II" on fire, we need help immediately. The "Mebo II" is now abandoning ship."

At 23:40 the transmitters were switched off and "Mebo II" abandoned. The following morning, at 02:30, "Mebo II" recommenced broadcasting, closing at 03:00 as normal, and normal Flemish language programming began at 06:00 on Sunday 16 May 1971.

Spangles Muldoon on 16 May 1971::"Following the fire on board the radio ship "Mebo II" last night, three men have been arrested in Amsterdam. The men have been charged with planting a bomb on board the ship which started an intense fire which has burned out most of the after-ship’s structure. The bomb exploded last night at 22:50 hours and started a fire instantly. After a few minutes it was believed the fire was under control, but suddenly, it worsened. Members of the crew and broadcasting staff attempted to put it out. A Mayday call was put out in English & Dutch and for a while, members of the crew left the ship for life-rafts. Eventually the tugboat "Eurotrip" came alongside. . . the captain remained on board. Within an hour of the explosion, two fire-fighting vessels were alongside and putting out the fire which was, by that time, raging throughout the whole of the stern of the ship. Other ships, tugs, lifeboats and naval vessels also joined in the fire-fighting. We would now like to thank all aboard those vessels for their efforts and also our thanks to all those on land who might have heard us last night. We shall not forget what you have done. A quick report on the condition of the ship. The whole of the after-end is a write-off, construction-wise, but we are still afloat and far from unsafe. The whole of the forward end, including the disk jockeys quarters, the studios, newsroom and transmission hall and AC generators, is intact and undamaged. The "Mebo II" is in no danger of sinking. We shall continue to broadcast as normal."

Arrests and prosecution

On 17 May 1971, 48-year-old Norbert Jurgens, the advertising manager at Radio Veronica was arrested and questioned by [ Dutch Police] , and the following day "Veronica" director Bull Verweij was also held. Verweij appeared on Netherlands television to tell how he had paid a man 12,000 Dutch Guilders (approximately £1,100) to force "Mebo II" into territorial waters. Then once inside the three-mile limit, the ship would have been liable to arrest or confiscation by creditors. In September 1971, all five suspects re-appeared in court, where it became clear how the plan had been developed and implemented. According to one of the three frogmen, Jan P, their motivation was money and adventure. Besides they had heard that RNI was involved with espionage for the eastern bloc. However, Judge Mr van't Veer ruled,:"These are gangster methods, totally inadmissible."Although Meister and Bollier did not want to prosecute the offenders, all five were sentenced to one year in prison. The bombing of RNI convinced The Netherlands government that it was time to outlaw the radio pirates. The Marine Offences Act came into force on 1 September 1974.


On September 30, 1972 Radio Veronica changed its frequency from 1562 kHz (192 metres) to 557 kHz (537 metres, announced as 538), announcing that it would close at 12:30 PM and reopen on its new frequency at 1:00 PM. A moment after the station closed listeners were surprised to hear "Man of Action" on 1562 kHz. This was followed by announcements in both English and Dutch by RNI DJ Tony Allan acknowledging Veronica's 12-year history and welcoming listeners to the new sound of "RNI 2". At 1:00 RNI 2 relayed part of Veronica's reopening broadcast. Thereafter for several days RNI 2 carried separate programming from the main AM and FM service but then closed without warning, never to return.

The station's management claimed that RNI 2 was set up to prove that RNI could broadcast additional frequencies in case of emergency, although the nature of that emergency was never specified. Sceptics claimed that it was just an attempt to grab some of Veronica's audience.

With the launch of RNI 2, the "Mebo II" became only the second radio ship to broadcast two separate mediumwave stations, the first being the "Olga Patricia / Laissez Faire" which broadcast Swinging Radio England and Britain Radio and their successors in 1966-7. Subsequently the Radio Caroline ships "Mi Amigo" and "Ross Revenge" would be the only other vessels used to broadcast two mediumwave channels simultaneously.

Final transmission

From June 1971 until the end of August 1974 Radio North Sea International was a regular and reliable broadcaster from international waters, four miles from Holland. The main MW transmissions continued at about 50 kW on 1367 kHz, shortwave using 10 kW on 6205 kHz and VHF FM on 100 MHz. Dutch programs, which were mostly taped on land, were extended eventually to 20:00 Central European Time (CET). Programs in English extended at the weekends from 03:00 until 06:00, when Dutch language programming began. The second 10 kW AM TX was tested on medium wave 773 kHz, and for a period as RNI 2, a second stream on 1562 kHz, in addition to the main stream on 1367 kHz, and intended to assure advertisers that, if need arose, "Mebo II" could continue transmissions on another frequency. The main English language closed at midnight on 30/31 August 1974, and the Dutch transmissions ceased on 31 August 1974 at 20:00.

RNI presenters (English Service)

* Tony Allan
* "Daffy" Don Allen
* Andy Archer
* Robin Adcroft as "Robin Banks"
* Arnold Layne
* Brian Mackenzie

RNI jingles

Thirty one of the original RNI jingles in English, Dutch and German are recorded in RealAudio and can be downloaded [ here] .

More Radio Northsea Jigles available here (mp3)

Destination Libya

While the two vessels were laid up in Holland, both were fully refitted. Early in 1977, "Angela" and "Mebo II" were sold to Libya. They sailed, each with a crew of nine, for Libya, arriving Tripoli on 9 February 1977. "Mebo II" was renamed "El Fatah", and "Angela" was renamed "Almasira". "El Fatah" then broadcast as "Radio Jamharia" with programmes such as the "Arab Voice", "Libya International in English" and the "Holy Koran". This continued until 1980, when Heinz Hurter, Edwin Bollier's second wife's brother was the only Swiss national to remain aboard. [ [ Mebo II reaches Libya in 1977] ]

One of RNI's former DJs, Robin Banks (né Adcroft, not to be confused with DJ Robin Banks), accompanied the vessels to Libya, and stayed with them as a transmitter engineer until 1980. [ [ Robin Banks still with "Mebo II" aka "El Fatah" in 1980] ] The "Almasira" and the "El Fatah" were said to have been used as target practice by the Libyan Navy in the 1980s, and were sunk in the Gulf of Sidra, Mediterranean Sea. [ [ Target practice in the Mediterranean] ]

Later Broadcasts

For two brief periods in 1999 and 2000, RNI successfully re-started its broadcasts. In August 1999, using a former Trinity House light vessel (LV18) moored off Clacton on Sea, RNI's "Mebo III" broadcast on the 190m band at 1575 kHz. Part of the proceeds from this RNI session went to support the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI). On April 11, 2000 "Mebo III" again sprang to life for a six-week period, when it was moored at the Old Railway Pier in Harwich and broadcast to Tendring, South Suffolk and "the world". [ [ RNI all set for Harwich] ]

Edwin Bollier congratulated the organisers of the RNI revival and said that as soon as the Lockerbie trial was completed, he intended to get "back into the offshore radio business again". [ [ "Back into the offshore radio business again"] ] Although the trial finished in January 2001, there has been no sign yet of any further activity.


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