List of people related to Mainz

List of people related to Mainz

This list indicates renown persons, which have been born in Mainz or which have left their traces Mainz.

ons and daughters of the town

("chronological list")
* around 780, Rabanus Maurus, † 856, , was a Benedictinemonk, the archbishop of Mainz in Germany and a
theologian. He was the author of the
encyclopaedia "On the Nature of Things".
* (c. 960 -1040? or 1028?) Gershom ben Judah, also commonly knownby the longer title Rabbeinu Gershom Me'Or Hagolah ("'Ourteacher Gershom the light of the exile"') to scholars of Judaism.He was a famous Talmudist and Halakhist.
* around 1397, Johannes Gutenberg (also Johannes Gensfleisch zurLaden), † February 3, 1468 in Mainz, was a Germangoldsmith and inventor who achieved fame for his invention of thetechnology of printing with movable types during 1447.
* ? Johann Fust († 1466 in Paris), was an early German printer,assistant and investor of Gutenberg. Together with Peter Schöfferhe founded a printshop,
* 1488, Otto Brunfels, was a German theologian and botanist. Carlvon Linné listed him among the "Fathers of Botany"..
* 1674, Friedrich Carl von Schönborn († 1746 was Bishop of Bambergand Würzburg (1729-46)..
* 1716, Count Johann Franz Raymond Kasimir Anton Joseph Peter (May19,1716- † October 3, 1775) Knight of Teutonic Order, Privy Councilor,General Feld Zeug Meister, and "Governor of Mainz"
* 1739, Philipp Franz Wilderich Nepomuk Graf von Waldersdorf, † 21.April 1810 in Bruchsal, Fürstbishop of Speyer 1797-1810
* 1745, Ludwig Fischer, † July 19 1825 in Berlin, opera singer
* 1749, February 20, Georg Karl Ignaz Freiherr von Fechenbach zuLaudenbach] , † April 9 1808 in Werneck near Würzburg, Prince-Bishop ofBamberg and Würzburg 1800-08
* 1750, Wolfgang Heribert von Dalberg, † September 28 1806 inMannheim, chamberlain of Worms and intendant of the theatre at Mannheim
* 1766, Johann Martin Manl, † October 15 1835 in Eichstätt, Bischopof Speyer 1827-35 and Bishop of Eichstätt 1835
*Ferdinand Ochsenheimer (1767–1822) was a German actor and entomologist (lepidopterist).
* 1770, Heinrich Anton Hoffmann, † January 19, 1842 in Frankfurt amMain, Composer (ConCerts, Chamber music etc.)
* 1775, September 28, Johann Adam von Itzstein, † September 14 1855in Hallgarten, badian politician and member of the
Frankfurt Parliament
* 1780, Johann Adam Ackermann,† 1853, landscape painter
* 1791, Franz Bopp, 1867 in Berlin, German linguist, comparativework on Indo-European languages.
* 1798, March 7, Hermann Umpfenbach, † 1862 March 16,Mathematician
* 1800, Johann-Joseph Krug, † 1866 in Reims established ChampagneKrug in 1843
*1805, Ida, Countess von Hahn-Hahn was a German author and founderof a nunnery.
* 1811, Josef Kling, was a German chess master and chesscomposer.
* 1817, Christoph Moufang, † 1890 in Mainz, diocesan administratorof Mainz 1877-86
* 1822 Joseph Gottsleben, † 1888, printer and publisher, establishedthe "Mainzer Anzeiger"
* 1823, Ludwig Bamberger, † 1899 in Berlin, was an economist,
publicist and politician. He took part in the republican risingin the Palatinate and Baden,it was chiefly owing to him that a gold currency was adopted and thatthe Reichsbank took form.
* 1824, Peter Cornelius, † 1874 in Mainz, composer, writer aboutmusic, poet and translator. * 1826, Paul Stumpf, † March 15 1912 inMainz, politician and entrepreneur.
* 1835 Paul Haenlein, † 1905 in Mainz, was an engineer and flightpioneer. He flew in a semi-rigid-frame dirigible.
* 1838, in Mainz, Charles Hallgarten, † 1908 in Frankfurt am Main,was a banker and philanthropist.
* 1839, Adolphus Busch, † 1913 was the cofounder of
* 1846, Ferdinand Becker, † 1877, painter of religious subjects.
* 1849, May 29, Lorenz Adlon, † April 7 1921 , established HotelAdlon in Berlin
* 1850, March 4, Ludwig Lindenschmit the younger, † July 1922 in Mainz,
prehistorian and painter
* 1858, July 2, Georg Heinrich Maria Kirstein, † April 15 1921 inMainz, bishop of Mainz 1904-21
* 1861, January 20, Albanus Schachleiter, † June 20 1937 in Feilnbach,Abt
* 1883, Emil Preetorius, † 1973 in Munich, painter and scenicdesigner, 1948 - 1968 president of the Bayerischen Akademie der Schönen Künste
* 1883, Adolf Reinach, German philosopher, phenomenologist (fromthe Munich phenomenology perspective) and law theorist.
* 1871, Oskar Heinroth, Ornithologist
* 1873, Rudolf Rocker, † 1958 in Mohegan/Maine (USA); was an
anarcho-syndicalist writer, historian andprominent activist.
* 1878, Karl Friedrich Zörgiebel, police president in Berlin, SPDpolitician * 1888 Alfred Mumbächer, † 1953 in Mainz, landscape painter.
* 1888, 17 November, Curt Goetz, † 12 September 1960 in Grabs/St.Gallen (Switzerland), Schriftsteller ("Der Lügner und die Nonne", "DasHaus in Montevideo"), playwright, film director
* 1892, 6 January Ludwig Berger originally Ludwig Bamberger, † 1969in Schlangenbad, film director, Shakespeare-Interpreter
* 1899, 27 August, Hans Wilhelmi, † 5 June 1970 in Frankfurt amMain, Bundesminister für wirtschaftlichen Besitz des Bundes(1960-1961)
* 1900, Anna Seghers, † 1983 in Berlin (East), writer ("Dassiebte Kreuz")
* 1901, Walter Hallstein, † 1982 in Stuttgart, politician andprofessor (Hallstein Doctrine)(1950-1951)
* 1904, 30 December, Edith Schultze-Westrum, † 20 March 1981 inMünchen, actress ("Die Brücke", D 1959, "Jederstirbt für sich allein", Hans Fallada 1962)
* 1909, 14 January, Ernst Neger, † 15 January 1989 in Mainz, singer("Heile, heile Gänsje", "Rucki-Zucki")
* 1914, 11 December, Toni Hämmerle, † 8 December 1968in Mainz, Composer, Pianist, Organist ("Humba-Täterä", "Gell du hastmich gelle gern")
* 1914, 25 December, Konrad Georg, † 8 September 1987in Hamburg, actor ("Kommissar Freytag", "Tim Frazer")
* 1916, Ferdy Mayne, † 1998 in London, actor
* 1919, 15 August, Maria Mucke, singer during
Wirtschaftswunder times ("Heut ist ein Feiertag für mich")
* 1920, 11 November, Walter Scherf, Märchen researcher
* 1924, 6 November, Otto Höpfner, 1. landlord of the "BlauerBock", singer, actor, conférencier, author
* 1924, 11 December, Heinz Schenk, actor, singer ("Es ist allesnur geliehen"), Moderator ("Zum blauen Bock"), text writer ("Ole, oleFiesta")
* 1935, 4 October, Horst Janson, actor ("Der Bastian",
* 1938, 25 February, Dieter Reith, composer(TV-melodies),Bandleader
* 1941, 2 January, Johannes Gerster, politician
* 1942, 18 April, Jochen Rindt, Austrian racing driver
* 1947, 31 December, Gerhard Ludwig Müller, bishop of
Regensburg, since 2002
* 1961, 6 December, Manuel Reuter, race car driver.
* 1968, Anja Gockel, fashion designer

Honorary citizens

(47 since 1831)

"Chronological list":
* 1831: Dr. Georg Moller, Regierungsbaumeister (first honorary citizen)
* 1834: Emmanuel von Mensdorff-Pouilly, vice governor of the federal fortress Mainz
* 1835: Albert Thorvaldsen, Danish/Icelandic sculptor, creator of the Gutenbergdenkmal
* 1839: Wilhelm Freiherr von Müffling, gen. Weiß, vice governor of the federal fortress Mainz
* 1839: Prince Wilhelm of Prussia, vice governor of the federal fortress Mainz
* 1856: Reinhard Carl Friedrich von Dalwigk, Hessian territory commissioner in the federal fortress Mainz
* 1864: Franz Xaver von Paumgartten, vice governor of the federal fortress Mainz
* 1864 to 1866 Prinz Prince Charles of Prussia was governor of Mainz.
* 1871: Heinrich Karl Waldemar zu Schleswig-HolsteinSonderburg-Augustenburg, vice governor of the federal fortress Mainz
* 1875: Leopold Hermann von Boyen, governorof the federal fortress Mainz
* 1877: Philipp Veit, romantic painter, director of themunicipal gallery at Mainz
* 1878: Dr. Karl Georg Friedrich Schmitt, Evangelischer Theologe, *
1883: Wilhelm von Woyna, governor of the federal fortress Mainz
* 1886: Freiherr Edmund Gedult von Jungenfeld, Kaufmann,ehrenamtlicher Leiter der Mainzer Sparkasse
* 1891: Jakob Hochgesand, physician, director of the St.Rochus-Hospital
* 1891: Friedrich Küchler, administrative director of theprovince Rheinhessen
* 1898: Dr.jur. Carl Rothe, administrative director of theprovince Rheinhessen, Ministry of Internal Affairs within the GrandDuchy of Hesse
* 1905: Stefan Karl Michel, politician , vice president chamber ofcommerce
* 1905: Hermann Reinach, local politician, deputy mayor of Mainz
* 1907: Dr. Karl Georg Bockenheimer, local politician,historian, writer
* 1908: Max von Gagern, administrative director of the provinceRheinhessen
* 1915: Ferdinand Albert Friedrich Kuhn, Hessian governmentbuilding officer, deputy mayor of Mainz
* 1927: Dr. Heinrich Ludwig Müller, chilfrens physician, localpolitician and deputy mayor of Mainz
* 1931: Dr. Friedrich Karl Külb, physician, lord mayor of Mainz
* 1934: Prof. Dr. Heinrich Joseph Maria Schrohe, teacher and localhistorian
* 1936: Prof. Dr. Ernst Neeb, archivist, historian and promoterof the conservation of ancient monuments
* 1951: Wilhelm Christ, Kommunalpolitiker, Gründer der WohnungsbauGmbH in Mainz
* 1955: Alfred Freitag, local politician , founder of localsocial associations
* 1957: Prof. Dr. Aloys Ruppel, historian, director of themunicipal library, municipal archives and the Gutenberg museum,Gutenberg researcher
* 1962: Carl Zuckmayer, author
* 1962: Prof. Dr. Adam Gottron, priest, theologian and historianregarding sacred music
* 1964: Félix Kir, catholic priest, resistance fighter andpolitician
* 1965: Dr. Peter Altmeier, first prime minister of
Rhineland-Palatinate, co-founder of the Second GermanTelevision
* 1965: Prof. Dr. Hermann Reifenberg, catholic priest
* 1969: rector Karl Preller, rector parent house of the Sistersof Divine Providence in Finthen
* 1969: Heinrich Dreibus, local politician and deputy mayor ofMainz
* 1970: Dr. Ludwig Strecker, director of Schott Music,publisher
* 1972: Prof. Dr. Ing. Fritz Strassmann, chemist who, alongwith Otto Hahn, and Lisa Meitner discovered the nuclear fission ofuranium in 1938
* 1975: Hermann Kardinal Volk, Bishop of Mainz
* 1979: Paul Distelhut, local politician
* 1981: Marc Chagall, painter, created nine stained-glasswindows in St. Stephan Mainz
* 1981: Anna Seghers, originally Netty Rádvany, geb. Reiling,author
* 1983: Prof. Dr. Karl Holzamer, first director general(Intendant) of the ZDF
* 1984: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Erich Schott, Chemist and GlassTechnologist and the inventor of borosilicate glass (SchottGlass).
* 1989: Jockel Fuchs, lord mayor
* 2001: Karl Kardinal Lehmann, Bishop of Mainz
* 2004: Karl Delorme, local politician
* 2005: Msgr. Klaus Mayer, catholic priest at St. Stephan

Other people related specially to Mainz


* Johann Joachim Becher (1635-1682) , was a physician, alchemist, precursor of Chemistry, scholar, economist and adventurer.
* Johann Georg Adam Forster naturalist, ethnologist, travel writer, journalist and revolutionary. Played a leading role in the Republic of Mainz 1793.
*Johann Fischer von Waldheim, was a German anatomist, entomologist and paleontologist.
*Victor Mordechai Goldschmidt (1853-1933), was a German mineralogist, crystallograph, nature philosopher, art collector and sponsor.
*Gustav Killian (1860-1921) was a German laryngologist
* Romano Guardini (* 1885 in Verona, † 1968 in München), was a Roman Catholic priest, author, and academic.
* Fritz Strassmann (* 22 February 1902 in Boppard; † 22 April 1980 in Mainz) was a chemist who, along with Otto Hahn, discovered the nuclear fission of uranium in 1938.
*Otto Laporte, (1902-1971) physicist.
* Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Fresenius (* 17 July 1913 in Berlin; † 31 July 2004 in Wiesbaden) was a chemist and established Institute Fresenius
*Helmut Schoeck (1922-1993) was an Austrian-German sociologist and writer, best known for his work "Envy.
* Paul J. Crutzen, is a Dutch Nobel prize winning atmospheric chemist at the Max-Planck-Institut in Mainz
* Herbert Kühn, prehistorian, art historian, philosopher and religious studies (* 29 April 1895 Beelitz; 25 June 1980 Mainz), 1946 first ordained Professor for Pre-and Early history at the relaunched Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, until 1956.
* Ludwig Lindenschmit the Elder (* 4 September 1809 in Mainz; † 14 February 1893 in Mainz) was an important prehistorian, a pioneer of prehistorian research during the 19. century, history painting, Lithography.
* Ludwig Lindenschmit the Younger (* 4 March 1850 in Mainz; † 20 July 1922 in Mainz), prehistorian, museum director and paintor, son of the above
* Heinrich Steitz (* 1907 in Fürfeld; † 1998 in Mainz), Professor for History of Christianity


* Nero Claudius Drusus, Consul of the Roman Empire („Drusus-Cenotaph“ in the Zitadelle)
*Didius Julianus, Roman Emperor, commanded the Legio XXII Primigenia in Mogontiacum
* Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander, Roman emperor (222-235) of the Severan dynasty.
* Ulpius Cornelius Laelianus was a usurper against Postumus, the emperor of the Gallic Empire. He declared himself emperor at Mainz in February/March 268.
* Anton Heinrich Friedrich von Stadion, Grand Steward at the electoral court, advocate of the Enlightenment
* Jean Bon Saint-André, was a French politician of the Revolution era, became "préfet" of the "départment" of Mont-Tonnerre (1801) and commissary-general of the three "départments" on the left bank of the Rhine.
* Bernhard Adelung, politician
*Ludwig Schwamb (1890-1945) was a social-democratic jurist and politician who fought against the Nazi dictatorship in Germany as a member of the Kreisau Circle.
* Raymond Schmittlein, was a French general and politician, re-established the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
* Johannes Gerster, politician
* Helmut Kohl, politician
* view: List of mayors of Mainz

Architecture, art and culture

* Hans Backoffen, (* Sulzbach um 1470, † Mainz 1519), kurfürstlicher Steinmetz und Bildhauer
* Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Jurist, Mathematiker und Philosoph. Von 1667 - 1674 in Diensten Johann Philipps von Schönborn
* Maximilian von Welsch (* Kronach 1671, † 1745 in Mainz), electoral director of building, architect, military engineer, famed for his skill in both designing fortifications as well as civil architecture (Lustschloss Favorite Mainz, New Armory Mainz)
* Ludwig Lindenschmit the Younger (1850-1922), important prehistorian
* Christian Heinrich Kleukens (1880-1954), printer and writer
* Emy Roeder (* 1890 in Würzburg, † 1971 in Mainz), sculpturer, sine 1950 teacher at the Mainzer Kunstgewerbeschule
* Herbert Kühn (* 29 April 1895 in Beelitz - 25 Juni 1980 Mainz, prehistorian, philosoph, Religious studies, history of arts studies
* Gertrude Degenhardt (* 1 Oktober 1940 in New York, (NY)), Lithography and graphic artist


* Marianus Scotus (* 1028, † 1082) , war ein irischer Chronist.
* Kathinka Zitz (1801-1877), was a German writer and political activist.
*Siegmund Salfeld (1843-1926) was a German rabbi and writer.
*Gerd Buchdahl (1914-2001), was a German-Jewish philosopher of science.
* Harald Martenstein,author, columnist at Die Zeit (* 9 September 1953 in Mainz)
* Hanns-Josef Ortheil, Mainz town chronist
* Friedrich Kellner (* 1885, † 1970), author of My Opposition.


* Katrin Schultheis, vice world champion 2004, 2005, 2006 artistic cycling
* Sandra Sprinkmeier, vice world champion 2004, 2005, 2006 artistic cycling
* Jürgen Klopp, soccer trainer
* Martin Steffes-Mies, Mainzer Ruder-Verein, fourfold rowing world champion octuple (8x) (1989, 1990, 1991, 1993)
* Jochen Rindt, racing driver, posthumously won the Formula One World Drivers' Championship (in 1970)


*Salomon Oppenheim, Jr., (1772-1828) was a Jewish German banker. He is the founder of the private bank Sal Oppenheim.
*Lorenz Adlon created the most luxurious hotel of his time, the Hotel Adlon
* Dr. Hans Friderichs, Bundesminister a. D.
* Beatrice Weder di Mauro, Johannes-Gutenberg-University of Mainz, Chair of International Macroeconomics Wirtschaftsweise


* "refer to" Bishop of Mainz
* Archbishopric of Mainz
*Yaakov ben Yakar (990 - 1064) was a Talmudist, pupil of Gershom ben Judah, and is especially known as the teacher of Rashi
*Yehuda ben Meir (also known as Yehuda ha-Kohen or Judah of Mainz was a German-Jewish rabbi, Talmudic scholar and traveler of the late tenth and early eleventh century
*Karl von Miltitz (1490–1529) was a papal "nuncio" and a Mainz Cathedral canon.
*Johann Michael Raich, was a Catholic theologian.
*Adam Franz Lennig (1803-1866), ultramontanist, established in March 1848 the Piusverein and organized the first Katholikentag

Music, canto

* Heinrich von Meißen, called Frauenlob, , was a Middle High German poet and Minnesinger. Since 1312 up to his death 1318 at Peter von Aspelts court in Mainz.
*Gottfried Weber (1799-1839) was a prominent writer on music, especially music theory.
* Peter Cornelius, composer, writer about music, poet and translator.
* Gerhard Fischer-Münster, composer
* Gundula Krause, Folk violinist
* Nanette Scriba, chanson singer
* Jutta Weinhold, rock singer
* Tonka, House music disc jockey and record producer
* Josef Traxel (1916-1975), singer
* Aziza Mustafa Zadeh, Azerbaijani singer, pianist and composer

Cabaret, comedian, carnivalist

* Hanns Dieter Hüsch, cabaret artist
* Herbert Bonewitz, carnival, cabaret artist
* Rolf Braun, carnival


*Louis Baraguey d'Hilliers
*Franz von Weyrother


* Marx Rumpolt, electoral cook, created 1581 the first ever textbook "New Kochbuch" (New cookbook) for professionell cooks in education.
* Johannes Wilhelm Bückler, called Schinderhannes (*Miehlen im Taunus 1783, † Mainz 1803 (persecuted)), legendary German outlaw
* Hans Wagner (* Wittenberg 1852, † Frankfurt am Main 1940), Philatelist
* Paul Baron von Collas (* Bromberg 1841; † Kassel 1910), military governor of Mainz (1898-1903)

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