
Numberjacks 0-9.jpg

The 10 Numberjacks
Format Children's television series

Dylan Robertson (voices of 0 and 1),
Robert Watson (voice of 2),
Alice Baker (voice of 3),
Jonathan Beech (voice of 4),
Laura Maasland (voice of 5),
Oliver Keogh (voice of 6),
Roz Ellis (voices of 7 and 9),
Harry Munday (voice of 8),
Bob Golding
(voices of the Problem Blob and the Puzzler),
Rachel Preece
(voices of the Shape Japer and

the Spooky Spoon),
Ross Mullan (the Numbertaker),
Country of origin UK
No. of series 2
No. of episodes 65 (2 specials) (List of episodes)
Running time 15 minutes
Original channel BBC2
Original run October 16, 2006 – present

Numberjacks is a children's television series in the UK for 4- to 5-year-olds shown regularly on CBeebies and occasionally on BBC2. It is produced by Open Mind Productions for the BBC and features a mixture of computer-generated animation and live action.



The Numberjacks are animated characters - the numbers zero to nine - who live in an ordinary sofa and solve problems outside. Each episode has the same structure. At the beginning of the episode, some of the Numberjacks will be engaged in an activity that will have relevance to the problem that is later discovered. Then an "agent" (a live-action child) will call in and describe the problem that is occurring. One or two of the Numberjacks will go out into the real world to solve the problem, while the remaining Numberjacks stay in their base and watch their progress on a screen. As soon as the problem is understood, Numberjack 5 imagines what else could go wrong if it wasn't solved.

Once outside, the Numberjacks are shown in a live-action setting (although themselves still animated). They diagnose the problem by examination and with help from additional ideas from the agents, who call into the base. The problem could be caused by an antagonist or a younger Numberjack escaping from the sofa and inadvertently making things go wrong. Problems are solved by using "Brain Gain," a magical force of power.

Once solved, the Numberjacks return to their base, replay what happened on a screen and then challenge the viewer to think about a related problem and to "call the Numberjacks."

The problems encountered are all based around simple mathematical concepts and the programme is intended to stimulate young children's interest in mathematics. On satellite, digital and cable tv, a link to Numberjacks often appears on a corner of screen. This link sometimes appears on for example, gardening programs as a way of helping people with basic numeracy.


All the Numberjacks together (from the episode Zero the Hero - Episode 29, Series 1)


The Numberjacks are the heroes. Each of the numbers 0 through 9 is an individual character, and each is broadly the age of his or her number. The male Numberjacks are even numbers and the female Numberjacks are odd numbers.

  • 0, the lime green numberjack boy, 1, the purple numberjack girl, and 2, the orange numberjack boy, are too young to participate in the problem solving and are usually only seen in the Numberjacks' base, although occasionally they get out and cause problems of their own.
  • 3, the pink female member, 4, the blue male member, 5, the turquoise female member, and 6 the yellow male member, are the main characters and are the ones that solve the problems, either going out into the real world or staying and monitoring things at the base. Early in the series, 3 is considered "too small a number" to go out on her own (despite her protests) and could only go out of the base with 4, 5, or 6. In recent episodes, however, she goes out on her own. So far, 3, 4, and 6 are the only Numberjacks who have turned into other numbers throughout the series.
  • 7 the red numberjack girl, 8 the sky blue numberjack boy, and 9 the green numberjack girl, are older and have their own tasks, seen every now and then if they become involved in a problem.


There are five evil villains, the "Meanies", who often cause trouble for people. The Problem Blob, the Puzzler, and the Numbertaker are male, while the Shape Japer and the Spooky Spoon are female.

  • The Problem Blob a green blob with a single eye on the tip of his long tongue who spits out lumps of green slime that cause anything they touch to suffer from a particular problem.
  • The Shape Japer a purple sphere with a mean face who causes problems by changing the shape or size of objects.
  • The Puzzler a bald, floating head with orange hair, green glasses, a mustache, an earring and a goatee who traps the Numberjacks inside a puzzle bubble or causes other problems and sets mathematical puzzles that must be solved before the problems will go away. He is arguably the most fearsome enemy of the Numberjacks, as any Numberjack unable to solve one of his puzzles would be trapped in a puzzle bubble for all eternity.
  • The Spooky Spoon an anthropomorphic purple spoon who mixes things up, which the Numberjacks have to sort out.
  • The Numbertaker (a parody of The Undertaker) is a white-coated live action man with an exaggerated top hat who removes numbers or numbers of things. As numbers themselves, the Numberjacks must be particularly careful when dealing with him. He uses a number sucker upper, a number grabber, a net, a magnet and a hook to steal things.

Episode list

Series one, consisting of 45 15-minute episodes, first aired in October 2006. Series 2, consisting of 20 15-minute episodes first aired on CBeebies in 2009.[1]

# Episode Original Airdate Overview DVD release
Series 1: 2006-2007
1 The Trouble With Nothing At All 16 October 2006 0 makes things disappear and 6 flies out to sort everything out. Volume 1
2 Going Wrong Going Long 19 October 2006 The Problem Blob makes the boys pencil get longer and the man's mop and the boys straw. 4 sorts him out. Volume 1
3 Sphere Today Gone Tomorrow 20 October 2006 The Shape Japer turns an orange into a cube marble's too even pea's 6 sorts him out Volume 2
4 In Out Shake It All About 21 October 2006 The Puzzler makes his eyes come out on both sides of him, making them turn, his glasses and nose on top: It's making everything outside and not in. 3 and 5 sort him out Volume 1
5 One More Time 22 October 2006 When everyone passes under a bridge, they become one higher number: 4 turns into a 5, then 6. It's 1 that's causing all the trouble. Volume 2
6 Forward Thinking 23 October 2006 The Problem Blob is back - and things go backwards and forwards. 6 hitches a lift. Volume 3
7 Seven Wonders 24 October 2006 4 finds things add up to 7 when the Puzzler's about, and 7 is caught by the Puzzler. Volume 3
8 Getting Heavy 25 October 2006 Spooky Spoon is making light things heavy - 5 and 3 fly out. Volume 2
9 Belongings 26 October 2006 Things don't belong when Spooky Spoon mixes things up - another problem for 5. Volume 3
10 4 He's A Jolly Good Fellow 27 October 2006 The Numbertaker is taking all the fours he can find - will 4 be able to escape his clutches? Volume 1
11 Boxing Day 30 October 2006 Boxes go wrong when the Shape Japer plays tricks - but 6 can do the trick too, when the Shape Japer puts him in a box. TBA
12 Out of Order 31 October 2006 Spooky Spoon makes sure things are well out of order - until 5 sorts her out. TBA
13 Nine Lives 1 November 2006 The Puzzler has 9 trapped in a puzzle bubble - 6 and 3 come to the rescue. In this episode, 6 turns into two 3's. Volume 2
14 Takeaway 2 November 2006 Not just a few problems, lots of them - 4 makes the Numbertaker take more than he wants to. Volume 4
15 The Cuck-Cuck-Cuck-Oo-Oo-Oo Bird 3 November 2006 There's a pattern to the problems the Puzzler causes - and 5 has to break that pattern. Volume 4
16 Stop And Go 19 February 2007 Things don't move when they should - 6 has got to sort Spooky Spoon out. TBA
17 Off Colour 20 February 2007 Spooky Spoon wants to be the most colourful character around - 4 is out to stop her. Volume 1
18 A Game Of Two Halves 21 February 2007 The Shape Japer makes half a load of trouble, and 4 has to make things whole again. Volume 3
19 Out For The Count 22 February 2007 2 is out and about and making everyone count incorrectly - 6 goes after him. Volume 4
20 The Container Drainer 23 February 2007 Everything is empty thanks to the Puzzler - 3 helps 5 to fill things up again but not without 3 getting caught by the Puzzler. Volume 5
21 Tens Cranky Moments 26 February 2007 1 and 0 get out and about and make ten of everything - creating more work for 5. TBA
22 3 Things Good 27 February 2007 3 is out on her own trying to do battle with the Shape Japer, who does not like things in threes. Volume 4
23 Say What You Mean 28 February 2007 Be clear what you mean or the Problem Blob will make trouble for you, as 4 finds out. Volume 5
24 One Won 1 March 2007 There's only one of everything, thanks to the Numbertaker - 6 sorts things with help from 1. Volume 2
25 Tricky Sixes 2 March 2007 The Numbertaker likes two lots of three today - 6 is the Numberjack to sort him out. TBA
26 May The Fours Be With You 5 March 2007 The Shape Japer is after things that come in eights - 4 goes on the mission. Volume 5
27 Best Estimate 6 March 2007 The Problem Blob makes things go wrong when people can't estimate - 5 to the rescue. Volume 2
28 On and Off 7 March 2007 Spooky Spoon is mixing things again - 4 is on the case. TBA
29 Zero the Hero 8 March 2007 0 to the rescue when just for once, the Numberjacks are the problem, not the answer! Volume 3
30 Bad Circles 9 March 2007 The Shape Japer is making bad circles - 6 gets ready to sort her out. Volume 6
31 Famous Fives 12 March 2007 The Puzzler sets the problem - and 5 is the right Numberjack to sort it out. Volume 6
32 Fair Shares 13 March 2007 Things aren't being shared fairly, thanks to the Problem Blob - 6 makes everything all right. Volume 4
33 Being 3 14 March 2007 The Numbertaker is taking threes today - but he can't take Numberjack 3: In this episode, 3 turns into a 4. Volume 3
34 Into the Teens 15 March 2007 The Numbertaker has added ten more than 1 - 4 has to sort him out. 4 turns into a 14. Volume 6
35 Slide and Turn 16 March 2007 The Shape Japer is moving things and causing problems - 5 goes out there. TBA
36 Six Of One 19 March 2007 The Problem Blob is making trouble with sixes - Numberjack 6 to the rescue. TBA
37 Time Trouble 20 March 2007 Time passes very strongly - thanks to Spooky Spoon. 5 investigates. Volume 5
38 1, 2, 3, Go 21 March 2007 It's 1, 2, 3 - pattern time! 3 battles with the Puzzler. TBA
39 More 4 22 March 2007 The Shape Japer makes trouble with symmetry - 4 goes out to sort things out. TBA
40 Almost Human 23 March 2007 The Problem Blob causes trouble - and 4 tries out being a human being. There is a special Numberjack known as the Numberjack Man (played by Steven Lim), known as 4's temporary replacement. TBA
41 Two, Four, Six, Eight 26 March 2007 The Numbertaker takes all the even numbers - 6 and 8 fly out to put things right. Volume 5
42 Round and Round 27 March 2007 The Problem Blob has gotten people going around in circles - can 5 restore things to normal? TBA
43 Square Dancing 28 March 2007 The Shape Japer's about - and 1, 4, and 9 sort out problems with squares. TBA
44 Data Day 29 March 2007 Spooky Spoon is mixing things up - 3 gets ready to take her on. Volume 4
45 How? What? Check! 30 March 2007 5 sorts out the Puzzler's problems - and checks to make sure. TBA
Series 1 Specials
1 Counting Down To Christmas TBA The Numbertaker, Shape Japer, and Spooky Spoon make Christmas go wrong, and Agent 20 is one of the victims. 5 and 6 fly out and save Christmas Day with help from 3 and some other agents. Volume 5 (Release Date: 24 November 2008)
2 Seaside Adventure TBA The Numberjacks have a holiday at the beach, only to face troubles with the Meanies! Volume 6 (Release Date: 3 August 2009)
Series 2 (2009) [1]
46 Ups and Downs 26 October 2009 Spooky Spoon is turning everything upside down, so 1 and 8 are sent out to help 4. TBA
47 On the Move 27 October 2009 The Problem Blob is making things move when they shouldn't, so 5 is sent out to stop him. TBA
48 Very Shapely 28 October 2009 The Shape Japer is causing problems again by stretching the shapes of things - 6 is after her. TBA
49 Wee Three Phone Home 29 October 2009 The Puzzler is causing some people to repeat his silly movements - 3 is sent out to stop him. TBA
50 Did You Notice Anything? 30 October 2009 The Numbertaker is taking away people's noticing skills, and then plays tricks on them without them noticing - 4 is sent out to defeat him. TBA
51 Measured Response 2 November 2009 Things are changing length thanks to the Shape Japer, so 6 is sent out to change them back. TBA
52 Think Again 3 November 2009 3 and 4 are playing in the gym when 5 discovers that Spooky Spoon is mixing things up again. TBA
53 Carry On Counting 4 November 2009 6 is sent out to do battle with the Problem Blob, who is causing people to go back to the beginning of things, sliming 6. Brain Gain helps 6. TBA
54 A Record In the Charts 5 November 2009 4 is sent out to defeat the Puzzler, who is stopping the cafe customers from remembering whether they have had too much food or not. TBA
55 Half Time 6 November 2009 The Numbertaker is halving the numbers of everything - 4 is sent out to stop him. In this episode, 4 turns into a 1, a 2, and an 8. TBA
56 A Close Thing 9 November 2009 A girl can't get near her teddy, and grown ups need help with things being too close. 6 flies out to sort the Problem Blob. TBA
57 A Circle at Both End 10 November 2009 3's buddy blocks become cylinders. 5 has to fly out when a boy has trouble with his chalks, thanks to the Shape Japer. TBA
58 Matchmaking 11 November 2009 Numberjack 1 plays a trick on Numberjack 4, always making the number of buddy blocks on the seesaw unbalanced. 3 flies out to sort the Numbertaker. TBA
59 A Different Sort 12 November 2009 0 and 1 are failing to help 3 sort her beautiful things. 4 flies out to sort Spooky Spoon. TBA
60 Areas of Concern 13 November 2009 In the gym, 6 and his buddy tiles are making patterns on the floor and flying around. 6 flies out to defeat the Puzzler. TBA
61 The Dreaded Lurgi 7 December 2009 In the gym 6 can't jump on the seesaw - and 4 feels ill too - they've both got the dreaded lurgi. 5 flies out to investigate and stop the Problem Blob. In the meantime, 3 gets lurgi too, and agents help out. TBA
62 Fraction Fiction 8 December 2009 3 and 4 argue over entertaining 5's buddy blocks. They try to share them but the blocks get bored and wander off. 3 flies out to beat the Shape Japer. TBA
63 Interesting Times 9 December 2009 7 tells 0 and 1 a story about 3, 4, 5, and 6 going out one after the other; to sort out morning, daytime, evening and night time things, and Spooky Spoon herself. TBA
64 More Ways Than One 10 December 2009 4, 5, and 6 are playing a version of Circle Slide, using different ways of moving. 4 goes out to rescue 8 who is trapped by the Puzzler. TBA
65 Hundreds and Thousands 11 December 2009 4 is in the Cozy Room taking photos of 1 and 0. A girl has a hundred or so beads to make a necklace but then has only ten, then one. 6 flies out to defeat the Numbertaker. TBA


  • Awarded Best Schools Programme - 0-5 Years (for the episode "Nine Lives")[2]
  • Royal Television Society Educational Television Awards 2007
  • Awarded Best Schools Programme - 0-5 Years (for the episode "Zero the Hero")[3]

US version

The series will be announced to air on the Disney Junior block and channel, starting in late 2011. Nika Futterman will voice 0 and 2, Leah Ostry will voice 1, Tara Strong will voice 3, Dee Bradley Baker will voice 4 and 8, Lara Jill Miller will voice 5, Tom Kenny will voice 6, Grey Delisle will voice 7 and Kath Soucie will voice 9.[citation needed]

DVD releases

The Numberjacks are on Their Way (Volume 1)

  • 01. The Trouble With Nothing
  • 02. Going Wrong, Going Long
  • 04. In, Out, Shake It All About
  • 10. 4 He's a Jolly Good Fellow
  • 17. Off Colour

Calling All Agents (Volume 2)

  • 3. Sphere Today, Gone Tomorrow
  • 5. One More Time
  • 8. Getting Heavy
  • 13. Nine Lives
  • 24. One Won
  • 27. Best Estimate

Standing by to Zoom (Volume 3)

  • 6. Forward Thinking
  • 7. Seven Wonders
  • 9. Belongings
  • 18. A Game Of Two Halves
  • 29. Zero the Hero
  • 33. Being 3

Brain Gain (Volume 4)

  • 14. Takeaway
  • 15. The Cuck-Cuck-Cuck-Oo-Oo-Oo Bird
  • 19. Out For the Count
  • 22. Good Things
  • 32. Fair Shares
  • 44. Data Day

Counting Down to Christmas (Volume 5)

  • 20. The Container Drainer
  • 23. Say What You Mean
  • 26. May the Fours Be With You
  • 37. Time Trouble
  • 41. Two, Four, Six, Eight
  • Special Episode: Counting Down to Christmas

Seaside Adventure (Volume 6)

  • 30. Bad Circles
  • 31. Famous Fives
  • 34. Into the Teens
  • Special Episode: Seaside Adventure (Feature Length - 45 mins)


  1. ^ a b [1]
  2. ^ "Royal Television Society - Educational Television Awards 2006". Royal Television Society. Retrieved 17 March 2010. 
  3. ^ "Royal Television Society - Educational Television Awards 2007". Royal Television Society. Retrieved 17 March 2010. 

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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