St. Catharines Rowing Club

St. Catharines Rowing Club

The St. Catharines Rowing Club is a non-profit organization located in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.

It has a long history of rowing excellence and community service dating back over more than a century.

Founded in 1903 Port Dalhousie, Ontario (now part of St. Catharines) the fifth [ SCRC] clubhouse is now located on Henley Island in the Martindale Pond.

Club singlets consist of alternating cerise and blue (club colours) horizontal stripes.

Community Service

The [ SCRC] shares facilities with the Brock University Rowing Club, Ridley Graduate Rowing Club, Rowing Alumni, Henley Island Helpers, the Canadian Henley Rowing Corporation (CHRC), local high schools, dragon boats and the people of the niagara region.

The [ SCRC] has been host to two World Rowing Championships in 1970 and 1999 and Annually hosts two national championships: the Royal Canadian Henley Regatta and the Canadian Secondary School Rowing Association (CSSRA) Championships.

Several other regattas associated with the [ SCRC] are the Early Bird and Mother's Day (both High School) Regattas and the [ SCRC] Invitational (which in 2007 included the CanAmMex Junior competitors) club regatta. Central Ontario Rowing Association (CORA) Regattas are also hosted by the [ SCRC] as well as a myriad of Youth and Recreational Rowing League Regattas.

[ SCRC] members are also instrumental in other Regattas hosted by Brock University (Invitational and University Championships), Ridley (Sprints, Head of the Martindale, Round the Island) and the Niagara Dragon Boat Club.

2008 Board of Directors


Doug Kerr (President), Brian Fisher (VP, Finance), Tim Dumont (VP, Rowing), Louise Hastings (VP, Special Projects), Vicky England (Secretary)


Jane Jarvis (Special Events), Janet Lancaster (Youth Rowing School), Carl MacCulloch, Elaine Manocha, Ross Moorhouse, Kim Muir, Don Rickers, Jennifer Stephenson, Brian Thorne (Membership), [mailto:// James Walker (Digital Asset Mngt)]

James Walker (Digital Asset Mngt), Ken Wakulich, Iain Wilson (Workshop)


Larry Masse (Treasurer), Don Markarian (Past President), Mark Welsh (Head Coach/Manager)


The [ SCRC] has extensive programming available for the Niagara Region...including Competitive, Masters, Recreational and Youth Rowing.

Junior B (under 17) Competitive (Summer/Fall)

* [ Membership Registration] This program (summer and fall) is for males and females that turn 15 or 16 during the current year. For safety reasons it is expected that every member will have already rowed one season with their high school. The junior B's are a highly competitive and successful group with intentions of winning gold at Henley every year. Some athletes that train in the program have realistic goals of representing Canada in the future.

Junior A (under 19) Competitive (Summer/Fall)

* [ Membership Registration] This program (summer and fall) is for males and females turning 17 or 18 during the current year. The Junior A's are a highly competitive and successful group with intentions of winning gold at Henley every year. Some athletes that train in the program have realistic goals of representing Canada in the future.

enior B (under 23) Competitive (Summer/Fall)

* [ Membership Registration] This program (summer and fall) is for males and females under 23 in the current year. The senior b's are a highly competitive and successful group with intentions of winning gold at Henley every year. Some athletes that train in the program have realistic goals of representing Canada in the future.

enior (over 23) Competitive (Summer/Fall)

* [ Membership Registration] This program (summer and fall) is for males and females of any age unless they are considering the masters program. The senior's are a highly competitive and successful group with intentions of winning gold at Henley every year. Some athtlete that train in the program have realistic goals of representing Canada in the future.

Masters (over 27) Competitive (Spring/Summer/Fall)

* [ Membership Registration] This program (spring, summer, fall) is for men and women that turn 27 or older during the current year. The competitive masters age categories are: A27 to 35 B - 36 to 42 C - 43 to 49 D - 50 to 54 E - 55 to 59 F60 to 64 G65 to 69 H70 & over The majority of masters have their own singles so that training and competition can be done on their own time and pace. Limited club equipment is allocated to masters of the rowing club due to the higher numbers of junior and senior competitive athletes.

High School Rowing (Spring)

* [ High School Rowing] Spring Competitive Rowing in St. Catharines is considered the high school season. Local secondary schools in the Niagara Region work in partnership with the SCRC to prepare local students for competition in the CSSRA Championships held at year end.

Many of the athletes competing at this level continue rowing with the SCRC in the summer and fall competitive season.

Recreational Rowing League (Summer/Fall)

* [ Recreational Rowing League] If you have never rowed or never rowed in the SCRC Recreational League, you can take comfort in knowing that this is aLearn to Row” (not to be confused with the club Learn to Row) program. No experience is necessary. The League offers a little exercise, lots of entertainment and great relaxation on the Henley Course. Members are out for fun! Competition is secondary. You can sign up individually or with a few friends. We will try to accommodate you by putting you with a team of your request. Our coaches are organized by the League and expect to be teaching novice rowers - so do not be intimidated.

The League rows in two sessions, with members having the ability to participate in both or either. The first session runs from early June to late July, the second covers early August to late September.

Friends may sign up as a group and then the group will be placed with others to fill the team. Individuals are welcome to sign up and will be assigned to teams. Races and practices require a minimum of 9 members.

Members must be over 21.

Youth Rowing School (2 sessions)

* [ Youth Rowing School] A program (using an 8 seat racing shell with a coxswain - accompanied by a safety boat) designed to teach boys and girls ages 10-15 the basics of rowing. Included in the program will be conditioning techniques, along with on the water instruction in a racing shell.

The first week of the program is dedicated to familiarization with equipment and safety. On-water instruction begins week 2. The students will average four days per week of on-water instruction, weather permitting. When they are not on the water the students will take part in various on-land activities. Included will be active and quiet games as well as a structured fitness program.

This program is eligible for the Children's Fitness Tax Credit.


1 Name

The name of the Club shall be The St. Catharines Rowing Club.

2 Objectives

The objectives of the Club shall be to promote, encourage and sponsor the sport of amateur rowing as per the Corporation Charter.

3 Club Colours

* The Club colours shall be cerise and royal blue.
* No person other than a bona fide member, Past President, Life Patron, or Elected Director of The St. Catharines Rowing Club shall be given the permission of the Club to represent themselves as or hold themselves out as a member, Past President, Life Patron, or Elected Director of the Club by carrying or wearing the Club colours.

4 Membership

* Applications to belong to the Club must be made on the form prescribed by the Directors and must be approved by the Directors.
* Applications to belong to the Club may be submitted at any time, must be delivered to the designated Chairman and must be accompanied by the full amount of dues established from time to time for the various classifications of Club positions.
* Once an application to belong to the Club has been approved by the Directorate, such association shall, if desired, be continuous except as provided in Article 7, entitledTermination of Membership”.

Categories of Membership

Life Patron
* A Life Patron is a person who, by having rendered long and valuable service to the Club and the sport of rowing, is entitled to such distinction.
* A Life Patron shall be exempt from any payment of fees.
* A Life Patron shall have all the privileges of voting at the Annual General Meeting.
* A Life Patron shall be appointed by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors and approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present at any General Meeting of the Club.

Honorary Director
* An Honorary Director is a person who, by having rendered valuable service to the Club, is entitled to such distinction.
* An Honorary Director shall be exempt from any payment of fees.
* Duration of an Honorary Directorship may be limited.
* An Honorary Director shall be appointed by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.

Elected Director
* Any person desirous of upholding the objectives of the Club is eligible to be elected to the Board of Directors.
* Such persons shall, upon payment of annual dues, be entitled to all non-rowing privileges of the Club.
* Such persons shall be entitled to vote at any Board of DirectorsMeeting and General Meeting of the Club.

Oordinary Member
* All persons desirous of upholding the objectives of the Club are eligible for Ordinary Membership. Such persons shall, upon payment of annual dues, be entitled to all non-rowing privileges of the Club.
* Such persons shall be entitled to vote at any General Meeting of the Club.

Club Rowing Member
* All persons who are amateur oarspersons (rowers)as defined by the rules of racing of the C.A.R.A. shall be privileged to compete as a rowing member of the Club.
* A rower shall be entitled to take part in organized training and competition.
* A rower shall be provided with a Club rowing singlet which shall be worn in competition.
* A rowers membership may include registration costs with C.A.R.A. and the O.R.A.
* A rowing member shall have voting privileges at the Annual General Meeting.

* Any person, group or corporate body desirous of supporting the objectives of the Club is eligible to be named a Club sponsor upon payment of annual donation.
* A sponsor shall enjoy such privileges as are determined from time to time by the Directorate. Booster
* Any individual interested in supporting the Club and participating in social functions is eligible to become a booster upon payment of annual donation.

Selection of Dues
* Annual dues for Club positions shall be established by the Club at the Annual General Meeting.
* Annual dues shall become payable on the first day of January in each year.

5 Management

* The entire management of the affairs of the Club shall be vested in a Board of Directors.
* The Board of Directors will have full power to take whatever steps they may deem advisable in its interests, and to repeal, pass or amend such rules or regulations as from time to time they think necessary, providing that doing so they do not infringe upon the Constitution and By-Laws.
* The Board of Directors shall consist of Seventeen (17) members elected annually by the membership and Past Presidents of the Club.
* All rules or regulations passed or amended by the Directors shall be posted on the Club bulletin board.
* The Directors enforce the observance of the Constitution, By-Laws, rules and regulations and shall have control of all Club funds with power to invest any part of them in such securities as they deem advisable.
* The Directors shall be responsible to the Club for their actions. The entire Board of Directors, or any Director or Directors, shall be liable to expulsion from the Club by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of a meeting of the Club, called to consider such action, and of which all Directors and members have been given twenty-one (21) days notice and full particulars as to the given action proposed to be taken.
* No person other than a member in good standing shall be eligible to be a Director.
* Provided notice has been given to all Directors, a quorum for a meeting of Directors shall be ten (10) Directors.
* The Board of Directors shall establish committees as from time to time are deemed necessary for the welfare of the Club.

6 Executive

The Executive of the Club shall be:
* An Immediate Past President, President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Captain, Secretary and Treasurer.
* The Immediate Past President shall be appointed by virtue of his position.
* The President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President and Secretary shall be elected annually by and from within the Board of Directors.
* The Captain and Treasurer shall be appointed by the Directors. If the Captain and/or the Treasurer appointed by the Directors are not themselves Directors, they shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Directors with full power to vote on all matters.


* It shall be the duty of the president at all meetings of the Club and the Directorate, to generally supervise and direct the business and activities of the Club and to oversee the successful development of the Club.

First Vice-President
* It shall be the duty of the First Vice-President to perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President and to oversee all financial interests of the Club.

Second Vice-President
* It shall be the duty of the Second Vice-President to oversee all rowing interests of the Club.

Third Vice-President
* It shall be the duty of the Third Vice-President to oversee all special projects the Club endeavors to undertake.

* It shall be the duty of the Captain to be responsible for the general supervision of all rowing interests in the Club.
* The Captain shall, subject to the approval of the Directors, control and manage all Club rowing events.
* The Captain shall, after consultation with the coaches, select and place all crews to represent the Club.
* The Captain shall be responsible for the continued proper maintenance and repair of all rowing equipment.
* The Captain shall be responsible for all allocation of all Club equipment to coaches and crews.
* The Captain shall be responsible for the conduct of the members while in, on or about Club premises, with full authority to take disciplinary action as may be required, pending confirmation by the Board of Directors.

* It shall be the duty of the Secretary, on instruction from the President or from the Board, to call meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors
* Conduct all correspondence; post all notices, By-Laws, rules and regulations; to record all rowing matters of interests to the Club
* To keep minutes of all meetings of the Club and of the Directorate; and generally advance the welfare of the Club.
* The Secretary shall also keep and be responsible for all the books and records of the Club, except those of the Treasurer.
* The Secretary shall notify all candidates for association with the Club of their election and shall notify individuals desiring to withdraw, of the action taken on their resignation.

* It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and account for all monies belonging to the Club, and to disburse the same under the instruction of the Directorate
* To prepare an annual statement; and cause it to be printed and distributed at the Annual General Meeting of the fiscal year

7 Termination of Membership

Membership may be terminated for one or more of the following reasons:

Conduct Unbecoming a Member
* Under such circumstances, the Directorate, at their sole discretion, shall suspend any such member.
* Any member suspended by action of the Directorate may protest their suspension by notifying the Secretary in writing of their intention in this regard.
* The Secretary shall, upon receipt of such notice, call a General Meeting of the Club to deal with the suspension.
* A vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the meeting shall be required to confirm the action of the Directors to expel any member.

* Any member and/or Elected Director desiring to resign may do so by submitting his or her intention to the Secretary in writing, before the first day of June.
* Such resignation shall be brought to the attention of the Directorate by the Secretary, who shall notify the member of the Directorsaction in that regard.
* In the absence of a resignation prior to June 1, all members may be liable for the full annual membership dues as established by the Board of Directors.

Failure to Pay Dues
* Any member and/or Elected Director failing to pay his or her dues in full by July 1st, shall be denied all privileges of the Club effective from that date.
* Such members and/or Elected Directors shall be notified in writing of this Article of the Constitution and, in the absence of such person making payment within two weeks of such notice, the Board of Directors may expel the individual

8 Club Property

9 Meetings

* A General Meeting of the Club shall be held annually in the City of St. Catharines, in the third (3rd) week of January of each year, at which time reports shall be submitted and Directors shall be elected by ballot.
* Twenty-five (25) members and/or Elected Directors, Past Presidents, Life Patrons in good standing must be attendance to constitute a quorum for the Annual Meeting.
* Only members and or Elected Directors, Past Presidents, Life Patrons in good standing shall be eligible to cast a ballot. Order of Business at the Annual General Meeting
*Presidents Address
*Minutes of Last Annual Meeting
*Presidents Report
*Vice-PresidentsReports (First, Second, and Third)
*Secretarys Report
*Treasurers Report
*Captains Report
*Amendment of Constitution
*Nominations and Elections of Board of Directors
*General (New) Business
* Adjournment

Special General Meeting
* The Board of Directors may, whenever they believe fitting, or upon written request signed by twenty-five (25) or more members, Past Presidents, Elected Directors, or Life Patrons, convene a Special General Meeting.
* The written request to hold a special General Meeting shall express the subject of the proposed meeting and shall be delivered to the President or the Secretary of the Club.
* Upon receipt of the written request for a Special General Meeting, the Executive shall forthwith convene a General Meeting and if the same is not convened within thirty-one (31) days of receipt of the written request, the requisitioners, or any other twenty-five (25) members and/or Past Presidents, Life Patrons and Elected Directors may themselves convene a General Meeting.

10 Finance

The Fiscal Year of the Club Shall be January 1 to December 31st of Each Year

* The Executive shall appoint a Chartered Bank or Trust Company to be bankers for the accounts of the Club.
* Cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President or Vice-President.
* A financial statement of the accounts of the Club, including the annual balance sheet and related statement of receipts and disbursements, shall, prior to the Annual General Meeting to which they are to be submitted, be prepared by an accountant who shall be appointed by the Executive.
* An audited statement shall be prepared, if deemed necessary, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors.
* The Board of Directors shall not commit the Club to any financial obligation which is in excess of its ability to meet, as such an obligation comes due.

11 Amendments to the Constitution

* Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Club may be made by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote at any General Meeting of the Club, providing that notice of the proposed amendment be given in writing to the Secretary at least twenty-one (21) days previous to the meeting.
* The secretary shall immediately publish the notice of amendment on the Club Bulletin Board, and notify all members, Past Presidents, Life Patrons and Elected Directors in writing.

Ken Campbell (President) January 19, 1994; John Mirynech (Secretary) January 19,1994

External links

* [ St. Catharines Rowing Club]
* [ Recreational Rowing League]
* [ Youth Rowing School]
* [ High School Rowing]
* [ Membership Registration]

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