

Infobox musical artist
Name = Persefone
Background = group_or_band
Genre = Progressive death metal
Origin = Andorra
Years_active = October 2001 - Present
Label = Soulholic Records (Japan)
Current_members = Marc Martins Pia Jordi Gorgues Mateu Carlos Lozano Quintanilla Miguel Espinosa Ortiz Toni Mestre Coy Marc Mas Marti
Past_members = Aleix Dorca

Persefone is an Andorran Progressive death metal band formed in October 2001.Official Persefone website,]


Persefone is a band located in the small nation of Andorra and it was formed in October 2001. Early on, the band was, like many others, a band that played covers from other bands like Arch Enemy, In Flames, Dark Tranquillity... But soon they felt the necessity of going further. Carlos, Jordi, Toni and Xavi (ex-drummer) were the very first former members. Later in 2002 Miguel arrived to the band in order to perform keyboards.

They began working and soon they composed the first song ever in Persefone: “Niflheim (the eyes that hold the edge) ”. It was the first idea of how the way of the band would be: melody, complexity and aggressivity. Once the song was finished they began working on some songs in order to create a demo. The concept of the album was the five soul illnesses combined with the transition from life to death. As a result, Persefone recorded a 6 track demo that later would become a LP thanks to the help of Claus Jensen and Intromental Management, that interested on Persefone’s music. “Truth Inside the Shades” became a reality, recorded at Orion Studios and mastered by Peter in de Betou for Taylor Maid Productions.

Some gigs were scheduled and there were some changes in the formation. Xavi left the band and some months later, Aleix Dorca, producer of the band, joined it to perform drums. Besides, Carlos left his singer roll and Marc Martins become the singer and frontman. After this, “Truth Inside the Shades” was released worldwide through Soundholic Records (Japan), Cd-Maximum (Russia and Baltic States) and Adipocere Records (Europe and United States).

After the releasing of the album, the band sat down and decided to begin the new album project. This time the band went further and beyond, recording a huge project with 3 songs and more than 20 minutes long each. “Core” relates the story of Persephone, Greek goddess and the one that named the band. Same as in the first album, Persefone produced the album at Orion Studios with top-notch mastering by Peter in de Betou. The sound in this CD is huge same as composition. This time the band has included progressiveness to music with more aggressivity and symphonical melody.

Last 23rd August 2006, “Core” was released in Japan through Soundholic Records and the band continued searching for a suitable label to release it worldwide.

In 2007, after a year from the releasing of "Core" in Japan, Persefone signed a deal with Greek label Burning Star Records. 24th August the album was released worldwide.


Full lengths

"Core" (2006)

LPs and EPs

"Truth Inside the Shades" (2004)



* Marc Martins Pia - Vocals
* Jordi Gorgues Mateu - Guitars
* Carlos Lozano Quintanilla - Guitars
* Miguel Espinosa Ortiz - Keyboards, synths, pianos and vocals
* Toni Mestre Coy - Bass
* Marc Mas Marti - Drums


* Aleix Dorca - Drums on "Core" and producer on both albums
* xavi Pérez - Drums on "Truth Inside the Shades"

External links


* [ Official Persefone site]
* [ Persefone at]


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