- Soundholic
infobox record label
founded =May 17 ,1996
distributor =
genre = Heavy metal
country =Japan
url = http://homepage3.nifty.com/soundholic/Soundholic is an
independent record label based inTokyo ,Japan , established onMay 17 , 1996. Its president isNoboru Shibadaira .Artists
*Anorexia Nervosa
*Autumn Leaves
*Beyond the Embrace
*The Black Dahlia Murder
*Blinded Colony
*Breaking Silence
*Bride Adorned
*Buried Dreams
*Burning in Hell
*Burning Point
*Carnal Forge
*Callenish Circle
*Dark Avenger
*Dark Funeral
*Dark Lunacy
*Dark Moor
*The Defaced
*Divine Souls
*Enemy Is Us
*The Embraced
*Eternal Autumn
*Face Down
*Fear My Thoughts
*Funeris Nocturnum
*Grave Digger
*Grief of Emerald
*Hate Eternal
*Holy Knights
*Holy Moses
*Holy Sagga
*In Thy Dreams
*Iron Fire
*Lemon Crush
*Liar Symphony
*Nocturnal Rites
*Non Human Level
*Orion Riders
*Rosae Crucis
*Sally's Skin
*Scar Symmetry
*Seventh Avenue
*Shadows of Steel
*Sins of Omission
*Slowmotion Apocalypse
*Sonic Syndicate
*The Storyteller
*Terror 2000
*Theory in Practice
*Thy Majesty
*Without Grief
*Wuthering Heights
*Zonata ee also
List of record labels External links
* [http://homepage3.nifty.com/soundholic/ Official website]
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