

Family name
name = Bossi

image_size = 150px
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pronunciation =
meaning = Derived from boxwood
region = Lombardy in northern Italy, particularly Milan
language = Italian
related names = Bosio, Boselli, Bossy and Bossie
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Bossi is a surname native to the Lombardy region of Italy, particularly in Milan. Variations include Bosio and Boselli, the former being among the original derivations of "Bossi" and the latter being a common variation of Italian names. Also, Bossy and Bossie are two etymologically related forms found in French-speaking regions as well as in the United States. Etymologically, the name appears to refer to boxwood -- a prized wood historically used for landscaping or crafting [] . The coat of arms and family standard are of a bovine bull with the Latin phrase "In Domino Confido", which translates as "In God I trust".

The surname can refer to the following people:

* Aurelio Bossi - Italian sculptor and organist
* Carlo Bossi - Notable businessman in Victoria, British Columbia []
* Carmelo Bossi - Italian boxer
* Caroline Bossi - American actress []
* Consabecco Bossi - Earliest recorded instance of the surname, in 1170, of the Commune of Milan
* Costante Adolfo Bossi - Italian organist for the Milan Cathedral []
* David N. Bossie - American, President of Citizens United
* Enea Bossi, Sr. - Italian-American inventor and aviation pioneer
* Enea Bossi, Jr. - American inventor, particularly in the fields of aviation, medicine, and computers
* Enrico Bossi - Italian farmer and theologian in Turin in the 20th century
* Giacomo Bossi - Notable businessman in Victoria, British Columbia []
* Giuseppe Bossi - Italian painter, writer, collector, and administrator of art
* Isabella Bossi Fedrigotti - Italian journalist and writer (it)
* Joseph Tipton Bossi - American Navy Reserve pilot []
* Luciano Bossi - Swiss ice hockey player
* Marco Enrico Bossi - Italian organist and composer []
* Maurice Bossy - Canadian politician
* Maxime Bossis - French football player
* Michael Dean Bossy - Canadian ice hockey player
* Pietro Bossi - Italian marble craftsman in Dublin between 1785 and 1798, specialising in the scagliola technique [] [] []
* Pietro Bossi - Italian organist in Morbegno, brother of Adolfo Bossi []
* Renzo Rinaldo Bossi - Italian organist []
* Umberto Bossi - Italian politician and leader of the Northern League

The name Bossi or its related variations may also refer to the following:

* Bossi Castle - A winery located in the Bossi region of Castelnuovo Berardenga
* Bossi Cup - An ice hockey tournament named for Luciano Bossi (it)
* Collex-Bossy - A municipality in the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland
* Stefan Bossems - German musician with the pseudonym "DJ Bossi"
* - A fictional character from the video game series Castlevania
* Infoworld Bossie Awards - An award relating to open source computer software.
* Mike Bossy Trophy - An ice hockey trophy named for Mike Bossy
* Serfinaz Qadry - Egyptian actress with the pseudonym "Poussi" or "Boussy"

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