School and university in literature

School and university in literature

=School in literature=

*Thomas Bailey Aldrich: "The Story of a Bad Boy" []
*Laurie Halse Anderson: "Speak"
*Christine Anlauff: "Good morning, Lehnitz"
*F. Anstey: "Vice Versa"
*Louis Auchincloss: "The Rector of Justin" (see Groton School) and "The Headmaster's Dilemma"
*Honoré de Balzac: " Louis Lambert"
*Alan Bennett: "The History Boys"
*William Sutcliffe: "New Boy"
*E.R. Braithwaite: "To Sir, with Love"
*Sasthi Brata: "My God Died Young"
*Elinor Brent-Dyer: the "Chalet School" series
*Charlotte Brontë: "The Professor" and "Villette"
*Leo Bruce: "Death at St. Asprey's School"
*Anthony Buckeridge: the "Jennings" series
*Erika Burkart: "Die Vikarin"
*Frances Hodgson Burnett: "Sara Crewe" (aka "A Little Princess")
*Hezekiah Butterworth: "The Log School-House on the Columbia" []
*Michael Campbell: "Lord Dismiss Us"
*Anton Chekhov: "The Schoolmaster" []
*Agatha Christie: "Cat Among the Pigeons"
*Jonathan Coe: "The Rotters' Club"
*Colette: "Claudine à l'école"
*Ivy Compton-Burnett: "Pastors and Masters"
*Thomas H. Cook: "The Chatham School Affair"
*Robert Cormier: "The Chocolate War"
*Amanda Craig: "A Private Place"
*Edmund Crispin: "Love Lies Bleeding"
*Roald Dahl: "Galloping Foxley"
*Alphonse Daudet: "Le petit chose"
*Abha Dawesar: "Babyji"
*R. F. Delderfield: "To Serve Them All My Days"
*Stephen Dobyns: "Boy in the Water"
*Christophe Dufossé: "School's Out" (French: "L'heure de la sortie")
*Ernst Eckstein: "Die Klosterschülerin" and "Gesammelte Schulhumoresken"
*Edward Eggleston: "The Hoosier Schoolmaster"
*Antonia Forest: "Autumn Term", "End of Term", "The Cricket Term", and "The Attic Term" (four books set at Kingscote School for Girls)
*Hannah Webster Foster: "The Boarding School"
*Andreas Franz: "Tod eines Lehrers"
*Elizabeth George: "Well-Schooled in Murder"
*Witold Gombrowicz: "Ferdydurke"
*Henry Green: "Concluding"
*Daniel Handler: "The Basic Eight"
*Joanne Harris: "Gentlemen & Players"
*Jon Hassler: "Staggerford"
*Zoë Heller: "Notes on a Scandal"
*Lillian Hellman: "The Children's Hour"
*John Hersey: "The Child Buyer"
*Hermann Hesse: "Unterm Rad" ("Beneath the Wheel" aka "The Prodigy")
*James Hilton: "Goodbye, Mr. Chips" and "Murder at School"
*Alan Hollinghurst: "The Swimming Pool Library"
*Ödön von Horváth: "Jugend ohne Gott" ("Youth Without God" aka "Cold Times")
*Thomas Hughes: "Tom Brown's School Days"
*Evan Hunter: "The Blackboard Jungle"
*Rachel Hunter: ""
*LouAnne Johnson: "My Posse Don't Do Homework" (filmed as "Dangerous Minds")
*Pamela Hansford Johnson: "The Honours Board"
*Erich Kästner: "Das fliegende Klassenzimmer" ("The Flying Classroom")
*Bel Kaufman: "Up the Down Staircase"
*Stephen King (writing as Richard Bachman): "Rage" (aka "Getting It On")
*Rudyard Kipling: "Stalky & Co."
*N. H. Kleinbaum: "Dead Poets Society" (novelisation of the original screenplay)
*John Knowles: "A Separate Peace"
*Valery Larbaud: "Fermina Márquez"
*Nancy Lieberman: "Admissions"
*Patrick McCabe: "The Dead School"
*Megan McCafferty: "Sloppy Firsts" and "Second Helpings"
*Frank McCourt: "Teacher Man"
*Heather McGowan: "Schooling"
*Arthur Machen: "The Secret Glory"
*Heinrich Mann: "Professor Unrat" (filmed as "The Blue Angel")
*Benjamin Markovits: "Fathers and Daughters"
*Robert Menasse: "Die Vertreibung aus der Hölle"
*Gladys Mitchell: "Death at the Opera"
*Zsigmond Móricz: "Légy jó mindhalálig" ("Be Faithful Unto Death")
*Robert Musil: "Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß" (filmed as "Der junge Törless")
*R. K. Narayan: "The English Teacher"
*Andrew Neiderman: "Teacher's Pet"
*Freya North: "Polly"
*Robert B. Parker: "School Days"
*Frances Gray Patton: "Good Morning, Miss Dove"
*Tom Perrotta: "Election" and "The Abstinence Teacher"
*Gervase Phinn: "The School Inspector Calls", "The Other Side of the Dale", "Over Hill and Dale", "Head Over Heels in the Dales", and "Up and Down in the Dales"
*Libby Purves: "More Lives Than One"
*Terence Rattigan: "The Browning Version"
*Ernest Raymond: "Tell England"
*Miss Read: "Village School" and "School at Thrush Green"
*Patrick Redmond: "The Wishing Game"
*Peter Rosegger: "Die Schriften des Waldschulmeisters" ("Manuscripts of a Forest School Master")
*Bernice Rubens: "I, Dreyfus"
*John Patrick Shanley: "Doubt"
*Anita Shreve: "Testimony"
*Alan Sillitoe: "Mr Raynor the School-teacher"
*Curtis Sittenfeld: "Prep" (see Groton School)
*Natsume Sōseki: "Botchan"
*Muriel Spark: "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" and "The Finishing School"
*Heinrich Spoerl: "Die Feuerzangenbowle"
*Jesse Stuart: "Split Cherry Tree" []
*William Sutcliffe: "New Boy"
*Josephine Tey: "Miss Pym Disposes"
*Friedrich Torberg: "Der Schüler Gerber"
*Anthony Trollope: "Doctor Wortle's School"
*Sarah Tucker: "The Battle for Big School"
*Hermann Ungar: "Die Klasse" ("The Class")
*Simone van der Vlugt: "De reünie" ("Class Reunion")
*Robert Walser: "Jakob von Gunten"
*Evelyn Waugh: "Decline and Fall"
*Charles Webb: "Home School"
*Franz Werfel: "Der Abituriententag" ("Class Reunion")
*Antonia White: "Frost in May"
*Marianne Wiggins: "John Dollar"
*Nigel Williams: "Class Enemy"
*Carol Windley: "Home Schooling"
*Christa Winsloe: "Child Manuela" (filmed as "Mädchen in Uniform")
*P. G. Wodehouse: "The Pothunters", "A Prefect's Uncle" and "The Gold Bat"
*Alexander Wolf: "Zur Hölle mit den Paukern"
*Tobias Wolff: "Old School"
*Richard B. Wright: "The Teacher's Daughter"
*Richard Yates: "A Good School"
*Juli Zeh: "Spieltrieb"

University in literature

*Kingsley Amis: "Lucky Jim"
*John Barth: "Giles Goat-Boy"
*Max Beerbohm: "Zuleika Dobson"
*Saul Bellow: "Ravelstein"
*T. C. Boyle: "The Inner Circle"
*Malcolm Bradbury: "The History Man"
*Michael Chabon: "Wonder Boys"
*Nirad C. Chaudhuri: "The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian"
*J. M. Coetzee: "Disgrace"
*Robertson Davies: "The Rebel Angels"
*Pamela Dean: "Tam Lin"
*Don DeLillo: "White Noise"
*Jenny Diski: "Rainforest"
*Carl Djerassi: "Cantor's Dilemma"
*D. J. Enright: "Academic Year"
*Richard Fariña: "Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me"
*Michael Frayn: "The Trick of It"
*Stephen Fry: "Making History"
*John Kenneth Galbraith: "A Tenured Professor"
*Thomas Hughes: "Tom Brown at Oxford"
*Howard Jacobson: "Coming from Behind"
*Randall Jarrell: "Pictures from an Institution"
*Denis Johnson: "The Name of the World"
*Pamela Hansford Johnson: "Night and Silence Who Is Here?"
*Neil LaBute: "The Shape of Things"
*David Leavitt: "The Body of Jonah Boyd"
*Elinor Lipman: "My Latest Grievance"
*David Lodge: "The British Museum Is Falling Down", "Changing Places", "Nice Work", "Thinks ...", and "Deaf Sentence"
*Mary McCarthy: "The Groves of Academe"
*Bernard Malamud: "A New Life"
*William Hurrell Mallock: "The New Republic" []
*David Mamet: "Oleanna"
*Javier Marías: "All Souls"
*Niq Mhlongo: "Dog Eat Dog"
*Jeffrey Moore: "Prisoner in a Red-Rose Chain"
*Dhan Gopal Mukerji: "Caste and Outcast"
*Vladimir Nabokov: "Pnin" and "Pale Fire"
*Joyce Carol Oates: "Black Girl / White Girl"
*Tim Parks: "Europa"
*Tom Perrotta: "Joe College"
*Francine Prose: "Blue Angel"
*Ellery Queen: "The Campus Murders"
*Philip Roth: "The Human Stain"
*Willy Russell: "Educating Rita"
*Richard Russo: " Straight Man"
*Dorothy L. Sayers: "Gaudy Night"
*Dietrich Schwanitz: "Der Campus"
*Tom Sharpe: "Wilt"
*Jane Smiley: "Moo"
*Zadie Smith: "On Beauty"
*Tammar Stein: "Light Years"
*Neal Stephenson: "The Big U"
*J. I. M. Stewart: "A Staircase in Surrey"
*Donna Tartt: "The Secret History"
*Sergio Troncoso: "The Nature of Truth"
*Evelyn Waugh: "Brideshead Revisited"
*Hillary Waugh: "Last Seen Wearing ..."
*Paul West: "Oxford Days"
*Michael Wilding: "Academia Nuts"
*Angus Wilson: "Anglo-Saxon Attitudes"
*Tom Wolfe: "I Am Charlotte Simmons"
*Sylvia Hart Wright: "" []

ee also

*School story
*Boarding schools in fiction
*List of fictional schools
*List of fictional Oxford colleges
*List of fictional Cambridge colleges
*Campus novel
*Class reunion

External links

* [ Selected Academic Novels] by William F. Brewer (Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
* [ Books that take place within an academic environment] by Áine M. Humble (Department of Family Studies and Gerontology, Mount Saint Vincent University)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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