

:"The related genus "Eupatorium" also contains plants called "snakeroot". Virginia Snakeroot ("Aristolochia serpentaria") and Canadian Snakeroot ("Asarum canadense") are unrelated plants.Taxobox
name = Snakeroot

image_width = 200px
image_caption = Sticky Snakeroot ("Ageratina adenophora")
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Asterales
familia = Asteraceae
tribus = Eupatorieae
genus = "Ageratina"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "About 250, see text"
Snakeroot ("Ageratina") is a genus of about 250cite web | work = Flora of North America | url = | title = Ageratina ] cite web | url = | work = Arboles y arbustos de los Andes del Ecuador (Trees and shrubs of the Andes of Ecuador) | author = Carmen Ulloa Ulloa and Peter Møller Jørgensen | title = "Ageratina" Spach ] –290cite web | url = | title = "Ageratina" Spach | work = Flora of Taiwan ] perennials and rounded shrubs from the Sunflower family (Asteraceae).

These plants grow mainly in the warmer regions of the Americas. However, some flourish in the cooler areas of the eastern United States. Two Mexican species have become a pest in parts of Australia and Taiwan. "Ageratina" used to belong to the genus "Eupatorium", but it has been reclassified.


The inflorescence consists of multiple fluffy, red or pinkish-white capitula in clusters. These lack the typical ray flowers of the composites.

They have multiple, much-branched woody stems. The petioles are rather long. The leaves are triangular, serrate and opposite with a foul-smelling, musky scent.


Toxic properties

Milk from cows that have eaten snakeroot can cause illness if ingested because the milk becomes toxic.


External links

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  • Snakeroot — Snake root , n. (Bot.) Any one of several plants of different genera and species, most of which are (or were formerly) reputed to be efficacious as remedies for the bites of serpents; also, the roots of any of these. [1913 Webster] Note: The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • snakeroot — /snayk rooht , root /, n. 1. any of various plants whose roots have been regarded as a remedy for snakebites, as the herb Aristolochia serpentaria (Virginia snakeroot), having a medicinal rhizome and rootlets, and the white flowered Polygala… …   Universalium

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  • snakeroot — SYN: serpentaria. Canada s. SYN: Asarum canadense. European s. SYN: Asarum europaeum. Seneca s. SYN: senega. Texas s. botanical source of serpentaria. Virginia s. Aristolochia serpentaria; botanical source of serpentaria. * * * snake·root .rüt,… …   Medical dictionary

  • snakeroot — n. any of a number of plants whose roots are thought to be a cure for snakebites; root of a snakeroot plant …   English contemporary dictionary

  • snakeroot — noun 1》 a North American plant reputed to contain an antidote to snake poison. [Aristolochia serpentaria and other species.] 2》 a plant with snake like roots, yielding medicinal drugs. [Rauwolfia serpentina (Indian snakeroot, SE Asia) and related …   English new terms dictionary

  • snakeroot — /ˈsneɪkrut/ (say snaykrooht) noun 1. any of various plants whose roots have been regarded as a remedy for snakebites, as Aristolochia serpentaria (Virginia snakeroot), a herb with medicinal rhizome and rootlets. 2. the root or rhizome of such a… …  

  • snakeroot — noun Any member of the genus Ageratina of perennials and rounded shrubs from the sunflower family, growing mainly in the warmer regions of the Americas …   Wiktionary

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