- Andreas Gruber
Andreas Gruber (born
1954-11-02 ) is an Austrianscreenwriter and director of both television and film.From 1974 to 1982 he studied screenwriting and directing at the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in
Vienna .In 1979 he was directing assistant to
Axel Corti .In 2000 he won the
Golden Romy for best directing.Filmography
* 1983 "Drinnen & draußen". TV-Film. Screenplay and directing.
* 1989 "Schalom, General". TV-Film. Screenplay and directing.
* 1991 "Erste Wahrnehmung". TV-Film. Screenplay and directing.
* 1994 "Hasenjagd – Vor lauter Feigheit gibt es kein Erbarmen ". Screenplay and directing.
* 2004 "Welcome Home". Film. Screenplay and directing.couting
He was 20 years a member of the
Scout group inWels . He also was aScout Leader . He said that his time in Scouting was a very important time for him. [ Citation
title = Süßes zum Pfadfinder-Jubiläum
newspaper = Oberösterreichische Nachrichten
date =2007-08-02
year = 2007
url = http://www.nachrichten.at/regional/577374?PHPSESSID=e660c3fc2bd5ec50d3198cda22fa8771
accessdate =2007-12-24
language = German ] [ Citation
title = "Es war eine total wichtige Zeit"
newspaper = Oberösterreichische Nachrichten
date =2007-03-03
language = German
year = 2007
url = http://www.nachrichten.at/magazin/wochenende/524238?PHPSESSID=c
accessdate =2007-12-20 ] portal|Scouting|Scout logo2.svgReferences
This article was originally a translation of [http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Andreas_Gruber&oldid=24854644 this version] of in the German-language Wikipedia.
External links
* [http://cineuropa.org/ffocusinterview.aspx?lang=en&treeID=1176&documentID=61567 Interview with Andreas Gruber by Bénédicte Prot]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.