- Grove cell
The Grove cell was an early electric
primary cell named after its inventor, British chemistWilliam Robert Grove , and consisted of azinc anode in concentratedsulfuric acid and aplatinum cathode in concentratednitric acid , the two separated by a porous ceramic pot.The Grove cell was the favored power source of the early American
telegraph system in the period1840 -1860 because it offered a high current output and highervoltage than the earlierDaniell cell (at 1.9 volts and 1.1 volts, respectively).However, by the time of the
American Civil War , as telegraph traffic increased, the Grove cell's tendency to discharge poisonous nitric acid gas proved increasingly hazardous to health, and as telegraphs became more complex, the need for constant voltage became critical. The Grove cell was limited in this respect, because as the cell discharged, voltage reduced. Eventually, Grove cells were replaced in use by Daniell cells.ee also
Bunsen cell
*History of the battery
*Primary cell terminology Notes
*cite book | last = Stillman | first = Benjamin | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = Principles of Physics | publisher = Theodore Bliss | date = 1861 | location = | pages = p. 576 | url = http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=da4IAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA577&dq=zamboni+cell&lr=&as_brr=1 | doi = | id = | isbn =
*cite book | last = Ayrton | first = W.E. |coauthors = T. Mather | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = Practical Electricity | publisher = Cassell and Company | date = 1911 | location = | pages = pp. 183-185 | url = | doi = | id = | isbn =
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