Mohammed Younis al-Ahmed al-Muwali

Mohammed Younis al-Ahmed al-Muwali

Mohammed Younis al-Ahmed al-Muwali aka "Khadr al-Sabahi" is a former senior member of the Baath Party in Iraq with a Million Dollar Bounty on his head as one of Iraq's most wanted men accused of funding and leading terrorist operations.[1]

A former aide to former President of Iraq and leader Saddam Hussein and a regional Baath Party organiser who it appears was trained in Moscow, following the 2003 War in Iraq he has emerged as one of the leading figures among the Iraqi Insurgency and a major rival to Izzat Ibrahim ad-Douri.[2][3]

Largely based in Syria since the war he is believed to have access to substantial funds and that he has been disbursing funds and directing fighting of Sunni Insurgents inside Iraq.[4]


  1. ^ Iraq Releases Most-Wanted List - CBS, 03 July 2006
  2. ^ Saddam aide in exile heads list of most wanted rebels The Guardian, 17 October 2004
  3. ^ Battle for New Leader Likely The Guardian, 01 January 2007
  4. ^ A conflict over 15 billion dollars between Izzat Al-Duri and Mohammed Younis al-Ahmed Iraq Directory, 16 November 2006

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