Anund Uppsale

Anund Uppsale

Anund Uppsale or Anoundus (Old Norse: "Önundr Uppsali") ruled Sweden together with his brother Björn at Haugi, according to Rimbert and Hervarar saga (he and Björn are also mentioned by Adam of Bremen). He is probably called Uppsale because he stayed at Gamla Uppsala, the religious centre.

Rimbert recounts that "Anoundus" and his brother Björn, succeed king Erik and that Anund was driven away from his country. The reason is unknown.

Sometime in the 840s, Anund returns to Sweden with a large Danish host of 21 longships and 11 of his own, because Anund had promised them rich plunder in Birka, and they arrived when Björn at Hauge was far away. Anund demanded one hundred marks of silver, which was granted. The Danes felt tricked and wanted to make a surprise attack on Birka in order to burn it and plunder it, but then Anund tried to avert their plans. He asked them to draw lots about whether it was the will of the Aesir that Birka should be destroyed . The outcome was that the destruction of Birka would bring bad luck to the Danes. They then asked where to go for plunder and the answer was to go to a Slavic town. The Danes left Birka but returned with rich booty.

Anund then stayed to seek reconciliation with his people and his son Erik succeeded him on the Swedish throne.

ee also

*Early Swedish History

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regent1=Björn at Hauge


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