- Choutapalli
Chowtapalli, is a village in the state of
Andhra Pradesh inIndia , is in theKrishna district , nearMachilipatanam andGudivada . The primary language of this village is telugu and the only school is also a Telugu medium school. This village is the Birthplace of the famous composer/singer of Telugu Film music -Ghantasala Venkateswara Rao , an outstanding Telugu writer -Pitcheswara Rao Atluri , another famous writer named Surapaneni Kakulayya also originated from here.This is a very small village and most of the population are
farmers . The primary water supply for this village comes fromKrishna River . The village has a school that's Telugu medium. Most of the young generation of this village have migrated to foreign countries, mostly toUnited States Canada orAustralia There are primarily four to six shops in the village, the older ones being "Roshiah Kottu", "Subba Rao Kottu". The recent concern of this village people is with the
Christians . Apparently a lot of Christian conversations are taking place in the village mostly with the low class people. The village has also raised some funds recently for aLord Rama temple that needs renovation.The upper class people of this village are mostly of
Kamma (caste) .The village also has Shiridi SaiBaba temple which has been constructed by Late Sri Lingam Nagabhushnam garu. It has been renovated in the year 1999.This village is proud to say that many film personalities went from here like Sri Atluri Poornachandra Rao garu, Atluri PundariKakshiah garu. At least one person in the family is working abroad.
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