Dziady (poem)

Dziady (poem)

"Dziady" ("Forefathers' Eve") is a famous poetic drama by a Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz considered to be one of the greatest works of European Romanticism [G. Olivier, "Poema Dziady" in "Cabinet de Lecture", 26 April 1834] [A. Segalas in "Journal des Femmes. Gymnase Litteraire", 14 June 1834] [G. Sand, "Goethe - Byron - Mickiewicz" in "Revue des Deux Mondes", 1 December 1839] . For George Sand and George Brandes "Dziady" was the greatest realisation of the Romantic drama theory, among such works as "Faust" by Johann Wolfgang Goethe and "Manfred" by George Gordon Byron [G. Sand, "Goethe - Byron - Mickiewicz" in "Revue des Deux Mondes", 1 December 1839] . Its title refers to "Dziady"," an ancient Slavic and Lithuanian feast commemorating the dead (the "forefathers"). The drama is strong influenced by gothic fiction and epistolary novels such as "Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse"; it joins historiosophical and individual vision of a pain and slavery.

The drama's second part is dedicated chiefly to the "Dziady" feast celebrated in what is now Belarus.


External links

* [ English translation of 'Great Improvisaton' - Part Three, Scene Two]
* [ Full Polish Text of Dziady]

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